Heart Journey by Robin D. Owens
Series: Celta's Heartmates #9
Also in this series: Heart Fate, HeartMate, HeartMate, Heart Thief , Heart Duel , Heart Choice, Heart Quest , Heart Dance , Heart Fate , Heart Dance, Heart Fire, Heart Legacy, Heart Change, Heart Sight (Celta's Heartmates), Heart Secret
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: August 3rd 2010
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 368
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View our feature on Robin Owens’s Heart Journey. New in the award-winning series of futuristic romance, fantasy, and sensual adventure.
Helena, a renowned cartographer, is exploring Celta when she finds out she has a HeartMate. Yearning for a partner, she is drawn to meet him.
Actor Raz Cherry is dedicated to his career. Uninterested in long-term commitments, he ignores an oracle that foretells of his HeartMate.
Though passion ignites, their lifestyles clash. Only when mysterious thefts threaten their families can they overcome the obstacles on their journey to love.
It took me a long time to get into this book. I picked it up and put it down several times before finally getting into the story. It didn’t grab me like many of the others in the series.
Raz is an actor and Helena is a cartographer. They’re both focused on their careers and not necessarily looking to settle down as heartmates. Helena is a bit more curious than Raz, and she seeks him out. Her plan is to claim him and take him along as she maps the planet. It isn’t long before she realizes he’s not going to be amenable to that. His career is just starting to take off and he’s hoping for a part in a new play.
While Helena was away on this latest trip – for about a year – her entire family, minus one small child, were killed by a fire. Now she has to decide if she’s going to let the Blackthorns adopt her niece, or take custody of her. She wants to do what’s best for the child, but she isn’t sure what that is.
Once I got into the story I enjoyed it. The mystery plot didn’t make much sense at first, but really came together at the end. I like the new direction Owens is going with the storyline. Finding out about the other ship is really intriguing.
I enjoyed it, because I always enjoy this world, but it isn’t a favorite.
3.75 out of 5
This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Like you, I enjoyed it but it isn’t one I’ll re-read often (though the cover? omgwtfbbq???) seriously doesn’t help there.
I had some issues with Helena that didn’t relate to her…aloofness? detachment? from her niece. That seemed perfectly understandable to me, given Helena’s entire life experience.
What bothered me was that she expected Raz to drop his own life to be a tag along in hers. We don’t like that much when male protagonists have does expectations either, right?
That is exactly what bothered me, azteclady. I think that her attitude affected my overall enjoyment of the story. I tend to be the sort that really needs to like the characters or at least understand and sympathize with them. I couldn’t do that with Helena. This one is not going to be a re-read (at least for me). On a slightly different note, the Celtan next Gen stories seem like they are going to be as nice as the previous stories in the series. I was a bit wary about “Heart Search” but boy did I enjoy it, and the author continues to enrich the Celtan world. The addition of the new storyline arc involving the second ship is turning out nicely, I just wish we didn’t have to wait one year between releases in the series 😀
k nevr heard of it b4