Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 30 – The Big Blowout

Posted September 30, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 84 Comments

It’s Day 30 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. Today is the last day!! We gave a prize a day this month..and we’re exhausted.

Orchard Valley Brides: Norah\Lone Star Lovin'All I Ever Wanted (Hqn)Fire: Tales of Elemental SpiritsXombies: ApocalypticonThe Grimrose Path (Trickster, Book 2)Path of the Sun: A Novel of Dhulyn and ParnoReturn to Sullivans IslandSiren's Call: A Dark Tides NovelBlood on Silk: An Awakened By Blood NovelThe Gift of Love (Berkley Sensation)Death's Excellent VacationUnbridledOur Red Hot Romance Is Leaving Me Blue: A NovelSome Like it Kilted (Signet Eclipse)Swept Away By a KissImproper Ladies (Signet Eclipse)Sweetest Little Sin (Berkley Sensation)Pray for Dawn (Dark Days, Book 4)Wait for Dusk (Dark Days, Book 5)Born to Bite: An Argeneau Novel (Argeneau Vampires)

Harlequin Book Bag w/ beach mat, sunglasses and hat
Orchard Valley Brides by Debbie Macomber
All I Ever Wanted by Kristan Higgins

Fire by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson
Xombies: Apocalypticon by Walter Greatshell
The Grimrose Path by Rob Thurman
Path of the Sun by Violette Malan
Return to Sullivan’s Island by Dorothea Benton Frank
Siren’s Call by Devyn Quinn
Blood on Silk by Marie Treanor
The Gift of Love anthology
Death’s Excellent Vacation anthology
Unbridled by Beth Wiliamson
Our Red Hot Romance Is Leaving Me Blue by Dixie Cash
Some Like it Kilted by Allie Mackay
Swept Away by a Kiss by Katharine Ashe
Improper Ladies by Amanda McCabe
Sweetest Little Sin by Christine Wells
Pray for Dawn by Jocelynn Drake
Wait for Dusk by Jocelynn Drake
Born to Bite by Lynsay Sands

How did you feel the day you graduated high school? What did you do for grad night?

Because this is such a large giveaway, and the last one of the month, we’re going to run it for a full week, instead of one day. Contest ends Thursday, October 7 @ 11:59pm. 

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84 responses to “Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 30 – The Big Blowout

  1. I felt great the day I graduated high school. I was so glad to finally be free. That night I had a party at my parents house, with just some close friends, and then started packing, because I moved the next day!! 😀

  2. Ohh well, in France it’s a bit different from the US. We have exams at the end of Highschool and then we have to wait a whole month before getting the results and knowing if we’ve graduated or not.
    The day I got the results, my friends and I decided to celebrate by going to every bar in the city. We ended up drinking champagne directly from the bottle in the street. It was really fun. Of course now I’m too old for all that but I will always remember that day. =)

    Thank you for the great giveaways this whole month. I want to read SO many books from this list it would be so happy to win.
    Have a wonderful week!


  3. Oh wow! Great giveaway and selection of books.

    I was excited the day of graduation.After all the stuff that happened throughout High School I was glad I made it
    After graduation I went out to dinner with a bunch of friends then we headed to a graduation party.

  4. Dev

    I was excited on graduation – my mom threw a great party for me and my relatives swarmed in from all over.

    That night, we had our all-night alcohol free party. The school district held a luau – which also included a monopoly money casino, swimming, dancing, gift giveaways every hour, and then a sunrise breakfast. It was a great time.

  5. I was glad that I was graduating but I knew I would miss a lot of my friends because we were going to different colleges.
    We had a family dinner after graduation.

  6. First, let me say “Thank You” for a wonderful month of blog posts and giveaways! It’s been so much fun : )

    I graduated from high school 35 years ago. I was only 16. I skipped a grade, and I was always the youngest person in my class. In some ways, I am still that young girl with big dreams and small town realities. Some of the things that I hoped for on graduation day aren’t going to happen–they have been eliminated. However, I can still say that there are some dreams I will never give up! I discovered that my journey through life will never be smooth sailing. My path is the one strewn with obstacles. I’ve learned to live with all that, with a few lingering regrets, because I know that I am the sum of all my life experiences.

  7. I felt relieved! It was finally over. I was kind of nervous about college coming up though. My friends and I went to several graduation parties that night and stayed out late. It was a good time!

  8. I was happy! Ecstatic 😀

    On graduation day:
    First the whole graduation class had dinner and then we parted ways. I went with a friend to a nightclub

  9. I was so glad it was over, I was ready to go off to college. For graduation night, we went to a party that ended up at a seedy motel. I was mad because I had to leave (yes, I still had a curfiew) but later that night the police busted up the party so I was glad I was already gone 🙂 (yes, that was the type of friends I hung out with at the time)

    Absolutely AMAZING collection of books you’re giving away – thanks!

    bookaddictpatti at cox dot net

  10. On graduation day, I was excited and not just a little bit scared. Senior year was the only year I really enjoyed. And with only 87 graduates, we were a tight-knit little group.

    Our town hosts a sober grad party from 10pm to 5 am. The merchants all donate gift certificates and products that they give away at the end of the event.

    They had a DJ, but the highlight for me was when our local HS band played. We had some talented people in our class.

  11. I was happy to have graduated from high school, of course, but in a way it was a no big deal type of thing. (My family is not… yeah.)
    Grad night? Well the night after commencement we all went to a friend’s house and hung out. 🙂

  12. Fantastic! Graduation was the culmination of 4 years of hard work. I was looking forward to going to the college I wanted and was feeling blessed because I had gotten a LOT of scholarships to help cover the cost. It was also a great night because my Opa flew in from the Netherlands to see my graduate. Oh, and for the first time in 5+ years it wasn’t raining, so we got to have graduation outside as planned!

    I think after the ceremony, I went out to eat with my family and then went to bed early. We got up at the crack of dawn the next day to drive 8 hours to visit my Dad’s family for Memorial Day weekend. We had a big party/family reunion down there, then a couple days later we went to Disney World where my aunt and her family from the Netherlands met us! Great memories.

  13. That day and night was all about celebrating. My family was all around me and and friends too. We had a great time and tried to hold off growing up for one more day.

    Thanks for the awesome grab bag. 😀 Miranda
    mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

  14. It was nothing really important. It never is, here.
    And i just did the normal stuff with my friends. Seriously to graduate from high school is nothing special here.

  15. My HS graduation was quite an event. Back in 1957 there were lots of traditions, the audience was quiet, beautiful music and lots of pride. We even had baccelaureate service the day before. But it was something I will never forget as it was the first sense I had that my life was moving forward and I was “commencing” to be an adult. What a grand feeling. This is a great book bag giveaway. Please put me in the drawing.

  16. I was definitely excited to graduate and nervous. It was the end of high school and life as I knew it. I don’t think we had grad night though. At least I don’t remember one. Which sucks because my brother had one and they went to Disney World.

  17. Kim

    I was happy about graduation, yet sad to be leaving that part of my life behind. We all chose different colleges, so graduation meant saying good-bye to many friends. My family took me out that night to celebrate.

  18. When I graduated high school, I felt happy and sad at the same time. High school was a great experience and I didn’t want to leave that behind.

    I can’t recall what I did that night, but I did have a grad party a few days after.

  19. Graduation day was so stressy. Not sure how it is in the US but here it goes like this: I had to get up at the crack of dawn to go to the hairdresser. Then we get our diplomas at 10 AM. With speeches and all that boring stuff. After that we could go home. Everyone in my family napped but I couldn’t cuz of the hair. It was already in a nice up-do and I didn’t want to ruin it. In the evening we went to the ball and partied and danced through the whole night. It was a fun day after all tho I had to sleep till PM the next day. 😉

  20. maered

    I was just so happy that high school was over. But I felt kind of sad, too. We didn’t do anything great, just went out for a meal.

  21. I was happy and excited to begin the next chapter of my life going to college in the fall. We just hung out with a bunch of friends that night
    msboatgal at

  22. Excited!!! I found out a few hours before graduation that I was actually graduating. I decided to take some online courses so I could get out of school early and work. Not realizing that I was enjoying the freedom and partying too much and neglecting some of my online work. I ended up failing the final test in one of my courses and I needed that credit to graduate. I was able to retake it the day before graduation and had to overnight it and I found out I passed right before graduation. It was insane. Add to the fact that my now husband proposed to me a few days before graduation and I had a honker of a ring on. I got a lot of your an idiot comments from friends, but I was head over heels. After the ceromony, my fiance, now hubby, left immediately and booked it to his sister’s graduation which was an hour away. It was a busy day 🙂

  23. Anonymous

    What a huge great selection of books.

    Grad nite we had a family party and I felt relieved it was over – h.s. that is but the start of a new life and looking for a job.

    Helen L.

  24. I felt truly free, that I could leave my childhood behind and move on as an adult finally and truly. As for the after party, I enjoyed a get together with my family and Chinese food!

  25. Graduating high school felt wonderful and a little scary. You have that happiness of having finished school and the fear of the unknown because you aren’t sure what to expect at college. My high school ha this wonderful tradition of having senior’s last blast. They open the school from around 7 pm to 6 am in the morning, right after graduation. They set up booths and amusements, open a concession stand and everyone hangs out for one last night in and around the gym having fun. We signed year books, bounced on the blow up castles, played table tennis, tried to grab money from a cash machine, sat and reminisced about high school and our hopes for the future. It was a little eerie to be in school after hours, but still a wonderful experience! It was a great way to get everyone together for one last hurray!

  26. At the end of my junior year, I found out if I took the 3 senior req’d courses over the summer (Com Ed & US Govt) I could graduate. So no senior year of high school for me! No graduation, no cap and gown, etc. (Though I did go to my senior prom) At 16, I started college, and have never regretted it.

  27. the day i graduated, i almost felt let down – that’s it? that’s what all the fuss was about? but then i was kinda sad too, because i knew that a lot of my friends were moving away to colleges out of state. for grad night, we went to the magic kingdom at walt disney world! the park was overrun by students all night…it was awesome!

    k_sunshine1977 at yahoo dot com

  28. I had mixed feelings…happy to be finished with that phase of my life, and moving on to something else (college) and sad to be leaving behind so many friends. On grad night, my boyfriend and I went out with a bunch of other kids from school.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful month of giveaways! Y’all are great.

  29. Anonymous

    I honestly don’t remember what I did! I was happy… had a bad case of senioritis all that Spring. Oh, I remember now my family took me out that afternoon. But the evening is a blank. — willaful

  30. The last chance at a Back-to-School Giveaway and what a giveaway it is! *crossing my fingers*

    I remember that one of my friends just couldn’t stop crying. I told her that nobody died and it was a joyous occasion. Of course, we all went our separate ways afterward and I never did see that friend again so maybe she was right.

    My school didn’t have a grad night. There was a senior breakfast on a Saturday morning before graduation. That was fun but I don’t remember doing anything noteworthy aside from hanging out with my friends. I don’t even remember the food.


  31. The day i graduated high school i was so happy for it to be over and moving on to another chapter of my life. Grad night i just hung out with friends. My school had grad night at a bowling place but i don’t bowl so i skipped out on that.


  32. I was very happy. Couldn’t wait to get out of there.. Went to eat with family and then went out with friends drinking:)

    Thanks for all the great giveaways!

  33. On the day of graduation I cried a lot, because I would be missing some of the people I went to school with. Actually our graduation was at night, so after it was over I spent time with some of my friends.


  34. goddessani

    I felt let down the day I graduated. I only spent two years in the US and a good part of my senior year (had just moved to a small town in Oregon), I spent in hospital. As I got my diploma, I looked at all the kids around me, kids who had known each other since kindergarten and were wildly excited for themselves and each other. I was the odd woman out.

    Later that evening a guy from a neighbouring town I’d just begun seeing and I drove to Northern CA (about an hour away) because he’d never been to CA. It was a small town and everything was closed up for the night so we turned around to head back to Oregon. We were stopped by the police because we ran a stop sign! We went back and, sure enough, buried under a weeping willow was a stop sign. It didn’t matter that we couldn’t see it and were the only people on the road!

    It cost us $35 (big money in those days) but cheaper than returning to CA to fight it.

    All in all graduation was nothing.

  35. I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. I became a quadriplegic at the age of four and was told I’d be dead within six months so to have made it all the way to graduating I really wanted to say neener neener to those that thought I wouldn’t/couldn’t do it.

    For grad night there was a big party out in the country that my friends and I went to.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  36. I was hot and excited about having my 2.5 months of summer of not doing anything. For grad night my class spent the whole night at Sunsplash, and about halfway through I wanted to go home and sleep. :/ I got sick the day after, but I did win a $100 GC to the mall, so all in all it worked out.

  37. I graduated in the middle of the year, but went back for the formal graduation. I just felt relief and excitement that I could get a job and start working and get on with my life. I was supposed to be going to an all night grad party, but spent it with my boyfriend and another couple just having our own party instead.


  38. I was thrilled to be graduating high school, and was so excited about starting college. Went to Disneyland on grad night and had a blast.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  39. Anonymous

    I don’t remember what I did; it was so long ago but I do remember being so relieved school was over and I could get a job.

    Rosie G.

  40. I was so excited to be finished! A little sad, too because nothing was ever going to be the same. All my friends and I stayed around talking until late.

  41. Natasha

    Relived that I didn’t have to wear a uniform anymore!
    Happy that I didn’t have to learn social sciences anymore.
    Sad that I would not see my friends everyday.
    Nervous about the future.

    That night, I honestly can’t remember what I did.

  42. I was glad it was finally over. I was sad because I was going to miss alot of people. I didn’t do much that night. Just went out to dinner and then I went out with some friends.

  43. I felt liberated *grin* and didn’t do anything–there was a prom thing, but I couldn’t have been less interested in attending, so I didn’t.

  44. Even though I hated High School I did enjoy graduation night. My sister came from out of state. Both my parents were there and my whole family. We went to eat and afterward our school had a big all night party at the community center and Athletic Club. They had a cool casino night witch was very fun! I was excited and nervous cause I was starting a new job and going to college soon and I had know idea how to be an adult!

  45. The same as I felt before I graduated. I knew I was going back to school in the fall, only the location changed. Still school, still exams, still more information than our poor little heads can retain. Grad night was spent at my place with our core group of friends play cards and goofing around. Just another day.

  46. Ritu

    It was bittersweet. Happy and eager to move forward to other experiences. Sad that things will never be the same as it was. For the grad night, just spent it with my friends.

  47. So excited to graduate, couldn’t wait to get away from town, from all the evil people who made my high school such a living hell, haha. After grad night, I, uh, slept. Because I was seriously lacking sleep the previous days, attempting to memorize my valedictory speech.

    [Also, you have to know that this month-long giveaway has been so generous of you + a constant source of frustration & heartbreak for me, who’s never ever won, haha.]

  48. It was a mixed day… But it was a happy day, that I can tell you.

    This is very nice of you to do this giveaway… all your giveaways! And you make us think…. and relive… LOL!
    Have a great night/day!

  49. On my graduation day, I was just excited to finally be done with it and be moving on to college.

    To me, grad night refers not to the actual night of my graduation, but to a celebration that Disney World used to sponsor. Every high school in Florida was invited to go to Disney World on a particular Friday night in May. We were bused there from wherever we lived. They kept the park open all night and only graduating seniors could attend. It was an amazing party and probably my best memory from high school.

  50. I was glad to be done with school, I was ready to move on to other things. Night of graduation, parties everywhere, my house with relatives and friends, then hop around to everyone else’s celebrations.

  51. Alcott

    I was so excited to graduate. I couldn’t wait to get out to college and be free!

    Thanks for the great month of contests!

  52. The day I graduated was so lovely. I even got two stipends so that was a lovely surprise. I didn’t do anything special for grad night. Many people left to some party, but I went to my boyfriend’s home to sleep. It was such a long day…

  53. Ina

    I was sooo happy to finish high school, but didn’t do anything special, just went out for dinner with my family 🙂

    thanks so much to all of you for a fantastic month and all the contest *hugs*
    wish you all the best and see you soon again,
    Ina 🙂

  54. Pam S (pams00)

    well I didn’t get to attend formal graduation with my class. I finished early and got an informal diploma etc. A few of my friends got me cards and too me out though.

    thanks for the month of giveaways it has been a blast!!

    Pam S

  55. i was so excited when the day had come !
    Since my school was in different province with my family, so nothing special that i did. i remembered that i already got an airplane ticket for the next day to my home town !!

  56. Lu

    I was so happy when i graduated! I can’t remember doing anything special though.

    We don’t have graduation parties and ceremonies here in South Africa. I sort of just wrote my last exam and a month later went to fetch my certificate lol

  57. Erin S

    The day I graduated from high school, I was already through a semester of college courses, so I felt like my life wouldn’t change that much. And it didn’t really for another 2 years, then I moved out and moved on. Good times!!

    The night of graduation my parents threw me a big party with friends and family. It was great!! No drinking, no craziness, just all of us being together!! 🙂

  58. Luci

    Wow what a great giveaway!

    here we do not have High School but i believe its equivalent to our sixth form. And we do not graduate from it. We just study for our A levels and that’s it. We graduate when we leave secondary school and at University. Those were ‘prom night’ types of celebrations. Sixth Form was where I met my husband and it was our first year going our together so everythign we did was great and still rosy tinged :).

  59. I didn’t actually graduate from High School, because the German school I attended didn’t do that kind of thing. However I felt really proud when I got my certificate that proved I’d passed my exams 😀

    As for that night, I ended up working behind the bar in my parents pub as usual :S

  60. Anonymous

    What a generous prize.

    I was happy that I graduated and it was finally done,

    We did have a party afterwards.
    Joanne V.

  61. Anonymous

    Holy Moley! Look at that list of give aways! No wonder you’re exhausted!!!! It’s Fan-Tas-Tick!!!

    Let me see? HS Graduation? 1961? I guess it was a glorious day and I was glad it was over and I had time to myself! To think of starting college in the fall……first one in my family to do so!!!!
    Mickey Mac

  62. Anonymous

    Grad from college was both scary and exciting as it was time for me start a career – but glad that all the studying was over.

    And we had a big party at my parent’s house – it was fun.
    Natalie’s Mama

  63. I was so excited throughout graduation day. My friends and I were laughing like crazy. After graduation, my friends and I were invited to have bbq lunch with the mayor at Gracie Mansion. We were so excited. After the lunch, we were roaming around Manhattan and just enjoying the sights.

  64. gamistress66

    graduation day was a pretty good day — got my driver’s license in the morning, graduated later on in the day and then out with family for a really good dinner to celebrate. 🙂

  65. This is not your typical happy response like everyone else here but you asked and I really want to try to win this contest 🙂 So..

    My feelings for high school-I felt anxious and sorta confused for most of the ceremony. I come from a bad area. My senior year, my mom paid a small fortune to send me to what was supposed to be a better school system to graduate from so my diploma didn’t say the other school. I didn’t really fit in to the new school and once students found out where I came from, really made things even harder to make friends. Also, parents wouldn’t let their son date me because of where I lived. Like that is enough of a reason, believe me it’s true and this was in 89. I muddled through at what I thought was torture back then and little did I know that actual torture I would get would be later that afternoon. You see, when the ceremony ended, I had to go to the emergency room. My idiot dad was trying to video tape my sister, whom hates to be captured in anything. As she was running away from him, she jumped into moms mini vans sliding door panal side of the van, roled closed the door and locked it with my hand stuck in between the the door and the van. I now have 2 slightly bent fingers but back then they were swelled & sprained and I was miserable. The kicker about this…for several years I got to relive this event anytime my dad wished to watch it because my dad kept taping instead of trying to get the door open and get my hand out.
    By the time we left the ER it was too late and we never made it to dinner on grad night. In hind site, I guess it was par for the course for me back then. Thank god college graduation went off without a hitch other wise I would be really questioning my purpose in life 😀

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