Birthday Giveaway Day 4

Posted April 28, 2012 by Holly in Giveaways, Miscellaneous | 54 Comments

We are nearing the end of our birthday celebration. Only a couple days left.

Today we have for you:

A signed copy of The Truth About Lord Stoneville by Sabrina Jeffries
A signed copy of Red-Headed Stepchild by Jaye Wells
A signed copy of Notorious Pleasures by Elizabeth Hoyt
A bag of swag to carry your new books in

For a chance to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what you want for your birthday/anniversary this year (or, if the date has passed, what your favorite gift was).

Contest ends April 30, 2012 @ 11:59pm. Please note: You must include a valid email address with your comment to be eligible.

Be sure to check back tomorrow and the rest of the week, as we’ll be doing more giveaways. We’re also gearing up to do a big Spring Fling giveaway throughout the month of May!

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54 responses to “Birthday Giveaway Day 4

  1. StacieD

    I would love to have a quiet dinner with a great dessert. I don’t need lots of frills.

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  2. Ren

    Would love to spend it together with my boyfriend. We have long distant relationship, and since we both working, its so hard to meet each other.

    sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

  3. I would love some of the things I’ve been looking at on like the Bite Me bookmark. There are lots of books on my list too.

    Congratulations on the milestone!

    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  4. Happy Blogoversary/Birthday! Thanks for the fabulous and generous giveaway(s) 🙂

    My b-day isn’t til June and I’m hoping for… really nothing. I pretty much have everything I want. I just hope I can get together w/ some friends and have an enjoyable time 😉

  5. SharonD

    I would love to have a romantic getaway for my hubby and me. Doesn’t matter where.. just somewhere peaceful and nice. We’ve been living with the in-laws for a while now till we get a new place, and don’t get me wrong I love them and I’m thankful for them , but it would be nice to be just the 2 of us for a bit.

  6. As a single parent, I would love one night in a hotel with room service. I would have no responsibilities and no talking on the phone. It has been my request for several years now but I have not recieved it yet. I think it probably is more of a dream. Otherwise a kindle would be nice.

  7. Well… my birthday was last December and my Mom and Dad bought me a Kindle Touch. It was awesome.

    This year I’m hoping for a new pair of earrings 🙂 and they usually buy me about 50 bucks worth of books 😀


  8. My birthday and anniversary are on the same day, so a good meal with my honey, with a big hot fudge sundae for dessert.

    I’d love a trip to Maui but that’s not happening this year. But one can dream 🙂


  9. Dee

    Books, of course. Well, actually, a personal trainer to help me get my flabby rear into shape again.

    inddee @

  10. Phyllis

    I want a Kindle Fire. No, I’d rather not go with amazon, so whichever Nook has full touch screen and Wi-Fi and apps and all that. I want every book in the world. Or rather, a list of the very best books that are exactly what I want to read.

    But I’d settle for some smart, smart-a$$ t-shirts.

  11. Well…what I really want is a Kindle. I have a Nook and love to read from it, but I have several Kindle books too.

    I have the app on my computer, but I can’t sit and read at my desktop.

    So, a kindle of some sort would be great, but I know my DH won’t even think about it. It was my son that got me the Nook.

    Anyway….Good luck everyone!


  12. gamistress66

    this past b-day, my adult niece (who was staying with me while looking for a new full-time job after graduating) fixed me a really nice home cooked meal — lasagna (meat & veggie versions) including side salad, garlic bread & brownies. It was delicious & something I never cook just for myself but do enjoy. It was a very enjoyable sit down dinner with relaxed fun company & good food. Made for a pretty special day.

  13. Isabel V

    What would be really great is to stay 1 night and getaway with my hubby. No kids or pets. It’s hard getting “alone” time. I heard Bed and Breakfast are so cozy and fun…sigh! lol!! Maybe one day. 😀

  14. My car really needs to go to the mechanic for a checkup – that’s what I’m going to ask for my birthday.

    ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. salvador

    I received a Kindle fire for my birthday. The kindle is my constant companion now- even my kids love it for the apps and for watching movies.

  16. well, since my bday is 12-23 if I get a present it’s usually 1 big one, but there is no one that can affored to buy me much now. But I’d love an IPad or Kindle Fire.
    I’d also love floor seats to the Bucks game, they’re only $400 ea. 😉


    dlsmilad (at) yahoo (dot) com

  17. I’m hoping for e-bookstore GC’s from my children this year and, if I can persuade him, a new Kindle from hubby would be nice 😀

  18. Luci

    Anniversary passed. We went out to eat. I biught him a wine bag for his wine glasses. He said the meal was my gift :). Its fine with me as long as we are doing well.

    Birthday is still coming up but this week I am going away with my mum so that’s present enough too. I just need to relax and this is the perfect opportunity.

    I’d like a day where there was no cooking, cleaning, laundry, or shuttling kids around, where I could sit and relax and read all day.


  20. Na

    I would want more books even though my TBR is growing at a scary rate. Maybe a tablet would be more handy. I can carry tons of ebooks in there and check out book blogs at the same time.


  21. My birthday is tomorrow (the 30th) 🙂 and I already got it. Yay!! My hubs got me a Toshiba Thrive tablet. Happy Birthday to me AND the blog! LOL


  22. I would love to have all my family together. 5 children with families of their own and hard to get all of us together. Just being together with all of them would be fantastic!!

    pnc07 (at) aol (dot) com

  23. I would love to have all my family together. 5 children with families of their own and hard to get all of us together. Just being together with all of them would be fantastic!!

    pnc07 (at) aol (dot) com

  24. Penney Wilfort

    Happy birthday Holly! For mine I’d love more books my husband always gives me a Amazon card every year.

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