Review: Sureblood by Susan Grant

Posted September 3, 2010 by Tracy in Reviews | 9 Comments

Five years ago rival space pirate captains Val Blue and Dake Sureblood stole one incredible night together. But their brief, passionate history ended with the assassination of Val’s father and the condemnation of Dake’s clan. Now Val struggles to prove her mettle—to herself and to the dissenters amid her own people. Every successful raid is a boot heel ground into the burning memory of Dake Sureblood—and their secret son is a constant reminder of their shared past….

Ambushed and captured before he can clear his name, Dake Sureblood returns from a hell like no other to expose the true killer of Val’s father. But as the identity of their enemy becomes chillingly clear, the former lovers must put aside their mistrust and join forces to protect their clans and their precious son.
Val and Dake are in rival clans. Whenever they go raiding it seems that one or the other is there before them to raid and take the haul. When Val’s clan, the Blue’s, show up for a raid that Dake’s clan, the Sureblood’s, were just about to initiate, Dake decides he’s had enough. He plans on raiding the spacecraft anyway – despite the fact that the Blue’s are already there, and possibly take someone hostage. What happens is that Dake and Val’s clans end up working together to fight an attack and splitting the profits. Dake and Val had an instant attraction to each other during the raid but know they’ll probably never see each other again. This incident makes Val’s father and the leader of the Blue clan, Conn Blue, decide to start peace talks. He has wanted peace with the other clans for years but there have always been extenuating circumstances that stopped them.
During the peace talk Gathering on Artoom, Val’s home planet, Val and Dake come together and hit it off in a big way. But the night they spent together has a horrible end – with Val’s brother & her father, Conn Blue, dying. A major portion of the Blue clan believe that the Sureblood’s assassinated Conn Blue but Val does not. She allows the Sureblood’s to leave the planet. But when they leave they’re ambushed, beaten and forced into captivity.
Five years later Val is bitter and angry. She can’t help hating the Sureblood’s. She thinks that Dake left the planet and never contacted her. Her heart was broken because she was starting to fall for him and she felt that he had come, used her and then forgotten about her and any peace the clans may have had. She now has his son and Dake doesn’t even know the boy exists. Things have changed and Artoom is struggling to survive but could things be better? When Dake is released from prison he has some insights about Val’s father’s death he needs to share with Val, who he’s never forgotten, but Val’s just ready to put him on trial for her father’s death as well as other crimes.
This was a fun read. I don’t normally read sci-fi so the fantasy aspect of the book kept me very entertained throughout.
The romance between Dake and Val was definitely on again, off again. I think they spend as much time together in this book as they do apart – page-wise. In the book they’re only together for a short time before Dake gets taken away for 5 years. I really liked their initial attraction. Even though they were from rival clans they didn’t try to deny their attraction and that’s always so refreshing to read. I did have a bit of a problem with Val believing such bad things about Dake when he never contacted her – especially because she never contacted his planet to find out any info. I think if it had been me I would have called him up just to bitch him out! lol Dake I had no problem with. He was a great hero and I loved the scenes that he was involved in. A man full of honor, honesty and fearlessness – I like those qualities in a hero.
I also like the raider (space pirate) camaraderie in this book – and the loyalty to the clans. Yes, some of the raiders were distrustful of outsiders but I think that was to be expected. Also they were easily swayed to liking someone after hating them for so long which was quite amusing.
So if you like space pirates and some romance mixed this is definitely one you’ll need to read.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5
I received this book for review from the publisher.

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9 responses to “Review: Sureblood by Susan Grant

  1. Janna – I know that the relationship would have been solidified had Dake not been captured. He was completely smitten by Val and definitely wanted to take it further which was nice to see.
    Yeah, the cover tells nothing about the story. The Surebloods wore war paint during raids – would have been nice to see some of that on the guy in the photo. 🙂

  2. Hi Tracy. I read this one and enjoyed it a tad more than you did. I really liked Deke too! I thought Val really needed that time to mature as Chief of her clan and I liked that she became the most feared space pirate out there. I DO wish this book had a better cover, though.

    Have you read Moonstruck, the first book in this series? I really enjoyed that oned. Captain Britt Bandahar was awesome and I absolutely fell in love with Finn!

  3. I have to own up to the fact that the sci-fi are my least favorite literary genre. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them but some of them have such a complicated alternate universe that my mind is really sore after trying to keep it all straight. I have this book on "to be read" pile — a rather massive pile at present, but I will get to it eventually.

  4. Hilcia – Yes, I did enjoy that Val became quite infamous! And I really did like the book – stayed up too late reading it! lol
    I haven't read the first one.

    Dr J – We're very alike – I think the alternate universes are the things that keep me away from sci-fi as well as a lot of fantasy. This one wasn't too heavy on the world building since it was all in space though. I think you'll like it.

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