Genres: Paranormal Romance 
Main Character: Em, Chase
Love Interest: ??
Series: Furies, Book 1
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads

Sometimes sorry isn’t enough….
It’s winter break in Ascension, Maine. The snow is falling and everything looks pristine and peaceful. But not all is as it seems…
Between cozy traditions and parties with her friends, Emily loves the holidays. And this year’s even better–the guy she’s been into for months is finally noticing her. But Em knows if she starts things with him, there’s no turning back. Because his girlfriend is Em’s best friend.
On the other side of town, Chase is having problems of his own. The stress of his home life is starting to take its toll, and his social life is unraveling. But that’s nothing compared to what’s really haunting him. Chase has done something cruel…something the perfect guy he pretends to be would never do. And it’s only a matter of time before he’s exposed.
In Ascension, mistakes can be deadly. And three girls—three beautiful, mysterious girls—are here to choose who will pay.
Em and Chase have been chosen.
It was very hard for me to get into this book because right from the jump, I wasn’t a fan of either Em or Chase. When I get into a book, I expect to find some redeeming qualities in the main characters but it was really hard in this book because Em wasn’t very loyal and Chase was selfish and too emo for my tastes. I understood that they were both teens and teens are selfish and into themselves but usually the protagonists are likable but there wasn’t much to find likable about the two of them.
So this story follows Em and Chase as they make their mistakes and then pay the price for them. Em’s best friend Gabby goes away on a family vacation to another country and Em moves in on her boyfriend, Zach. I really hate when girls think that the douchebag they’re dating is the best kind of person, especially if said guy is their best friend’s boyfriend. It’s one thing when they genuinely fall in love and struggle with hurting the best friend but when this guy is totally dicking you and your best friend around and everyone knows it but you still think that he’s this knight in shining armor.
It was only after everything hit home with Em that I began to soften in my attitude toward her. I had to keep reminding myself that she was young and she was finding out who she was because if she’d been older, I would have hated her guts but as the story wore on, I started hating Ty and Ali and the other cousin that I forgot her name. The furies. What bitches those girls were.
With Chase because throughout most of the book, we didn’t know what he did- I didn’t not like him as much as I didn’t like Em but as with Em, the more I read, the softer I got on Chase.
I didn’t think they deserved the raw deal that they got. I mean, Em did something pretty shady but she didn’t do it because she wanted to steal Zach away from Gabby. She had genuine feelings for him and made the mistake of acting on them. As for Chase, he wasn’t this bad kid with no conscience. He tried to stay out of trouble for his Mom because she worked hard for him and he cared that his best friend was such a crap head to girls.
I couldn’t believe half the crap that went down in this book. Chase and Em did some pretty messed up things but they didn’t deserve the crap that they went through in this book. They didn’t kill anyone, they didn’t set out to hurt anyone- they were just some selfish teens that had to learn the hard way that karma is most definitely a bitch.
Overall, this story had me reading so fast because I had to know what was going to happen and while I’m glad that I finished the story, I can’t say that it was the most enjoyable read. It was pretty intense and I wanted to hurt someone for putting those poor kids through all of that. They deserved to be slapped upside the head and to spend as long as it took to make it up to the people that they wronged but they didn’t deserve the wrath of the furies. I can’t say that this book is my favorite read of the summer but it was interesting and it did hold my attention throughout the entire book so that’s gotta count for something, right?
I stayed mad throughout this entire book, first when things were going down with Em and Zach and then when we find out what Chase did to make the furies notice him and the way that it all ended made me want to punch something because they’re not done raising their hell on earth so there will be another book. Will I read it? I’m not sure.
I don’t like reading books that make me mad ALL the time!
new review!
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I didn’t like this book as much as I thought I would, and I found the situations a bit over the top. But maybe that’s the point? That the furies are the ones who are out of control and in need of punishment? For some reason, I didn’t find Chase’s “secret” all that earth-shattering.
It was hard for me to enjoy Fury too because I wasn’t a fan of either of the characters. lol, I didn’t really care what happened to Chase but I did feel for Em more. The second book should, hopefully, be better. Thanks for the honest review!