On the last day of her junior year, Hannah’s boyfriend Ryan dumped her. Facing a summer of loneliness, Hannah turns to her best friend Ava for comfort. Ava does what BFFs do: she stays by Hannah’s side…until it’s time for Ava to head up to Maine for the summer. Also left behind is Ava’s boyfriend, Noah, who’s such a great guy he gets Hannah a job at the diner he waits tables at. Slowly, Hannah comes out of her funk thanks to Noah’s good conversation and their fun times at the diner. But things get complicated when their friendship turns into attraction–and one night, into a passionate kiss. The novel opens on the first day of senior year; the day Hannah is going to see Ava, Ryan, and Noah all in one place. Over the course of the day secrets and betrayals are revealed, and alliances are broken and reformed. In the end, everyone is paired up once again, but not the way you might think…
I’ve got one Lauren Barnholdt book read under my belt and I’m eager for more. This book looks like a promising story and I’m mighty curious to see how it all pans out. The blurb does a great job of sucking me in and making me want more so yes, I want this book!
It comes out on July 12, 2011 so I have a super duper long wait ahead of me but still, I want! Mark your reading calendars everyone, this one looks like its not a book to be missed!
..and that’s your scoop!
Book cover and blurb credit: http://barnesandnoble.com

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