Midnight Captive is Book 6 in Elle Kennedy’s Killer Instincts series and as a new fan of the series, I am over the moon that I can finally get my greedy hands on Sean Reilly’s book. It’s out now! He’s been teasing me with how awesome he is in the other books of this series and when we were offered a chance to post an exclusive excerpt on the blog…well, your girl was all over that madness.
The series follows a team of mercenaries as they fight the bad guys and keep the world safe. I have grown fond of pretty much every single person on both Morgan and Noelle’s teams and I have enjoyed seeing each and every single person on those teams find their happily ever after. It’s a series that I can’t recommend enough. If you’re looking for fast paced, action packed romance – this is the series for you. It’s a lot of fun.
Okay, let’s get on with the excerpt. Check it out:
“Play along,” Sean commanded. “I’m serious, luv. If you want to stay alive, you need to do everything I say.”
The footsteps neared the door. Bailey’s eyes widened, and then she nodded.
As the squeak of the doorknob sounded from behind them, Sean tightened his grip on Bailey’s arm. He waited. Took a breath. Then wrenched her out of the closet so hard he nearly yanked her arm from its socket.
She cried out in pain, and the door opened at the exact moment Sean shook her violently. Pure venom clung to his tone as he spat out, “You little bitch!”
Heavy boots thudded against the floor as Gallagher appeared beside him. “What in bloody hell is going on?” he roared.
Sean turned to his “leader” in disgust. “I found her hiding in the closet. She’s one of the tellers.”
A wild curse flew out of Gallagher’s mouth. “Does she have a mobile on her?”“No, thank Christ.”
Gallagher’s face was still covered, but his eyes were blazing with fury, so dark they were nearly indistinguishable from the black fabric of his mask. “Are you fecking kidding me? Who swept this room?”
“Who do you think?” Sean snapped, not the slightest bit guilty for laying another burden of blame at Paddy Lynch’s feet.
“Bloody wanker,” Gallagher mumbled. His features hardened as he turned to examine Bailey. “Stop bawling, bitch.”
Sean glanced over at her again, hiding his astonishment when he noticed her transformation. She’d slipped her hair out of its bun seconds before Gallagher’s entrance, and the black waves now cascaded down her shoulders, tousled, flat on one side, as if she’d truly been hiding in a closet for the past hour.
With the tears sticking to her thick eyelashes and her bottom lip quivering like a leaf on a windy day, she looked terrified and guilty. Like a completely different person. And though Sean had seen her acting skills in action before, they never failed to impress him.
“C’mere.” As Gallagher jerked her away from the closet, it took all of Sean’s willpower not to unleash a right hook at the guy’s jaw for manhandling her like that.
Bailey’s tears fell harder as Gallagher grasped her chin with both hands, forcing her to look at him.
“You’re gonna keep your mouth shut, you hear me? In five minutes this’ll all be over, and until then, you’re going to sit in the lobby with the rest of your colleagues and you won’t say a fecking word, understood?”She nodded weakly.
He twisted her chin, turning her toward Sean. “See this man?”
Another shaky nod.
“You don’t know him. He wasn’t here. When you see him again in a minute, you will pretend he doesn’t exist.” Gallagher released her abruptly, cursing under his breath.
He’d gripped her face so tightly he’d left red marks on her fair skin. Sean had to swallow his rage and force himself not to tear Gallagher’s throat out.
“If you so much as open your mouth, I will put a bullet in your head,” Gallagher finished. “Understand?”
“I understand,” she whispered.
“Now, shut up and come with me.” Gallagher grabbed her arm and tugged her across the room, his eyes burning with annoyance as he glanced over his shoulder at Sean. “I’ll be right back.”
As they reached the doorway, Bailey turned her head. Just for a split second. Just long enough for Sean to mouth the words, Trust me.
She gave an imperceptible nod, and then she and Gallagher were gone.
Sean stared at the empty doorway, choking on the panic that clawed up his throat like cold, brittle fingers. Everything had been on track, damn it. He’d been moments away from leaving the bank with his skin intact, and now Bailey had thrown a wrench in his plans. He wasn’t stepping foot outside the building without her.
Damn you, Ollie. She came here for you.
The hot agony that ripped through him nearly knocked him off his feet. Bailey might claim she’d come here for him, but he knew the truth. With the intel at her disposal, she must have figured out that Rabbit had nabbed Ollie. She must have known that helping Sean was the equivalent of saving Oliver.
It stung like hell. But he had no right to be hurt. Of course she loved his brother. Why wouldn’t she? Oliver was the best man Sean had ever known. Hell, he was a bloody saint. Sean had once watched his brother run into a burning building to save a low-life meth cooker they’d been hitting up for intel.
And he couldn’t even count the number of times Ollie had swooped in to rescue him. The guy was perfect. Perfect son, perfect brother, perfect fucking man for a woman like Bailey.
Sean was nothing more than the speed bump that had disrupted their relationship, the asshole who’d given in to his selfish urges and taken what Bailey had been offering to his brother.
But he couldn’t think about that now. Bailey might not belong to him, but at the moment, she was his responsibility, and he was going to bring her back to Oliver safe and sound.
Even if he died trying.
GIVEAWAY ALERT: Our friends over at Berkeley/NAL have been kind enough to offer up a chance for one lucky winner to win the first five books in the series so if it sounds like something you’d want to try, here’s your chance to win them all for free.

Midnight Rescue | Midnight Alias | Midnight Games | Midnight Pursuits | Midnight Action
Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter:
Good luck!
About the Author: A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer, and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager.
Elle writes romantic suspense and erotic contemporary romance for various publishers. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!
i want read about all!! it’s the way romance mix with the action and teh suspense that makes it even better!!!
thank you a lot for the opportunity to win such a prize
I’m all about the romance!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway.
Gotta have the romance, but love the action & suspense too!
The romance, suspense and action – the blowing up stuff is just bonus! 🙂
Definitely the romance!
lol… I’d have to say the suspense, the romance and especially the blowing stuff up 🙂 thanks for the awesome giveaway and congrats to Elle on the new release! This series looks and sounds awsome!
All of the above…….suspense, romance, and blowing things up. I love reading a series, can’t wait to start this one!
It is all of them for me, I love the romance, suspense, and the blowing stuff up.
Action+Romance= A winner in my book!
All of it, so good thanks
All of the above – of course.
I’m more interested in the action, but always enjoy a little hot romance.
I’m a huge fan of romantic suspense and always looking forward to the romance that’s mixed in with the action.
I have wanted to read these books for awhile now! Thanks for the chance!
all of the above
Elle Kennedy writes fantastic romance — with violence in the background! And I totally love the books of hers that I’ve read.
This is an awesome giveaway! I’ve been wanting to read this series.
Love this! I really want to read these.. Have to get on that!
The romance!
I love a dangerous hero and loads of peril. There is no Prince Charming without an evil witch or fire-breathing dragon.
The romance is always my favorite part but EK always has a way of capturing the unexpected and I LOVE that. This series is by far one of my favorites. I can’t WAIT for this one and would love to win a set!!!!!