One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #3) by Ilona Andrews
Series: Innkeeper Chronicles #3
Also in this series: Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #1), Clean Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #1), Sweep in Peace (Innkeeper Chronicles, #2), Clean Sweep, Sweep of the Blade , Sweep with Me
Publication Date: December 21st 2016
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Pages: 332
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Gertrude Hunt, the nicest Bed and Breakfast in Red Deer, Texas, is glad to have you. We cater to particular kind of guests, the ones most people don’t know about. The older lady sipping her Mello Yello is called Caldenia, although she prefers Your Grace. She has a sizable bounty on her head, so if you hear kinetic or laser fire, try not to stand close to the target. Our chef is a Quillonian. The claws are a little unsettling, but he is a consummate professional and truly is the best chef in the Galaxy. If you see a dark shadow in the orchard late at night, don’t worry. Someone is patrolling the grounds. Do beware of our dog.
Your safety and comfort is our first priority. The inn and your host, Dina Demille, will defend you at all costs. We ask only that you mind other guests and conduct yourself in a polite manner.
After finishing Sweep in Peace, I couldn’t start this book fast enough. Going into Sweep in Peace, I was a bit bummed that one of my favorite characters from Clean Sweep wasn’t in there all that much because he was out trying to find himself…but then he came back and all was right in my Innkeeper Chronicles world.
Sean is back and he’s trying to figure out how to live a normal life again. He’s not the same Sean that we know and love from Clean Sweep. He’s seen some things and has done some things that changes a person and not necessarily for the better. He’s a battle-tested soldier and seeing him try to figure things out with the darkness that haunts him and talk things out with Dina just melted my heart. I really love Dina and Sean’s relationship. It was pretty magical. They were my very favorite part of this entire series. I loved how honest they were with each other, and how sure they were of each other. It was a thing of beauty, their love for each other.
The story as a whole was another great adventure that I really enjoyed from beginning to end. My heart went out to the Hiru’s and their plight with the Draziri’s. I loved how seriously Dina took her job and I really enjoyed seeing her empathy toward all of her guests. Nothing is ever easy at Gertrude Hunt but seeing Dina put one foot forward each and every single day, with her loved ones and guests in mind made me admire the hell out of her. There wasn’t a job too big or too small for our Dina. She did whatever it took to ensure that those under her care were safe and protected, even if that meant her and Sean were on the outs because of it.
The world that Ilona Andrews created for these characters was so colorful and I felt like I was there in every scene. I love when an author can take the reader on an adventure and put them right smack in the middle of all of the action. One Fell Sweep is everything you’ll want in an adventurous story. The characters are real and compelling, the story will sweep you up and take you out of reality for a little bit and there’s even a romance that will warm your heart. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and cannot wait to read more from this author. I have a feeling that we haven’t seen the last of these characters and I’m so here for more Arland and Maud. I want more Arland, Maud, and Helen. I can’t wait for more Maud, Arland, and Helen. 🙂
If you’re in the mood for something different then look no further than the Innkeepers Chronicles series by Ilona Andrews. Each book is well written and fun and I have every confidence that you’ll fall in love with all of the characters the same way that I did. They’re a lot of fun and you seriously want to meet Sean Evans. He’s all that and a bag of chips. Dina is the bomb too. Don’t miss out. This book finishes up Sean and Dina’s story but leaves some things open for Maud and Arland to figure out and really, this book just flat out rocked so go forth and read the good stuff. I promise you won’t regret it.
Innkeeper Chronicles Series

4.75 out of 5
OK so I was super bored with the second book because of the lack of Sean, but it sounds like I should get back to the last book. The romance sounds soooo good here!!
Glad you loved this one, Rowena!