Main Character: Ally Ryan, Jake Graydon
Love Interest: Jake Graydon, Ally Ryan
Series: She’s So Dead to Us Trilogy, Book 2
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
Ally Ryan, come on down to the Jersey Shore and forget your troubles!Have you recently been humilated in front of your friends and family at your former best friends birthday party? Was your almost boyfriend partly responsible for that humilation by withholding some vital information about where your estrangerd father is? Did you come home to find said estranged father sitting on your stoop?
If so, then it sounds like you could use a vacation! The Jersey Shore is the place to be. Your mother may be living with her boyfriend of only a few months, but at least the stunt Shannen pulled has put some of your friends back in your court. Even so, you’re still angry and what better way to get over Jake than to blow off some steam with local guy, Cooper. People will hardly recognize your new attitude, but the old one wasn’t getting you anywhere, so who cares!
Jake Graydon, an exciting opportunity is waiting for you in the service industry!
Are your grades so low your parents have grounded you for the summer? Did you the girl you really like unceremoniously leave you behind? Would you rather eat dirt than see your friends again? Then a job at the local coffee shop is just the ticket! Suprisingly, Ally’s father is the new manager so you get to be reminded of her nearly every day. Maybe it’s time to start flirting with your best friend’s ex or even taking school a bit more seriously. Especially when you finally see Ally and she’s hanging around with some loser and it’s couldn’t be more clear that she is over you.
Have a great summer!
This story picks up not too long after the last book ends. It’s a good thing that Alex alerted me to the fact that this is the second book in a series because I was none the wiser. Jumping into this book was good because it hadn’t been that long since I read the first book so I didn’t have to remember much since it was all pretty fresh in my mind. The characters, the storyline, everything was crystal clear to me and right from the jump, I hated Shannen, Faith and the rest of those no good assholes that Aly used to call friends.
Like I said in my review of She’s So Dead To Us, I couldn’t understand why Aly wanted to be friends with these guys so much. They were all total and complete jerks to her and yet she kept taking them back. It must be a teenage thing because had this happened to me, I would have cut them all loose and been done with the whole lot of them.
Probably Jake too.
Honestly? Probably not.
In She’s So Dead To Us, I thought Jake was cute. Stupid but cute. In this book, I came to love Jake so much more and it was Aly that I thought was stupid. I get that she’s been through the ringer in the past couple of months but being a brat about it all doesn’t make me want things to get better for you. When she starts going out with Cooper, I kept rolling my eyes down the street. You can see that Cooper was bad news the minute he rolled into the story and yet Aly didn’t care. She went along for the ride anyway.
In this book you see Jake grow up a lot. He’s still the same boy, he’s just learning how to be a man and I ate his part of the story up. Chloe was a good friend to him and though I felt bad for Hammond, I wasn’t mad at Jake. Hammond is one of those characters that you want to like because he’s not a bad kid but because he doesn’t stick up for himself or anyone around him, he’ll always stay in the background of your mind. Never at the forefront, like Jake.
It was good to see everyone again because as pissed off as I was at the whole lot of them at the end of the last book, it was still good to read up on them in this one. Shannen continues to be a little shit to everyone in her little circle of friends and while you can see Faith trying to make amends and bring everyone together, she still wasn’t my favorite. I understood why Chloe didn’t want to see anyone. It’s more than a little obvious that Hammond still has a thing for Aly and well, poor Hammond. Always striking out.
Overall, this book was good. It was an entertaining summer tale that picks up right where the last book leaves off and it’s a perfect beach read. If you enjoyed the first book, you’ll enjoy this one as well and when you close this book, your eyes are going to be bugging out because was that one helluva of cliffhanger or what? I can’t wait for the next book…woot!
..and that’s your scoop!
Book cover and blurb credit:

You make me want to read these books. Which is funny because I never thought there would be fore me. I’m going to ad them to my list now.
And thanks for the warning about Aly’s bratiness, I hate that in a girl character I’m supposed to like, but with a warning, I hope it won’t be so bad.
Dang – you sold me. Well, first the cover did – then I saw that it was book 2, so I went to amazon and the title of the first book really didn’t do anything for me. So I changed my mind and wasn’t going to wishlist these – then I finished your review. Darn!!! So now I am going directly to amazon to wishlist these (and check my library to see if they have them)
@Alex: They’re actually pretty good. Nice and fluffy so don’t be expecting anything too deep because that’s not what you’ll get with these books.
@Dev: They’re cute reads, check them out! =)