Tomorrow at the RT Convention here in L.A. is Teen Day. It costs $25 for a day pass and there are going to be a ton of authors there. I’ve got ants in my pants, I’m so anxious to get there and mingle with everyone that’s going.
So tell me, are you going to be there? I’d love to meet up with anyone who’s interested. It’s going to be so much fun and *squeee* Rachel Vincent and Melissa De La Cruz are going to be there, woot!
I’m the girl in this picture so if you see me around the RT Convention, stop me and say hi!
..and that’s your scoop!

I so wish I was going, but LA is way too far of a drive for me…Hope you have fun! 😀
Seems like a great event! I hope you have a lot of fun! 😀
How was it? Who’d you meet? What books did ya’ get?
I just recently finished My Soul to Keep by Rachel Vincent and am dying to get my hands on My Soul to Steal now. I recently read that she’s going to have ARCs of If I Die at BEA in May. I’m thinking I HAVE to go now!