Books I Swore I Was Going to Read

Posted July 12, 2016 by Rowena in Discussions | 21 Comments

Every month here on Book Binge, the gals and I gush about the new releases we can’t wait to get our hands on. The books we think everyone should binge on. Some are books we’ve read but most are books we can’t wait to read. My TBR pile is taller than I’ll ever be but there are quite a few books that I’ve been so anxious to start that I just haven’t gotten around to. Books that were on my radar at the time the post went live but all of these months (even years) later and they’re …still on my TBR list.

  • The Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean: I love Sarah MacLean’s stuff. I loved each and every single book of hers that I’ve read up until this point so I honestly have no idea, or even a good reason to have not read this one. I’ve heard great things about it. I wanted to read it because it was inspired by the Solange-Jay-Z-Beyonce elevator drama but still this book has stayed unread. That makes me sad.

  • Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover: Holly read and really enjoyed this book. She recommended it to me years ago and even gifted it to me, in hopes that I would read it and love it with her and yet….nothing. I really stoked to read it because it sounds like something I would love and then they cast Nick Bateman as the hero for this book and I was all excited about it again and then…nothing. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

  • Storm’s Heart by Thea Harrison: I read the first book in this series last year and freaking loved the hell out of it. Pia and Dragos were the bomb and I was really looking forward to digging into this book but when I finally got it, it fell off my radar and I haven’t looked at it since. I’m sure this makes Holly really sad because I know she was excited for me to read these books. I’m always disappointing her. shrugs

  • Winning the Wallflower by Eloisa James: This book came onto my radar when Ames read and enjoyed it. I’ve been wanting to read this book for years and it’s been sitting on first, my kindle then my nook and now my iPad and still I haven’t touched it. SMH, I need to get it together already.

  • Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley: I’ve been wanting to read this book ever since I read the first Chaos book, Own the Wind. Don’t ask me why I haven’t read it yet. I have no clue but I’ll get to it…eventually. Probably when Tack and Cherry’s twins books come out. Haha.

  • Up Close and Dangerous by Linda Howard: This book came out a long ass time ago and I couldn’t wait to dig into it so I got it back in 2007 and it is 2016 and I still haven’t read it. What’s really going on? I have no idea.

  • Lick by Kylie Scott: I like rock band romances. I was really looking forward to reading this one when Holly read all of the books and said, “You will like these books.” But like always, I collected them and never did anything with them. I even put that series at the top of my series to read list last year and still, I haven’t read them. So much to read, so little time.

  • Lady Sophia’s Lover by Lisa Kleypas: Holly sent me a print copy of this book back in the early days of our friendship and we’ve been friends for over 13 years now…and I STILL haven’t read it. Haha, I’m sensing a pattern here.

  • Knowing the Score by Kat Latham: I love contemporary romances. I love rugby. I hella love men who play rugby and this book is filled with all of that stuff and yet, it’s another series that I swear I’m going to read and never do. It was at the top of that same list Lead by Kylie Scott was on last year. The one I swore I was going to do but I got distracted by other goodies. Yikes.

  • The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton: I have bought most of the books in this series because those covers got me feeling some kind of way. Have you seen them? They’re my favorite covers. Jaci Burton was blessed from the cover Gods because every book in this series has a droolworthy cover. They’re all sports books too, which is something I love…so why haven’t I read any of the books in this series? shrugs I remember being so freaking excited when The Perfect Play came out. It came out in 2011. SMH.

So, what about you? What books were you so excited to get your hands on and then…forgot about? Surely, I can’t be the only one.

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21 responses to “Books I Swore I Was Going to Read

  1. Oh, so many. And then weirdly, often when I read them, I discover there was a reason. My subconscious was telling me something. Or else I’m sad that I didn’t read it back when I was more into its subgenre/style. I’ve been working on not chasing the shiny, but on catching up with the classics that have stood the test of time.

    • I need to work on not chasing the shiny too. My bank account would probably thank me. What classics are you reading these days?

  2. books29

    I’ve read seven of the books you listed, Rowena.

    My advice: skip Thea Harrison’s Storm’s Heart for now and move on to Oracle’s Moon. That is (in my opinion) one of the two best books in the series. You can always go back and read Storm’s Heart later.

    I’d also (re)recommend you read Motorcycle Man and Lady Sophia’s Lover.

    For what it’s worth, I also have a Kat Latham book in my towering TBR skyscraper.

    • You sound just like Holly. I’m pretty sure that I’ll get around to reading these books, I just haven’t yet and I have no good reason. Which 7 books have you read?

  3. CelineB

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this. I have so many! Luck Be a Lady by Meredith Duran, A Rogue Not Taken by Sarah MacLean, Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, The Lie and the Lady by Kate Noble, Landline by Rainbow Rowell (I love her books, but always take a while to read them since I have to prepare myself for all the feels), Deep by Kylie Scott, the last three Elizabeth Hoyt books, the last two Pennyroyal books by Julie Anne Long, four books by Penny Reid to name only some of mine. Perhaps the ones I was looking forward to the most but still haven’t gotten to were The Hidden Blade and My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas. I read the excerpt of My Beautiful Enemy at the end of one of Thomas’s other books, which I never do, and couldn’t wait for it to come out. Those books, along with the last two in her ya fantasy series, a novella by her, and her contemporary novel will be started when I finish Allegiance of Honor by Nalini Singh.

    I would definitely recommend the Kat Latham book in your list. I preferred Play to Lick by Kylie Scott, but the first three books in the series are all good (I have the fourth sitting on my kindle as well as the first of her new series). I read Motorcycle Man after hearing so much buzz about it. About a fourth of the way in I was thinking I might have to DNF. I wasn’t getting into the super alpha hero or the writing and then something happened, I don’t know what, nothing changed, but all of a sudden I thought this is nothing I typically like but I’m loving this. I assume this is the definition of craptastic.

    • Landline is another book that I was so looking forward to and then never read. I really like Raimbow Rowells stuff too. That’s funny about Motorcycle Man because I was the same way with all of the other KA books that I’ve read.

      What are your thoughts on Allegiance of Honor?

      • CelineB

        So far I’m liking it but not loving it. I read the note by Singh at the beginning about how this is kind of a transition book between larger story arcs and I think that’s why I’m not loving it so far. It’s nice to catch up with all the characters, but I could use a little more action. I think I’m not quite two-thirds done yet.

  4. I have this problem too. At the time it sounds good and then it sits on my shelf forever. I just went through a purging of my shelves and gave away 3 boxes of books. I still have more I can purge. I’m just never going to be able to read everything, even though I want too!!

    • Jill! Welcome back (again)! I’m so glad that you’re blogging again.

      I did the same thing earlier this year. I got rid of so many print books and I was sad but I also had to be realistic. If I wasn’t reading print books for years, I wasn’t ever going to read them. I prefer eBooks these days. *shrugs*

  5. Ah. . . a Linda Howard book – also known as the Survivalist Guide for if you survive a plane crash. Can be used as a sleeping aid as it will numb you into a coma with all the survival details!

  6. JenM

    Why do we always chase the shiny new ones? I used to keep all of my new books on my Kindle and then archived them as I read them, but I’ve got so many new, unread books that now that I occasionally have to purge my Kindle of the ones I’m just not getting to. That way, they don’t stare me accusingly in the face whenever I page through my library list on the device LOL.

    The ones at the top of the list that I’m ashamed not to have read are Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs and Vision in Silver by Anne Bishop. I adore both of these series, but because there is a year between each book, I tend to not read the new book right away because I’m thinking “well, if I wait a few months, there won’t be as long of a wait for the next one”. Then, after a few months have gone by, I’ve already moved on to the next shiny, and totally lost the urgency to read them.

    • I put mine in collections. As soon as I finish reading one book, it gets moved to my READ collection and the ones that I haven’t gotten around to are still sitting in the TBR collection. For the most part, I’m reading review books so I hardly ever get to my bought books. I should work on that.

      You sound exactly like me. I try not to rush into books but if I keep them on my TBR pile for too long, I forget all about them. 🙁

  7. Jen

    Ugh, my “going to read” list is massive. I do tend to buy books on sale, so at least I’m not paying full price and then not reading them, but I still have spent way too much on books that are languishing on my kindle. For instance, I’ve only read one of the Spindle Cove series yet I think I own the bulk of them. I’ve only read two(?) Courtney Milan books, but again I’ve got more of them. I own most of Jill Shalvis’s from all but her newest series and I’ve still got quite a few of them to read. I’m several books behind on Julie James, even though I own them all. Seriously, when I list them all out like this it’s ridiculous!

  8. The Rogue not Taken by Sarah Maclean was fab! Loved it!
    Lick and Motorcycle Man have both been sitting on my kindle, unread. Sigh. Too many books, not enough time! I always grab them if they happen to go on sale or something but then they sit on my kindle forever!

    • I’m so going to read The Rogue Not Taken, …eventually. I swear I am.

      Same. I still haven’t read Kristen Callihan’s Idol and I have been looking forward to that book for what seems like ages. Oy.

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