Rowena’s review of Crazy on You by Rachel Gibson.
Hero: Tucker Matthews
Heroine: Lily Darlington
Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy’s Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.
Lily Darlington’s been called crazy in her day—and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband’s living room probably wasn’t the smartest move ever made—but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she’s turned it all around. She knows she’s a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.
Rachel Gibson takes us back to Lovett, Texas- the setting of Daisy’s Back in Town and even though I had no clue who Daisy was, I still enjoyed this book. This book was also the setting for Rachel Gibson’s upcoming release, Rescue Me and Sadie made a little appearance in this book and it was nice to see her again. It’s been a few months since I’ve read Vince and Sadie’s book so I couldn’t remember if Lily was in their story or not but whatever, I read this book and enjoyed it.
First up, this book was way too short and because of that, the romance blossomed at a rapid pace. It was a good, solid story but I was left wanting more from the romance. I mean, I got that it was a short story but I still got the feeling that things progressed much too fast between Tucker and Lily. It would have been nice if things had been fleshed out more but I wasn’t too mad about that.
My main gripe though is that it felt like Tucker fell in love with Lily much too fast to be believable. One minute, he’s pulling her over and the next, he’s professing his love for her and wanting to marry her. It was understandable that Lily didn’t believe him at first and then wasn’t sure about a relationship since it felt like it was so rushed. I liked both of them together and I liked Lily’s son. I thought they were cute and it would have been nice to get more page time with Lily’s ex so that I could get a better feel at how Lily came to be the person she was today.
Overall, this was a cute, fun and totally fluffy read that was perfect for what I was in the mood for. It was quick and it was nice to see characters that I’ve met already and characters that I’ve only heard about from my book friends. Rachel Gibson writes some funny stuff and I’m glad that I read this. It’s not her best but it’s not the worst either. It was good.
Grade: 3.5 out of 5
This book is available from Avon Impulse. You can buy it here in e-format.
Mmm… I wonder how I’ll feel because I have read Daisy is BAck in Town, I guess I’ll have to squeeze this one in!
It’s a really short read, takes no time at all to read it. Let me know what you think if you decide to read it.
I thought this was a very cute and sexy read (the whole thing about the back door cracked me up). I read Daisy’s book eons ago but don’t really remember it (will have to find again).
I just picked up Sadie’s book last weekend so can’t wait to get started on it.