#DFRAT Excerpt and Giveaway: Shanghaied by Cricket Starr

Posted July 4, 2013 by Tracy in Reviews | 3 Comments

The latest Hollywood After Dark novel from Ellora’s Cave!

Facing her three hundred and thirty-third year, vampire Samantha Thomas is definitely a nightwalker in need of a vacation, though she’d never admit it. Thank goodness she has a best friend to step in when it’s needed.

She never expects to wake up on a cruise ship, accompanied by panty-drenching werewolf Perry Andrews, whose real plan is to see if the tight quarters will help him get closer in a more physical—and permanent—sense to the woman he knows is his mate. Maybe he’ll even tell her what she is to him, when she’s ready to hear it. Until then, her rules, her way.

Their not-supposed-to-be-long-term tryst carries along in a most pleasurable fashion, until it becomes clear there is someone out to harm the Midnight Pearl’s nightwalker guests and that Sam is right in the crosshairs of his UV flashlight. Now Perry has to save the girl before he can get her, and that’s a tall task when their enemy seems to be able to hide in plain sight!


Perry grinned at his charge, the utterly delectable and unusually reclusive Samantha Thomas. The nightwalker was cursing out her friend, the same friend who’d roped him into this scheme to get her onto this cruise, to act as the lady’s companion. Truthfully he’d jumped at the chance to get to know the elusive lady nightwalker better, and what better way than sharing a cabin on a cruise ship?

He’d caught her eyeing him when he’d visited the studio where she worked but every time he’d tried to talk to her she’d found an excuse to run the other way. He growled his satisfaction. Not many places for her to run to on a ship, even one as large as this one, and the first port-of-call wouldn’t be for two days. Plenty of time to convince her not to escape unless she decided to jump overboard.

He really hoped she didn’t do that. Werewolves didn’t enjoy swimming that much.

Perry was enjoying the look on her face. She looked mad but also unnerved, which was unusual for her. This was one lady nightwalker who always wanted to be in control and that she wasn’t clearly had pushed her out of her comfort zone. The best thing for him would be to keep her off-balance, and he knew just how to do that.

Perry looked her over. “You really are old-fashioned, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

He gestured at her gown. “You sleep in a coffin, wear a shroud to bed—”

Samantha clutched at her high-necked, floor-length nightgown. “This isn’t a shroud. It’s a nightgown.”

He eyed her quizzically. “A nightgown? Since when does anyone wear something like that to bed?”

“It’s warm, comfortable.”


Her jaw dropped. “It is not ugly, it’s old-fashioned. I like it.”

“It is old-fashioned. But that’s not so bad. Old-fashioned is good sometimes.” He shook his head. “Not in this case though. That is not an attractive nightgown.”

Samantha glared at him. “It doesn’t need to be attractive. I’m not trying to attract anyone when I’m going to bed. Least of all you.”

Cricket Starr

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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3 responses to “#DFRAT Excerpt and Giveaway: Shanghaied by Cricket Starr

  1. I went on a cruise once. It wasn't my cup of tea, but I know many people love them. I think it would be really fun to read a romance set on a cruise ship. After all, you can't really get away from the other person when you are stuck on a ship together.

  2. I haven't been on a cruise myself but would like to one day. I don't think I'll wear an old-fashioned nightgown though. lol

    JenM – Good point. You go together, you're stuck together. 🙂

    Cricket – thanks for your participation in DFRAT!

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