What I Read Last Week

Posted June 27, 2011 by Tracy in Features | 10 Comments

Good Afternoon!
It was a good week here in Tracyland. Life was relatively quiet during the week and that’s always nice.
On Saturday my youngest tested in Taekwondo for her next belt level…and passed! Get this – not only did she pass but she got the highest score of all 20 students who were testing and got a trophy! Yay! Go baby, go! To say we were proud of her would be a huge understatement.
And here she is doing some kicks during the test. 
In reading I was incredibly undiversified. I read book 1 of the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews a couple of weeks ago so I decided to pick up book 2 and that started me off on a complete Kate Daniels binge. I tried to stop, I did, but I just had to keep going. I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve read a series one book right after another. Just a damned good series that gets better and better with each book.
I started off the week with Magic Burns by Ilona Andrews. Kate is asked to retrieve some maps that were stolen from the Pack. The magic that normally comes and goes is heading into a flare where there will be the most powerful magic. She discovers that during this time Gods can manifest and that’s just not something she wants to happen. During the story she also inherits a 12 year old street urchin, Julie. She also discovers some interesting information about Curran and his possible feelings toward her. A really good book that had me turning pages as fast as I could. 4 out of 5
After that I read Winterlude by Tam Ames. You all know Tam Ames, right? Tam is Tam…you know, from Tam’s Reads and Brief Encounters. Yep, she wrote a story and got it published – go Tam! This was about a chance meeting on the street between two men who hit it off. They end up going out on a date and having a bit of an interlude. Will there be more in the future? IDK – hopefully Tam will follow up and let us know! A very good short story that I really liked. 4 out of 5
Saying Yes by Barbara Elsborg was next. This was another short story about a girl whose boyfriend/boss/roommate breaks up with her/fires her/kicks her out because she’s so negative all of the time. She determined to be more of a yes person. When she runs into a man while staying at her best friends apartment she decides to say yes to a whole host of things. Very cute just too darned short! 3 out of 5 (free story at Ellora’s Cave)
Magic Strikes by Ilona Andrews was next and it was so damned good! This had Kate fighting in something called the Midnight Games and trying to find the people who hurt her friend Derek. The world-building in this series just blows me away and especially in this book with the “new” creatures that were introduced – the Rakshasa – just their dwellings in Unicorn Lane was amazingly detailed…but not in a “omg too much detail” kind of way. Just an excellent book – I loved it. 5 out of 5
Next I pulled out the Must Love Hellhounds anthology and re-read Ilona Andrews story in that book. It was called Magic Mourns and it’s told in 1st person pov by Kate’s best friend Andrea. She ends up retrieving a dead body and facing a hellhound while getting together with werehyena, Raphael. Great little story. I had read this story before when I read the anthology originally but it had so much more meaning now that I was reading the whole series. 4 out of 5
After that it was Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews. This story had Kate facing her very powerful aunt as well as the aunts minions. Curran and Kate are getting closer as well and I love the slow build-up that we’ve gotten over the course of the series and it really comes to a head in this book. Love them together! 5 out of 5
Hexed is an anthology with four different authors but I only read Magic Dreams by Ilona Andrews. This is Jim and Dali’s story and if you’re following the story you won’t want to miss it. Dali is trying to save Jim for a “thing” that’s eating his soul and trying to hide her love for him. A very good addition to the series. 4 out of 5
I had to do a bit of a palette cleanser after that and picked up my ereader and read Old Poison by Josh Lanyon – my Tracy’s TBR Challenge read. This is the second story in the Dangerous Ground series. It has Taylor and Will together for Taylor’s birthday but someone who has a very old grudge against Taylor wants him gone. This was another great story in the series and I really, really enjoyed it. Will and Taylor together are just wonderful and I can’t see what happens next in Blood Heat. 4.5 out of 5
And last for the week was, you guessed it, the last Kate Daniels book that was released, Magic Slays. Kate and Curran are searching for a man who is missing and the magic killing device he created. It also has Kate trying to save Julie’s life (her ward). Another excellent read! I just love the writing in this series. It just gets better and better. If you haven’t read this latest installment and have been reading the KD series then you should definitely read this one! 5 out of 5 (I read this for The Book Binge so will let you know when my review posts)
My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:
Happy Reading!

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10 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Congrats to your youngest! Is it just me, or is she tearing through those grades? *very impressed*

    And you did have an Ilona Andrews binge this week *grin* I love the series and am so glad Aymless put me on to it. I'm anxiously waiting for my library's copy of Magic Slays to arrive (and am hoping for some Derek time 🙂 I don't think I've read Magic Mourns, but I love Andrea & Raphael so I need to hunt that down!

    Hmmm…and I definitely need to read my some more Josh Lanyon – I haven't read the Dangerous Ground books yet. Tracy – I don't think this post has been so good for my TBR list, but I'm happy *beams*

  2. Go, Youngest! Go! Woot!!!

    You went on a book binge, but posted not to Book Binge?! 😉

    Tam's book was good, wasn't it? We knew her when…

  3. Tam

    Go littlest Tracy!!! That is so great. she must have been near to bursting (not literally because that would be a bitch to clean up). 🙂 Mom too.

    You guys are making me blush. Sheesh. Thanks.

    I did read that Josh Lanyon but I don't remember much. Hmmm.

  4. *high five* your kid did awesome! The beam of pride lits up this post 🙂 And what an awesome reading week you've had,Tracy! I can't seem to get past the first hundred pages of the first vook in the kate daniels series:(

    I must get to read Tam's Winterlude asap!

  5. Orannia – She was moving through the lower belts pretty quickly. Her old instructor had tests every 3 months I believe. I think once you get to the higher belts it moves slower. With this new owner/instructor this is the first one in 6 months. 🙂
    Magic Slays was SO GOOD! I can't wait to hear what you have to say.
    The Dangerous Ground series is good. So far 3 novellas but I've only read 2. I love Lanyon.

    Chris – I did go on a book binge this past week didn't I. I really can't remember the last time I did that! They were so good though!
    Tam – yes, we knew her when. Those were the memories. *sigh*. Her book was great!

    Tam – Near to bursting – *snort* It would be much less mess if she burst and not me! lol She did good. 🙂
    AND YOU did good! I loved Winterlude and can't wait for your next novel. 😉

    Leontine – Thanks! I'm very proud. *beams*
    You know I had a REALLY had time getting into Magic Bites as well. I picked it up and put it down. Tried to give it away and my friend just gave it back and said READ IT!!! The first book ended up being very good but they just get better and better and subsequent books have romance – yay! Just read them you'll be so glad you did, truly.

  6. Right on, to your youngest!

    That's a really good Lanyon series. Though you're reminding me I need to read #3.

    Just finished Magic Slays this afternoon. It rocked! The series really does just keep getting better.

    Have a great week, Tracy! 🙂

  7. Renee – Thank you, she was rockin it!
    I need to read book 3 as well.
    Didn't Magic Slays totally blow your socks off. I loved it. Books 3 and 5 are definitely my favs so far.

  8. Congrats to your daughter, Tracy!! It's awesome 🙂 You're now going to have to clear a shelf for the trophies to come! It's so great to see that she found something that she really likes… and it's been what? Only a year, no?

    Wooohoo, glad you jump on the Kate Daniels series bandwagon! You're like me, really started liking the series on Magic Strikes. I love that book!! And all the subsequent books from there on were great.

    I sneak read Jim and Dali's story at the bookstore and wasn't it just cute?!? I can't wait to see them again as a couple 🙂

  9. Check out your baby girl! What a proud moment. 🙂

    I've been doing some catch up on my favorite PNR/UF series lately (Singh and Adrian) … will have to do the same with Andrews next. Thanks for the reminder!

  10. Nath – I know – now that she has trophies instead of plaques I'm going to have to clear a shelf! lol
    No it's been a little over two years since she began. It'll probably be another 2 before she hits black – if not longer. Once you get into those higher belts it's just more difficult.
    I LOVED Magic Strikes. The first two were good but that one was just uber fantastic.
    Jim and Dali's story was good. I like how their novella's give us stories for the supporting characters in the novels. 🙂

    Christine – You're welcome! I need to get the latest Adrian – it's just find the time to fit it all in. 🙂

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