Main Character: Jane Turner
Love Interest: Cam
Series: None
Author: Website|Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads
What does a medium iced vanilla latte really mean? Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Then her boss, Derek, makes it an in-store promotion, promising customers perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane freaked out? Does it have anything to do with her best friend, Em, dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?
I’ve wanted to read this book since before it came out and as it usually goes with me, by the time the book comes out, it fell off my radar and I forget all about it. The last time I was at Borders, I picked this book up and was super excited to read it and then I got home and promptly forgot all about it…again.
This book is about a girl named Jane Turner who works as a barista at the local Starbucks type coffee shop in her town. One of the things she likes to do while at work is people watch. As she’s watching all of these people coming in and out of the coffee shop, she starts taking note of what each person is ordering. Certain types of people order certain types of drinks and before she knows it, she’s hooking people up by their preference in coffee.
To say that this book was cute is spot on. I thought it was the most adorable book that I’ve read in some time. Between Jane and her friends to Cam and his cuteness, this book just oozed cuteness and I ate it right up.
Jane was a great main character and her voice was the kind of voice that you could just fall into. It was easy to follow and she was interesting enough that you didn’t want her to stop “talking”. When Em’s boyfriend breaks up with her, she’s all desolate and what not and Jane works her coffee magic on Em to try to help her get through the hurt. Only problem is, she didn’t want Em to hit it off quite so well with Cam because it didn’t feel right.
To say that I loved Cam is putting it mildly because I absolutely adored him. From the first time we meet him and the way that he was with Jane, it was all just too cute for words. I couldn’t believe that Jane didn’t see right from the beginning how he wanted to play tonsil hockey with her. It was so obvious but I guess it’s true what they say, “It’s only obvious to the people on the outside.” Because, it totally was.
Anyway, overall this book was great. It was a quick contemporary romance YA book that will keep you smiling that big ol’ cheesy grin up until the end. I wasn’t reading very much when I picked this book up and it totally plopped me right out of my reading slump. Too cute!
I’m anxious to read more from Springer, she entertained the socks right off of me with this one!
..and that’s your scoop!
Book cover and blurb credit:

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I actually have this one on my short list, I plan to read it soon.
I just love the idea of it – though I am a bit like you, I’ve been meaning to read it forever but it sort of keep falling off my radar.
However, your review just got me all pumped up about it!.
I thought this book was just too cute for words. It was short, cute and just perfect for what I was in the mood for…I was in the mood for something that didn’t take itself too seriously, something light and fluffy and this fit my mood perfectly!
I’ve almost picked this one up a couple of times from the library, but it just didn’t sound like it had enough substance. But you know… sometimes that’s ok. Sometimes that’s more than ok and just what we need to lift our mood. I’ll grab it next time.
Plus I LOVE coffee! lol
It’s pure fluff but it’s cute fluff and I will definitely re-read it again, I’m sure!