What I Read Last Week

Posted December 20, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 11 Comments

Rain, rain, go away, come again…never! Ug! It’s been raining here for the past 4 days and I’m done with it, thank you very much. But I guess it doesn’t matter what I want because it’s supposed to rain til Wednesday. Double ug.
So there’s never a dull moment in Tracy Land. Friday the fam all marched over to the taekwondo studio so that my youngest could take her belt test for her brown belt. My oldest had asked for money so that she could go buy her sister a bottle of water. My oldest ended up slipping on the rain soaked cement and went down hard. I ended up taking my oldest to the urgent care after we got her up (after 20 minutes of lying in the rain) and she got x-rays. Nothing broken, thank God, but they said she wrenched her back pretty badly and she has stretched ligaments all around her spine. She’s pretty immobile for the next few days and is going a bit crazy. I missed the brown belt test but she passed. Woohoo!
Let’s see – I was really behind on Christmas shopping and this past weekend was to be my catch up. With having to be home with the oldest and being at her beck and call I’m still really behind. Yeah, Christmas is in a few days. I’m totally screwed. lol Hey, at least I can laugh about it.
You’d have to have been living under a rock to not know that the DIK Winter Giveaway is afoot at the DIK blog. Every day there will be 2-3 posts with giveaways in each one. Each contest only runs until midnight pacific so leave a comment with your email address to enter.
Oh and LB Gregg’s new Romano and Albright book came out today – Trust Me If You Dare! Woofreakinhoo! Congrats Lisa! And btw – it’s fabulous! Really, really great. Love Dan, love Ce, loved the story. 5 out of 5
On to what I read this week…
First up was The Kiss Test by Shannon McKelden. A fun road trip friends to lovers story that I really liked. Yeah, there were things about each character that I would have changed but hey – they’re human, right? Anyway, if you’re interested about hearing more you can read my review here. 4 out of 5
Next was Taken by Midnight by Lara Adrian. This is book 8 in the midnight breed series and was Brock’s story. The hero’s name threw me out of the story every single time. It was just so 80’s! lol But despite that it was a good book. A very nice action/adventure story with a romance in it as well. 4 out of 5
No Place to Run by Maya Banks was my next read. I read this one for The Book Binge and it was really good. Two people who meet in Mexico – neither telling the other who they really are – have a steamy hot affair and all but fall in love. Five months later and the woman shows up on the man’s doorstep (or in the river in front of his house) and is pregnant and says that there are people after her and now he’s in danger as well. Another great action story with a nice romance as well. 4.5 out of 5  Now I just have to find book 1 since I liked book 2 so well. 
Prelude to a Scandal by Delilah Marvelle was next on the list. This was the story about a woman who is infatuated with a man who is a sex addict. She doesn’t realized he’s a sex addict but she ends up helping him deal with his obsession with sex. I’ll be posting my review soon. (I love the cover of this book – the color s are very eye catching) 3.5 out of 5
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was Finding Zach by Rowan Speedwell. This was an intense book about a 20 year old who is found in a paramilitary raid in Venezuela. Turns out he’s a millionaire’s son that had been kidnapped 5 years prior. The horrors that he’s dealt with are unbelievable. The book mostly takes place 2 years after he’s found and how he’s dealing with life and the one man that he’s ever loved. A really good read. 4 out of 5
Another Tracy’s TBR Challenge read was She Wolf by Teresa D’Amario. The story is about a vet who finds out that she’s half wolven (basically a werewolf) and meets her mate. It’s the coming to terms with who and what she is as well as dealing with her mates issues of who and what he really is. It was a very good shapeshifter book. 4 out of 5
Overall a pretty darned good reading week!
My Book Binge reviews that have posted since last week:

Happy Reading!

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11 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Yikes! Hope the oldest is feeling better now!

    And sigh – this rain! We always need the rain here in So. Cal. and I happen to *like* the rain – but dang, could it not come down all at once?

  2. Tam

    Hope your kiddo is feeling better. Sounds very painful. Stupid rain.

    I'm looking forward to LB's book and I've been afraid to read Finding Zach. LOL I've heard it's really intense. I did read the follow-up Christmas story which is the story of the author who writes Zach's story.

    Good luck with the Christmas prep. I really should wrap something soon. Ack!

  3. Wendy – Thanks. She's in pain but doing well. She's bored out of her mind and driving us all crazy…from a chair. lol
    OMG the rain can stop ANY MINUTE! I know we need it but, damn!

    Tam – Yes, painful, but luckily nothing was broken. 🙂
    Finding Zach was intense but not as harsh as I thought it would be. Very good.
    I'll have to look into Brian's story. He seemed over eager at first but then I kind of liked him at the end of Zach's story.

  4. Ack! I'm glad she didn't break anything, but strained ligaments are not so fun… Congrats to the other 'un for getting her belt!

    I have Finding Zach… I just haven't nerved myself up to read it.

    I'll trade you snow for that rain. 😀

  5. Hope oldest is back on her feet soon. And that you get a break, too 🙂

    And hello? I love the rain, but really, enough for this week. Give us a week off.

  6. Holy ca-nip-tion-fit honey! I am so sorry to hear about all of that!!! I will send a prayer for speedy recover! And send a million hugs to you!!!!!!

    Okay so it's not a million. I think you might have gotten ticked off if I would have put that many there, lmbo!!!
    Honey, I truly hope you and your family have a very blesses Christmas!

  7. Ohhh, so sorry to hear about your daughter. Ouch 🙁 And right during her holiday vacation 🙁 No fun.

    I'm sure you're going to pull it off, Tracy, no worries 🙂 In the end, you'll be all ready for Christmas 🙂

    Some very nice reads you got there 🙂 Love the covers for Delilah Marvelle 🙂

  8. Awww, I'm sorry about your oldest Tracy! I hope she gets better quickly.

    And kudos to youngest.

    psst *whispers* I still have my copy of the first KGI book from Book Binge. I'll send it your way!

  9. Tracy, sorry to hear about your eldest daughter. I hope she's doing better? Congrats to your youngest on her brown belt test. 😀

    Book Two for Romano and Albright came out already? I still have the first book in my TBR!!! I have GOT to catch up with these!

  10. Sorry, didn't realize that I was this behind on commenting – yikes!
    Thanks to everyone for the well wishes for my kidlet.

    Chris – No Snow! I will not trade – even though I hate the rain. lol
    Read Finding Zach – good book.

    Lori – The rain stopped! Yay. Of course they say it's supposed to start again but I prefer to live a fantasy and believe that won't happen – at least for a while.

    Cecile – I REALLY appreciate all of the hugs. And yes, I'm quite happy you didn't ACTUALLY put a million in there. lol

    Ames – Thanks – she was quite proud that she got her brown belt. I was upset that I didn't get to video any of it but there's always next time!
    And yes, I'll take that book!

    Hilcia – Thanks!
    Ok, you NEED to start reading the Romano and Albright series. SO. GOOD.

  11. Hope all is well in Tracy land now and the girls are fit and enjoying the season…

    I see you have a little Jackie Chan in the making – fingers cross the next belt all will go like clockwork…

    Love you hual of books – I really enjoyed the Speedwell book – I know there is a short follow up, Tam introduced it a few weeks ago…

    I liked the first book in Banks series more than the second – i jsut couldn't conenct with the heroine..

    hope you get your hands on it soon…


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