Saturday Song

Posted August 6, 2011 by Tracy in Reviews | 3 Comments

What have I been doing this week?  Playing Rock Band that’s what.  I should be the best damned drummer around after all I’ve played but alas, I still suck. lol Ok, I don’t completely suck but I’m not all that good either.  ðŸ™‚  When I’m beat out by my 9 year old it’s a bit embarrassing. This is one of the songs that my 9 year old loves to play over and over.  Luckily for me (and for her, I guess) I do this one well.  Here’s Garbage singing I Think I’m Paranoid from their 1998 album Version 2.0.


3 responses to “Saturday Song

  1. There's not doubt that Kyra is good with the rhythm. Playing the radio is still one of the favorite instruments for kids in any generation. Anyway, thanks for the cute song. Have a good week.

  2. Dr J – She is good with it. I can't seem to get my fingers to work on the guitar so I'll stick with my bad drum playing. lol

    Orannia – It's really fun, I must say. 🙂

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