Review: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean.

Posted January 14, 2013 by Rowena in Reviews | 7 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

Rowena’s review of One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (Rules of Scoundrels #2) by Sarah MacLean.

Hero: Cross
Heroine: Lady Phillipa Marbury

The second in the incredible new Rules of Scoundrels series from New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean. Lady Philippa Marbury is odd. The bespectacled, brilliant fourth daughter of the Marquess of Needham and Dolby cares more for books than balls, flora than fashion and science than the season. Nearly engaged to Lord Castleton, Pippa wants to explore the scandalous parts of London she’s never seen before marriage. And she knows just who to ask: the tall, charming, quick-witted bookkeeper of The Fallen Angel, London’s most notorious and coveted gaming hell, known only as Cross.

Like any good scientist, Pippa’s done her research and Cross’s reputation makes him perfect for her scheme. She wants science without emotion – the experience of ruination without the repercussions of ruination. And who better to provide her with the experience than this legendary man? But when this odd, unexpected female propositions Cross, it’s more than tempting . . . and it will take everything he has to resist following his instincts – and giving the lady precisely what she wants.

I was looking forward to reading this book because I enjoyed the first book in this series so much. This book follows Cross, one of Bourne’s business partners in the Fallen Angel and Bourne’s sister in law, Lady Phillipa Marbury on their journey to true love.

Cross has a life that nobody knows about. A life that he walked away from because well, he had his reasons. He lives the life that he lives now and that’s pretty much all anyone knows about him. He’s rumored to be good in bed but he’s been celibate for over 6 years. Nobody knows why and one person doesn’t even know about this celibacy because she marches right into his office and asks him to ruin her.

Lady Phillipa Marbury is a woman of science. When she doesn’t understand something, she conducts experiments to help her better understand what she doesn’t know. She’s going to get married in the next couple of weeks and she doesn’t know what is expected of her in the bedroom. She needs to know this and the only person that she could think of (logically, of course) to help her better understand what’s expected of her is Cross. He’s got a reputation of knowing how to please a woman without the use of his hands, who better to educate her in the ways of lovemaking than this guy?

When Pippa makes her way over to the Fallen Angel, I couldn’t help but laugh because she was so forthright about what she needed and who she needed it from that you couldn’t help yourself but laugh. I loved the way that she presented her case and was disappointed that she didn’t the conclusion that she thought she’d get and I loved the way that she kept her word to Cross too. Oh man, the chemistry between Cross and Pippa was undeniable and I ate it all up. I thought Pippa was refreshing and Cross charmed me right out of my socks. I adored the both of them apart but loved them to death, together.

MacLean did a fabulous job of sucking me right into the story. Right off the bat, I was excited for the story. I was excited to get to know Pippa more and I was mighty curious to see how Cross would fall in love with Pippa. This is a story that I would definitely recommend to lovers of historical romances and of MacLean’s other stories. MacLean definitely delivered another story that I absolutely loved and boy am I ready for more.

Grade: 4.5 out of 5

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here. This book was provided by the publisher for an honest review.

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7 responses to “Review: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean.

  1. Oh, I saw another review of this & this just reinforces that I should read this book! I guess I should start at the beginning of the series, though. I hate when I am behind!

  2. Thanks for the reminder that I need to read this. I am away at the moment and this could be a perfect book to read while I am away!

  3. Rowena

    @Sharlene: I hope you like this book as much as I did. So good!

    @Marg: How is that you haven’t read this yet? Put whatever you’re reading down and get this one read. You won’t be sorry. =)

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