DFRAT (+ a Kindle Giveaway!): Moira Rogers – Why Digital Publishing?

Posted June 1, 2012 by Rowena in Features, Promotions | 32 Comments

It’s Day One of our Digital First Read-a-Thon and we hope you guys are off to a great start. To start things off here on Book Binge, we have Donna and Bree, who write as Moira Rogers, stopping by to school us on why they chose to write for digital publishing houses. They’re also here to give some stuff away.

Please join us in welcoming both Donna and Bree here to Book Binge.


Why digital publishing? Honestly, this is a question that I feel slipping away. Four years ago, when we contracted and released our first book with Samhain Publishing, people sometimes didn’t know enough about ebooks to ask why; now, digital books are so mainstream that when someone asks, “What do you do?” the words ebook, Kindle or Nook evoke an instantaneous recognition.

For now, though, the question remains: why digital publishing? There are many answers, some simple and some quite involved. It’s relatively quick. It offers us the most flexibility in terms of which storylines and characters we can present to our readers. I like the contract terms, and am willing to forgo a guaranteed advance in exchange for higher royalty rates. It’s all I’ve ever done.

Let me touch on each one separately.

Speed: We sold our first Samhain release, Cry Sanctuary, to our editor in May of 2008. It came out in October of that same year. Of course, that sort of expedient release would be nearly impossible to duplicate these days. Now, we try to send our partials and proposals in a year prior to our target release date. Ideally, our books are completely through the production process, including developmental and copy edits, four to six months in advance of release. Still, that’s pretty fast for publishing, and I know others who don’t plan as far ahead as we do and manage to make it work.

Flexibility: Bree and I have written some pretty damn unmarketable books. That’s not to say they were bad-our January release, Hammer Down, has received some of the most glowing praise we’ve personally seen-but sometimes even we don’t know how to sell them. We like mishmashes of genres almost as much as we like to thumb our noses at expectations, and that combination hasn’t always resulted in an easy sale. Because no advance means a lower initial outlay of cash, publishers like Samhain can take more chances in contracting a book, even if my best attempt at describing it is, “It’s, like, a post-apocalyptic cyberpunky paranormal romance with demons and virtual reality. And some badass truckers.”

Money: Back to the “no advance” thing. I know plenty of authors who cringe when they see that, but I’ve always been okay with it. It is a gamble, sometimes a risky one. If one of our books doesn’t sell well, we don’t make much. There’s no guaranteed five or ten or fifty grand waiting for us when we sign a contract. Of course, with advances dwindling and being paid out in three or even four installments from contract to delivery to publication, I believe this is less of a broadblock for some people now than it has been in the past. These days, chances are good that by the time we would even get said advance, we’ve already started earning money on a book. And I really like the royalty rates. We’re paid a healthy percentage of the cover price, and I like the simplicity of that accounting.

The last answer may have seemed flip–It’s all I’ve ever known. But I don’t mean this as a statement of insecurity or fear. Digital publishing is all I’ve ever known…and I’m doing okay. It works for me on pretty much every level, and I enjoy it tremendously. It’s not a good fit for everyone, but I’d definitely gladly call it my bread and butter.

-The Donna Half of Moira Rogers

Moira Rogers is the shared penname of Donna Herren and Breen Bridges. Together they’ve written five full length novels, seven category length novels, eleven novellas and seventeen short stories, all of them paranormal romance and all of them digitally published. To learn more, visit http://www.moirarogers.com

***GIVEAWAY ALERT: Donna and Bree – who are pretty awesome –  are giving away a KINDLE (with special offers). All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog post and let us know if you’re a digital reader. Have you read a book by Moira Rogers yet?

But that’s not all. For the first two weeks of June, in honor of the DFRAT, Moira Rogers is giving away a free book to every reader that stops by their blog and requests one of the following titles: Cry Sanctuary, Crux or Wilder’s Mate. You have to request the book before June 14th so hurry over now and get your book!

Many thanks go to Moira Rogers for stopping by today and for their generous donations to our read-a-thon.

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32 responses to “DFRAT (+ a Kindle Giveaway!): Moira Rogers – Why Digital Publishing?

  1. I was a digital-only reader for several years, as I discovered romance through erotic romance and the bulk of what I bought back in those early years 2003-2005 was digital-only. I didn’t start buying print romance until much later. Now, I only buy digital.

    I didn’t know that Moira Rogers was, in reality, two authors, and I’ve been familiar with the pen name for a while (love the website). I do own at least two of her titles “Hunter’s Prey” I think, is the latest I got.


  2. I’m pretty new to the digital reading. I have to say I have really enjoyed being able to hear about a book and being able to download it instantly and start reading, especially while stuck in a foreign airport. 😉

    I’ve never read a Moira Rogers book, but I think I may have to now.

  3. I am not a digital reader but there are too many books coming that I would like to read that are only in that format, so I really need to get some kind of ereader.

    Also I have not read any of Moira’s books.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. Yes, I am a digital reader. I read both ebooks and print books. I love their books. Awesome writers.

  5. Yes, I read digital books. I just checked my reading stats, and for the year, of the 80+ books I’ve read, almost 50 were digital. I’ve not yet read a Moira Rogers book, so my next stop will be their blog. Thanks!

  6. I can’t remember the last time I actually picked up a paperback book. I own a Nook. It goes with me where ever I go. I haven’t read any books by Moira Rogers yet, but I will be checking their website out.

  7. I am a mainly digital reader now. There will always be Authors that I will buy Print copies of but, I was spending almost 200.00 a month between Amazon and B&N…. I spend half that and get SO MANY MORE books for my Kindle #Bernard! I never thought I would be an E-Reader fan till I got one and now I wouldn’t live with out one!

  8. Don’t worry about including me in the Kindle drawing… I own the Fire and gen 3 versions… LOL

    I was a die hard book only person until someone let me mess with their gen 2 Kindle… I still pick up some books in paper but… Do Not Take My Kindle!!!! LOL

    I love Donna and Bree’s books and already have Archer’s on pre-order.


  9. I am a digital reader, but I would love to get the kindle. One of Moira’s books (Heroes at odds) is on my wish list, but I haven’t gotten to it yet, since it is very long. It’d be the first one I buy if I win this one 😉

  10. I am a digital reader.Although I do still buy print books,but only if I have other books in the series. Everything else is digital.I have read a few of their books and loved everyone.

  11. I’ve been a digital reader for over three years now. (Moira Rogers is an auto-buy and I cannot wait until September!) While I still read a lot of print books, I curse a lot more trying to find shelf space for MMPBs and Trades than I do managing my digital library. 😀

  12. I have just started reading some digital books and it is nice to get the book right away and not have to worry about a bookmark.
    mce1011 AT aol DOT com

  13. I’ve had a Kindle since Gen1, and prior to that I owned a Gemstar e-reader. If I had my way, I’d read nothing but digital, but to keep the book budget in check, I still trade for used paperbacks. I’ve read Cry Sanctuary, Crux, Crossroads, and several of Moira’s short stories. I’ve enjoyed most of the Samhain releases that I’ve read, and I love that they are often crazy genre mash-ups. That’s one of the best things about digital – authors aren’t hampered by needing to appeal to the widest possible audience.


  14. gamistress66

    I read a lot more digitally in the past year since getting my 1st ereader, though I still enjoy holding an actual book in my hand. can’t deny that the instant gratification of buy & downloading a book is both great & dangerous 😉 I really enjoy Moria Rogers Bloodhound series & am looking forward to Archer’s book next month 😀
    gamistress66 (at) aol (dot) com

  15. I started digitial reading about a year ago and love it. It’s instant gratification when I can just download a book after reading a great review. I love it for travel because I can have one digital reader fill with books instead of multiple paperbacks. Definitely don’t want to go back.

  16. I am a digital reader but I still love my paper books. Digital doesn’t give me the same sense of substance that a really good book still does. But, I love being able to carry a thousand books with me everywhere I go. jepebATverizonDOTnet

  17. Read both digital and print and have a Nook and a Sony. I have authors I follow who are digital only and other authors who started in print and added self publishing. Have read a number of Moira Rogers books and love their voice.
    linze_e at hotmail.com

  18. Jane

    I don’t have an ereader, but I do read digital books on my laptop. I have not read Moira’s books yet.

  19. I have a Sony PSR300, the smallest and most basic model. I like reading on it, but removing books is such a pain (actually, I had to wipe it out to put new books on, I’ve always had a problem with syncing). It only holds about half the ebooks I have.

    I have read a couple of Moira’s (Donna and Brea’s) books, but I don’t have my reader with me to check titles. I think Crux is one of them.

    Thanks for letting us know about the free book offer. I’m almost certain I don’t have Wilder’s Mate.


  20. Yes, I’m a digital reader. But I still read print books. I tend to buy the books in print of a series I started reading in print. And I love their books!

    claudigc at msn dot com

  21. bn100

    I like print and digital books. I haven’t read a Moira Rogers book yet.


  22. I’m an original Nook owner (2 years ago) and get almost all of my books (both digital and hard copy) from the library.
    I purchased (since the library didn’t carry it) and read Crux (after reading a review from a book blog, I can’t remember which, sorry!) and only buy book digitally anymore.
    I prefer it 1000 times more to a hard book, but it’s frustrating how many books are not available digitally.
    I hope the market is turning!

  23. Anonymous

    I read mostly on my iphone but I would love a Kindle. I had the first gen Nook but I gave it to my cousin in college so she could do her textbook reading on it.

    I have read several Moira Rogers books, and I can’t wait to read the newest one!


  24. I read both e-books and print. I haven’t had my kindle very long but I got it to be able to read digital only books. I like that I can choose to read print or ebook, and it’s great to have a huge selection right at my fingertips. I have not read any of Moira’s books yet, but have some I will be starting soon.

  25. I am a digital reader now. I was slow to coming around but I have to say that I love reading e-books now…although I do still love print books, as well.
    I have not read any of Moira’s books but I have added her to my list of authors to check out.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

    latomli (at) yahoo (dot) com

  26. I am a digital reader. When I say digital reader I mean I read digital books when my dad unwittingly leaves his kindle unattended and I steal it from him without asking :P. I don’t have a kindle at all! I would seriously love to have one!

    I’ve heard a lot about Moira and her books but I’ve sadly never gotten round to reading any! 🙁 I will definitely read some of her work if and when I get a kindle!

    kazzygabranth (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk

    Awesome blog post!

  27. Pam S/pams00

    I love digital books.. they are easy to tote and store. Plus I’ve found lots of great ebook only authors and pubs (ebook first author/pubs) that I would have never gotten to read otherwise. I still am attached to my prints, but ebooks get equal favoritism from me.

    I’ve read a few books by Moira Rogers and really enjoyed them. They have a great writing style.

    Pam S
    pams00 @ aol.com

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