Main Characters: Claire, Lottie, Will and Bennett
Series: None
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Claire is a #hopelessromantic. Lottie is determined to set up her BFF with Mr. Perfect. Will wants his #secretcrush to finally notice him. Bennett is a man with a plan.
Claire can’t believe it when her dream guy starts following her on Twitter. She never thought he noticed her, and suddenly he seems to understand her better than almost anyone.
But the Twitterverse can be a confusing place, especially when friends act differently online than they do in person. Things get even more complicated when Claire realizes she’s falling for someone else, the last person she ever would have expected….
Told in an innovative format combining tweets, emails, and blogs, Tweet Heart is a contemporary romantic comedy that will set your heart atwitter.
I received this book for review thanks to Holly over at the ARC Tours. I have been looking forward to reading this book because it reminded me of Meg Cabot’s The Boy Next Door and Boy Meets Girls. I adored both of those books and was hyped to enjoy more of the same kind of stuff with this story.
This story follows four teens with crushes, homework and articles for the school paper to write. The entire story is told in tweets, DM’s, emails and blogs. While I did enjoy this book quite a bit, I will say that this book started off slow for me. When I first started reading this book, it was really easy for me to put it down after reading a few pages. I chalked it up to me not being in the mood but once I got over that beginning hump, the story and the book flowed by fairly fast.
This book is a quick read and I enjoyed getting to know Claire, Will, Lottie and Bennett. The whole thing with Will and Claire was too cute even though I wanted to bean Will in the head for continuing with the whole secret plot business. This story is light, fluffy and a whole lot of cute. I enjoyed getting to know each of the characters and I enjoyed watching them bumble along until they get to the end. Will was an adorable hero and Claire was a clueless teenage young woman who was charming anyway.
Rudnick did a wonderful job of sucking me into the story and into the lives of these characters and I’m thrilled that I read it. As soon as I got over myself and got down to some serious reading, this book turned out to be a great way to spend a few hours and I enjoyed it.
Thanks to Holly over at Good Golly Miss Holly for running a wonderful ARC Tour because I enjoyed reading this book and sending it off. So make sure you put this on your wishlists because this book is a cute gem of a book and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
..and that’s your scoop!
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I added this to my wishlist. I loved MC’s Boy Meets Girl & The Boy Next Door – so I’ll definitely pick this one up. Thanks for putting the word out there!!
I enjoyed this one, it was cute.