Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 4 – Get Medieval on Your Bookshelf

Posted September 4, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 23 Comments

Thanks in large part to Kris Kennedy, today we have 3 medievals for you. We’re giving away a prize a day this month.

The Conqueror (Zebra Debut)The Irish WarriorKnight of Passion (All the King's Men)

The Conqueror by Kris KennedyAutographed
The Irish Warrior by Kris KennedyAutographed
Knight of Passion by Margaret Mallory

 What was the theme of your senior and/or junior prom? Did you attend?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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23 responses to “Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 4 – Get Medieval on Your Bookshelf

  1. Amy

    You know the sad thing? I was on the prom planning committee my senior year in high school, and didn’t go to anything but After Prom. *sigh*

    Our theme was In the Air Tonight, which was just a really cheesy reason to use the Phil Collins song as a theme song. LOL

  2. I did attend our Senior Prom. Our theme was “Pieces of April”–a great song by Three Dog Night. I wasn’t dating anyone, but a nice guy from our class asked me to go, and I was thrilled. I was very shy, and never went to any of the dances, but I really wanted to go to the prom! I made my dress. It was a long, mint green sleeveless dress with a long-sleeved, sheer green print, short jacket which tied under the bust. Five other girls had chosen the same pattern, but the colors and prints were all different, so no two were the same! I had a great time at the prom, and we went to an after-prom party at my best friend’s house. I have a couple of pictures from the dance and the party, and you can see from the smile on my face and the excitement in my eyes that it was a wonderful time for me : )

    US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  3. I went to one prom, and I honestly don’t remember what the theme was! I do remember that I wore a pink dress with my hair all done up in curls.

  4. ranearia

    Our proms were pretty dumb, we never had any themes, and usually just showed up tried to dance with our date and drink down water down punch. No one every did anything “fun” or cool for our proms (thankfully I never went to any of them! :D)

  5. Mary Beth

    The theme from Junior Prom was Almost Paradise, complete with palm trees and clear-blue water–all fake, of course, because we were in the gym. I don’t remember the theme from Senior Prom. I attended and had a great time at both.

  6. This is perfect! My senior prom theme was medieval–Knights in White Satin. It was a play on words for the Moody Blues song. Decorations included knights, a bridge over a “moat,” castle cut-outs, etc. Yes, I did attend. What great memories you’re bringing back during your week of contests! Thanks.

  7. It’s been way too long since my prom for me to remember the theme. But yes, I did go. I do remember my dress, it was a pink empire waist long gown with cap sleeves.

  8. Pam S (pams00)

    I graduated early so did not ever get to attend my prom, I was supposed to attend my b/f’s but ended up with the flu.

    Pam S
    pams00 @

  9. gamistress66

    I went to the prom but I have no idea what the theme may have been. I remember I wore a pale blue gown with a sweetheart line but can’t remember the date’s name (he wore a pale blue tux I think). I blame the foggy memory on it having been back in the mid-80’s. Feeling a little old now.

  10. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who did go to a senior prom. 🙂 Mine was at a popular nightclub in the city and so was on a weekday evening. I had a calculus test the next day (the teacher offered to move it but the kids voted for it to stay) which was as good a reason not to attend as any. Besides, the boy I liked didn’t ask or go (he thought it was too stupid) and the boys who were my friends (with whom I would have had a good time) didn’t go either. Yep, the lot of us just stayed home and studied for the calculus test.


  11. My Best friend and I did not go to our Sr. Prom. Could not tell ya what the theme was. (It was 1993 so it was quite awhile back.) Her boyfriend was out of State and could not make it and I was single. I was too shy to ask this underclassmen I had a crush on to go with me. (Can’t remember his name now, but he was a cute skater boy! LOL!) We ended up staying at home and renting Single White Female and eating junkfood all night. The sad thing was though my big sister had bought me a beautifull dress just in case I went. I ended up keeping that dress around for years afterward cause it reminded me of what I super sweet sis I had. I still feel kinda bad for missing out on such a big event.

  12. I attended my Senior prom with my first love, it was a fun night. They named it “Midsummer’s Eve Dream” or something like that. We all went to sing karaoke afterwards.

  13. You know, if we had a theme I honestly don’t remember what it was. Probably because I didn’t really attend. A bunch of friends and I got dressed up and then went out bowling. We had a blast though LOL

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