Review: Lucky Like Us by Jennifer Ryan

Posted May 1, 2013 by Tracy in Reviews | 2 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Bakery owner Elizabeth Hamilton’s quiet life is filled with sweet treats, good friends, and a loving family. But all of that is about to turn sour when an odd sound draws her outside. There’s a man lying unconscious in the street, a car speeding toward him. Without hesitation, she gets the man out of harm’s way before they’re run down.

Unwittingly, Elizabeth has put herself in the path of a serial murderer, and as the only one who can identify the FBI’s Silver Fox Killer, she’s ended up in the hospital with a target on her back.

All that stands between her and death is Special Agent Sam Turner. Against his better judgment, Sam gets emotionally involved, determined to take down the double threat against Elizabeth—an ex desperate to get her back, despite a restraining order, and a psychopath bent on silencing her before she can identify him.

They set a trap to catch the killer—putting Elizabeth in his hands, with Sam desperate to save her. If he’s lucky, he’ll get his man … and the girl.

FBI agent Sam Turner has a case that went terribly wrong. He goes to meet a contact and instead ends up being drugged and beaten by the killer they are after. Elizabeth Hamilton is at home when she hears sounds that sound like fireworks and goes to investigate. She sees a man lying in the street and goes to investigate. When a car comes for them she rolls them both under her Suburban to save their lives. Unfortunately the killer didn’t stop there and ends up almost killing both Sam and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth barely survives her gunshots and stabbing but she does survive. Elizabeth and Sam are put into the same room so that they can be under guard and during the time in the hospital Sam forms an attachment to Elizabeth. Yes, it started out as feeling responsible for the state she was currently in but once Elizabeth awakens it soon morphs into so much more. Assigned to her protection detail (from both the killer and a stalker that Elizabeth had) Sam and Elizabeth start a relationship that may or may not survive the threats that they are under.

I really liked this very different type of romance. There definitely wasn’t much of a “traditional” romance involved but I think that’s what I liked about it.

For Sam I think it was all about the guilt when he first started having feelings for Elizabeth and felt attached to her through the ordeal they had been through. Later though, after she woke up, he felt connected to her in a different way and his feelings grew from there. I loved that he felt so comfortable with her that he just rambled about his life getting all of those feelings out in the open. As an FBI agent he was really facing a major burnout because it was the only think in his life. Yes, he had his brother and sister and their families but they lived in a different state and he needed someone to come home to at night. I think Elizabeth filled those empty spaces he had inside and seeing the change in Sam was pretty great.

Elizabeth was an amazing woman. She was a business owner, fed the poor and needy and still did all the charity work that she had started before her business began. She came from a prominent San Francisco family so the social events that she had to go to were many and still she made time for helping the less fortunate. It was understandable that she had a ton of fear from not only the original nightmare but things that happened after that (I’m not giving you a spoiler, so stop asking!). She was very intuitive when it came to people and could read them quite well – including Sam. She was really good for him and I loved seeing them together.

Overall it was a very good book. I had kind of been in a mini reading slump and had picked up 4 or 5 books and then put them down after 3-5 chapters because nothing appealed to me. When I clicked on this book on my ereader I started reading and was completely engrossed from the first chapter – I love those kinds of books. The ones that grab my attention and won’t let go – this was definitely that type of book and I definitely recommend it.

Rating: 4 out of 5

Jennifer Ryan

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2 responses to “Review: Lucky Like Us by Jennifer Ryan

  1. Great review! I have been wanting to read this one, its nice to read occasionally a non traditional type of story, it keeps things exciting.

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