What I Read Last Week

Posted September 27, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 11 Comments

Well it was an interesting week last week to say the least.  This past Tuesday my boss told me that she plans on retiring next July.  This is a huge deal as I work at a church (I know, shocking lol) and finding a new priest is not an easy task. The next 9 months or so are going to be pretty stressful but hopefully we’ll find someone that will be good for the church…as well as someone I can work with! 🙂
Then my oldest brought home her 5 week progress report.  Shoot me.  Shoot me now.  Ug.  It was horrible to say the least – so there will definitely be some changes going on in my house.  One of the biggest issues, I’ve discovered, is that she doesn’t hand in her assignments.  How hard can that be?  She does them – when they are asked for how can she not just get them out and hand them over?  IDK.  Anyway, hopefully we’ll be able to pull her grades up by the first report card.  Cross fingers…and toes…maybe your arms and legs.  Oh, and prayers couldn’t hurt either! lol
As far as reading went it was a strange week there as well.  I’m not sure if my bosses announcement effected what I was reading or not but it really didn’t go as planned.  I felt kind of disconnected and discombobulated and any other “dis” word you can think of. Not that what I read was bad but I had a hard time choosing the next book I wanted to read – my decision making was at its worst. 🙂 Despite that I ended up reading a few pretty good books. Hopefully this week will go a little smoother in the decision making process – I can only hope.

My first read of the week was Hot Finish by Erin McCarthy.  This is book 3 in the Fast Track series.  It was Suzanne and Ryder’s story and was a tension filled reunion story.  Suzanne and Ryder find out after 2 years that they aren’t actually divorced and then they figure out that they love each other and neither really wants to be divorced.  But getting to the point that they can actually be together without fighting, and figuring out their issues was a huge part of the book.  Suzanne had most of the issues and while I understood her feelings on some things I still got annoyed with her at times.  3.75 out of 5

Second up was Black Heart by Tracy Cooper-Posey.  This is book 2 in the Guns ‘n’ Lovers series and I liked it.  The story focuses – more or less – on Minnie who has escaped Vistaria after the revolution but still believes that her love, Duardo, who was shot and assumed dead, is still alive.  She refuses to believe he is dead and returns to Vistaria only to be captured by an evil man, Zalaya.  This was a great story.  It continues the story of Nick and Calli from book 1, their relationship and their movements to reclaim Vistaria.  Tracy has a great way of blending the romance in with the different aspects of the story and it was very well done. 4 out of 5

Next up was Blue Knight by Tracy Cooper-Posey.  This is book 3 in the same series as above and furthers the story of Vistaria.  I’ll be posting my review for this one on Wednesday so check back. 🙂  4.5 out of 5

Next was my DIK reading challenge book for September – Dreaming of You by Lisa Kleypas.  This was a great story about a country woman and the non-typical hero/gentleman’s club owner that she falls in love with.   Good stuff.  You can read my review here. 4.25 out of 5

Next was a book that I read for The Book Binge called A Gentleman’s Savior by Charlene Roberts.  The story was about a woman who paints a picture of a man who ends up being her husband from a previous life.  She goes back in time but discovers that she hadn’t lived long while married to Gabriel as she had been shot and killed.  Now she has to stop her own death and decide to stay in the present or go to the past and finish living that life.  Good book.  4 out of 5

Next was another story for The Book Binge called Tempting Alibi by Savannah Stuart.  This was the story of neighbors who have both been wanting to be with the other but neither has made a move for the past 7 months.  From opposite sides of the tracks while growing up the two start a relationship after Michaela becomes Scott’s alibi.  3.25 out of 5

Another book for The Book Binge was Shattered Glass by AC Katt.  This was an m/m book about friends who start a rock band.  Two of the members – one who is much younger and was practically raised by the other – fall in love but are torn apart by a man bent on revenge.  This was an incredibly emotionally draining book.  The two men go through complete hell but then it’s all A-ok by the end of the book. I didn’t care for the story, unfortunately, and really didn’t care if the characters got back together or not.  In the end, not my kind of book. 2 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR challenge book for the week was Nice Girls Don’t Have Fangs by Molly Harper.  This is the story of a small town librarian who is fired from her job, shot and killed and turned into a vampire all in one day.  The story follows her trials in her first few months of being a vampire as well as the mystery behind someone who’s out to get her.  Cute book.  A lot of inner thought and tangents that I couldn’t get into, but cute. 3 out of 5

My last book for the week was another romance book based on a true story.  This was Hard to Hold by Julie Leto and follows Michael and Anne’s romance.  The road is not an easy one for the couple but they manage despite the obstacles.  I’ll be posting my review on Friday…along with a giveaway so check back. 4 out of 5

My Book Binge reviews that posted last week:

Happy Reading!

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11 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Hey!! My youngest and your oldest could be twins. He was failing history because he had 5 assigmnents missing. He only gets 2 rainchecks per quarter, so has 3 missings now. But at least he brought it up to a C by turning in those extras. Grrrrrrrr.

    And he also does the freakin' work, but doesn't turn it in.

  2. That's bizarre – why isn't she turning in her completed assignments?! Inquiring minds….

    I have to read Shattered Glass for another commitment and I'm stalled about 1/4 into it with pretty much the same problem you had. *sigh*

  3. Lori – Seriously! Missing assignments? That's just wrong – especially since I know she does them. She has 3 weeks to pull her grades up – I might not hold my breath. 🙂

    Chris – I KNOW! She has a notebook for every class so there are no loose papers in her backpack – not sure how she's conveniently "losing" them. *sigh*
    I had to read Shattered Glass for review so had to get through it as well. Good luck to you.

  4. My youngest went through that phase for a while. I couldn't understand the concept of doing the work and then somehow not turning them in. Thankfully it didn't last too long.

    I read Shattered Glass and although I did have a few problems with it overall I liked it more than you did. 🙂

  5. Tam

    I'm thinking I'm passing on that m/m, I'm not fans of the rock star/celeb storyline except for Heaven Sent and the sequels. 🙂

    Sorry to hear about your kidlet. That is is odd that she does the work and doesn't hand it in. Luckily mine has had some kind of innate fear of being in trouble with the teacher, she still gets paranoid about getting stuff done on time which works for me. 🙂 Hopefully you can get it figured out and get her back on track. Good luck.

  6. Just a reminder: almost all the grandkids so far have had a hard time with the "handing in their homework" thing. Don't ask me why. Just doesn't make any sense. Your reading list is great too. Sorry to hear about the boss. She'll be missed but there are a few months yet that we can have some laughs together.

  7. Hey honey! Just popping in to see what you have been up ~ you busy girl!! I hope all is well and the fams is doing good! Especially the little ones! Hugs to you honey!!

  8. Sorry to hear about your boss. I'm guessing you have a really special relationship with her, being that she is not only your boss but also your priest. I hope you can find someone truly wonderful..not so much to replace her but…hopefully you know what I mean 🙂

    And sorry to here your eldest is having problems. Is it just one class? Seems unusual to do the work and not hand it in. Wishing you both luck in sorting things out 🙂

    And one day I must read Dreaming of You!

  9. Tough week, Tracy! Hope your daughter can get those grades up, and that your new boss is as great as the last one.

    Dreaming of You, one of my all time favs. 🙂

  10. Lily – Kids, what are you gonna do with em, huh? lol Hopefully she's learned her lesson about what happens when you don't hand things in. She wasn't happy with her grades either.
    There seems to be quite a few different opinions on the Katt book.

    Tam – I don't have a problem with rock star/celeb books but that one just didn't work for me. Oh the Heaven Sent books = all kinds of yummy goodness. 🙂
    Can we get your kidlet to talk to my kidlet and get some sense into her? lol

    DrJ – Well, so far your youngest granddaughter has no issues with handing in her homework – let's hope it stays that way! 🙂
    Yes, very sad about my boss but we've still got 9 months to enjoy her!

    Cecile – Hi back! Hope you're well!

    Orannia – Yes, you're right, my boss is a special person in my life – a very dear friend as well as boss and priest. It will be hard to have to work for someone else – that's for sure.
    Unfortunately it's not just one class – she's not doing well in any of them. She's doing well in PE. And how can she not do well in Wood shop? She loves it! *sigh* I don't get it.

    Hilcia – Yes, a tough week but hopefully it will improve.
    My daughter only has 3 weeks to try and pull up her grades before the first report card gets sent home. We'll try our hardest to help but ultimately it's up to her. 🙂

  11. LOL, it seems like every parents I know with teens and tweens are having issues with assignment and homework!! At least, Tracy, you know you're not alone 😛

    I pretty much agree with what you said on the McCarthy. As a whole, it just didn't live up to my expectations.

    are you planning to read more of Molly Harper? Her books are fun I thought 😛

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