Main Characters: Kaylee Kavanaugh, Nash Hudson
Series: Soul Screamers Series, Book 1
She doesn’t see dead people, but…
She senses when someone near her is about to die. And when that happens, a force beyond her control compels her to scream bloody murder. Literally.
Kaylee just wants to enjoy having caught the attention of the hottest guy in school. But a normal date is hard to come by when Nash seems to know more about her need to scream than she does. And when classmates start dropping dead for no apparent reason, only Kaylee knows who’ll be next…
I’ve had this book for a while now but because I’m not much of a paranormal reader (I have to be in the mood to read these and then I glom a bunch of paranormal titles and then go back to ignoring paranormals. I’m strange like that.) but to say that I enjoyed this book is putting it mildly.
I adored this book.
From the moment I started this book to the moment that it ended, I kept thinking, “Holy crap, this book is good!” It just kept me at the edge of my seat, wanting more. This is the first book by Rachel Vincent that I’ve read and it’s not going to be the last. I’ve already bought the second book in this series and am gearing to read it (my review pile is too high for me to start it now that I’m anxious to hurry up and start it). I cannot wait for the third book to come out and I haven’t even read the second book. That’s how I know that I’m excited for a new series.
I loved this story. With all of the paranormal worlds out there, it’s got to be extremely hard to build a paranormal world that is original but I was mighty impressed with how refreshing Vincent’s Soul Screamer’s world is. I fell right into this story with both Nash and Kaylee. I adored the both of them.
Kaylee was a fantastic main female lead. She dealt with the issues life threw at her with a calmness that I envied. She starts getting these bad feelings and the violent urge to scream when she knows that someone is going to die and her family thinks she’s looney. Little does she know that she’s not crazy but she’s also not human. She’s a bean sidhe, pronounced banshee and she senses when someone near her is about to die and then she cries for their soul.
She’s got a new boyfriend who just so happens to be the hottest boy at school. Nash (love that name) understands her more than she understands herself and she finds out just why that is when she starts getting close to him. He reveals a whole world that she didn’t know about but is a part of and her life changes.
It was great fun to tag along with Nash and Kaylee as Kaylee learns about who she really is and what she can do. I adored Kaylee. I usually get annoyed with the main female lead because they do the dumbest things but that wasn’t the case with Kaylee. If she did something that could be considered dumb, she had a good reason for doing it and I was A-okay with it. She shows the potential of growing into a powerful woman as she gets older and I can’t wait to get to know more about her.
Nash too. Nash was a wonderful character who made all of my lady parts beep and if he was older, I would so want to have adult relations with him. LOL. In all seriousness, Nash was a great hero and I’m anxious to know about him as well. I adored everything about him and am curious to know more about him and Tod.
Man, when the crap hits the wall, it really hit the wall. There were so many times during the final climax of the book where my jaw fell open and almost hit the floor. I was so invested in this book that because I was so excited about reading more, a lot of things slipped past my radar so when the baddies are being outed, I was surprised. I thought Vincent did one helluva job writing this story and I couldn’t be more excited to read more than I am right now.
While I was reading this book, the song that kept popping up in my head is Savin’ Me by Nickelback. This could totally be Kaylee and Nash’ song. I love it!
If you haven’t read this book yet, you totally should. Moms, this book is kid friendly and I would say confidently that this book is kid appropriate for the 14 and up crowd.
Final Grade: A
Reading Order:
Book cover and blurb credit:
i’m contemplating on reading this series but i wasn’t sure. great review wena! this one will be going to my wish list for sure!
I wasn’t going to start this series at all but I’m so glad that I did. I love me some Nash!