Guest Review: Back When You Were Easier to Love by Emily Wing Smith

Posted July 19, 2011 by Ames in Reviews | 7 Comments

Main Character: Joy
Love Interest: Noah
Series: n/a
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Good Reads

What’s worse than getting dumped? Not even knowing if you’ve been dumped. Joy got no goodbye, and certainly no explanation when Zan – the love of her life and the only good thing about stifling, backward Haven, Utah – unceremoniously and unexpectedly left for college a year early. Joy needs closure almost as much as she needs Zan, so she heads for California, and Zan, riding shotgun beside Zan’s former-best-friend Noah.

I picked this one up thinking it was going to be a cute road-trip novel about a girl falling for her ex-boyfriend’s best friend. It was and it wasn’t.

Joy is in her senior year and she’s still in shock that her boyfriend just up and left without saying anything to her other than he needs to get away from it all. She knows where he’s going to school but that’s about it. Basically Zan doesn’t want to be found. But Joy wants closure and she comes up with a scheme to go to his college in California and see what’s up.

Meanwhile, Zan’s best friend, Noah, has been trying to hang out with her. Noah is a Soccer Lovin’ Kid and he hangs out with the crowd that Zan didn’t like…so Joy doesn’t like them either. That’s the only reason she doesn’t want to befriend Noah. But Noah lets Joy know that Zan asked him to look out for her and so she drags him along to California (it’s his car LOL).

But once Joy gets to California, things don’t go as planned.

All right, first of all, there was a road trip in this novel but it wasn’t really a road trip story. It’s road-trip lite. So don’t go into this thinking it’s going to be on the scale of Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour. It is not – they are in totally different hemispheres. Also, Joy doesn’t even like Noah for 85% of the book. He’s one of those cute, charming boys who don’t let others get him down so he just keeps on trying to befriend her. It finally sticks when he’s there for her in a difficult situation.

Now Joy. I don’t know what it is, but this is the second character I’ve read in a YA in a relatively short period of time that I can refer to as obsessed. She was so in love with Zan and she was so lost without him. Those kind of girls get on my nerves like you wouldn’t believe. You know the girl I’m talking about, she’s nothing without a guy. That’s how Joy came across to me. Even her friends refer to her as a stalker. This is not good, she doesn’t come across as a strong character.

A pleasant surprise for me was the Mormon aspect of the book. I’m not Mormon and it was interesting for me to read about how life in Haven, Utah was. Joy was a girl who lived strongly with her faith and that was something I can get behind. She was strong there, if not anywhere else.

I’m giving Back When You Were Easier to Love a C+. It was an enjoyable read but had a weak heroine and a predictable plot.

Book cover and blurb credit:


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7 responses to “Guest Review: Back When You Were Easier to Love by Emily Wing Smith

  1. Dev

    Hmmmmmmm, well, the road trip part of the book is why I wanted to read it. It doesn’t sound near as cute as what I thought it would be. I’m still keeping it on my wishlist though…

  2. Bookworm1858

    I thought Noah was unrealistically incredibly nice and Joy was CRAZY but overall I enjoyed it; not the strongest YA book but cute enough.

  3. Rowena

    I have got to read this book for myself, it’s still on my wish list because I’m very interested in reading a story about Mormon characters in the real world. Is Noah Mormon too?

  4. Dev-It’s still a cute read, but yeah, I was really wanting a cute road trip book too. There was some good stuff on their trip back to Haven. I think that was my favorite part…the ending. LOL

    Bookworm-I have come across a few too many crazy YA heroines lately. I think it’s a new trend. And not a good one.

    Ween-Yes, Noah is Mormon. He’s like the golden boy of Haven. And he’s got a strong sense of faith too. I can’t wait for you to read this b/c there’s one part I really want to discuss because it was just so awww. 😛

    Alex-I think you should still give it a shot, maybe she won’t get on your nerves as much as she did on mine? hehe

  5. I love road-trip books – too bad this one was lite on that. And I don’t think I’d like Joy with her using Noah and being all stalker-ish. Still, might get it from the library and let the teen read it first. 🙂

  6. Rowena

    Ha! I can’t wait to see if I remember any of the boys from my Church acting the way that Noah acts in this book. Probably not because most of the boys that I went to Church with were not Golden boys, haha.

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