Saturday Song

Posted April 7, 2012 by Tracy in Reviews | 3 Comments

Here’s a blast from the past for you.  This week I was looking at review requests from The Book Binge and one of the books was called Every Time I Think of You.  Of COURSE my mind immediately started in on this tune of the same name by The Babys…from 1978 and couldn’t get it out the rest of the week.  Good think I like the song. lol

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3 responses to “Saturday Song

  1. This song reminds me of taping songs off the radio using a cassette player and getting annoyed when the DJs would talk at the beginning of the song. Yep, I'm showing my age. LOL

  2. A definite blast from the past 🙂

    This song reminds me of taping songs off the radio using a cassette player and getting annoyed when the DJs would talk at the beginning of the song.

    That used to drive me nuts!

  3. I always thought it was interesting that songs can make us think of a specific place or a time in our lives. Weird.

    My siblings and I used to record stuff off the radio all the time too – with our cassette tapes. What a PITA. lol

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