I am still binging Abigail Owen. I’m currently reading The Traitor (Fire’s Edge #5) which is the final book in the series. After that I’m either going to read Garrett’s Destiny by Rebecca Zanetti or Archangel’s Resurrection by Nalini Singh.
I’ve hit a wall. I re-read White Hot and Wildfire by Ilona Andrews and Repeat by Kylie Scott this week, but nothing new that I started worked for me.
I have no idea what I’m in the mood for. I may want to read a SciFi romance. Any recommendations?
I’ve read two books I’ve been anticipating for ages and yet somehow failed to see they’d both been released the last week of August: JUST A BIT HEARTLESS, the 13th (!) book in Alessandra Hazard’s Straight Guys series. This is an m/m romance with one MC in a fake relationship, falling for someone else and unable to tell him he’s not really in a relationship. The other book is Taylor Fitzpatrick’s AND THEN, the follow-up to COMING IN FIRST PLACE. This continues the story of an m/m couple, both professional hockey players, one of whom is clearly on the autism spectrum. It’s good but the couple spends much of the book apart. It’s more a heartbreak book than a romance.
Over the past week ~
— the science fiction romance Eclipse the Moon by Jessie Mihalik which I enjoyed. You should definitely start with the first book in the series to best understand this story.
— for my distant book group, I read The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich; this was an intriguing book with a touch of magical realism that is set mostly on a Native American reservation in the 1950s.
— The Call: A Psychic Paranormal Romantic Comedy (Building the Circle Book 1) by Maggie M Lily. I found the book confusing in parts particularly the psychic element which I’d imagined would concern the hero or heroine but did not. That said, I do think I will go on to book two which features one of the brothers of this book’s hero.
Holly, some of the science fiction romances I’ve enjoyed:
Lyn Gala’s Claimings series
Quite a few books by Jayne Castle/Jayne Ann Krentz
The … in Death series by J.D. Robb
Michelle Diener’s Class 5 series
And the Touchstone series by Andrea Höst. Stray, the first book, is free on most platforms.