Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 29 – Love Me, Hate Me

Posted September 29, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways | 39 Comments

Welcome to Day 29 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. It’s the second to last day of our month long giveaway. Speaking of endings…

Book Cover Book Cover Book CoverThe Good Daughters: A NovelMistress Shakespeare

Show Me by Carole Hart
Cat’s Claw by Amber Benson
Key to Justice by Talia Gryphon
The Good Daughters by Joyce Maynard
Mistress Shakespeare by Karen Harper

Reaction to this question is usually mixed. Did you love high school or hate it?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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39 responses to “Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 29 – Love Me, Hate Me

  1. I don’t think I’m eligible for this since I live in Greece, but I thought I’d answer anyways.

    You know in retrospect, I think I loved High School. When I was still in it, everything looked “bigger” in a way. More imprtant than I eventually came to understand (years later) lol

    But I loved my routine then.
    I loved interacting with my classmates and skipping classes to grab some coffee or just daydreaming through a class!
    It left a lasting impact on me and I still have my friends from back then!!

    Kelly / yvantis[at]hotmail[dot]com

  2. I had a great time in high school but I wouldn’t want to do it again- it was a been there loved it done that experience; all those teen vampires must have run out of better things to do!

  3. I loved highschool and honestly had a blast. Had a lot of friends, went to a lot of parties, hung out, dated and lived it up. I’m glad I got all that out of my system then because I got engaged and had a baby right out of highschool and had to grow up really quickly. While a lot of my friends did the college scene I was at home learning to be a mom. So, I loved it, that was me in my wild and crazy hayday 🙂

  4. I love high school! I always loved school. There this program they have that fill your are with friends and plus i like reading/studding as well.
    So for me it was really good. And sometimes i really miss it!

  5. ritu

    I love high school. Same reasons as Yiota and Yllektra mentioned. I had some very good friends to hang out with, superb teachers. I had fun studying and playing.

  6. Dimitris G.

    I have to say i hate school. I don’t like studying. I prefer to choose my books which i want to read. Thankfully i’m at my last year now.

  7. Lu

    I hated high school! There were many things i could have rather done than sit in a classroom.

    I just wanted to do the work and get it over with.

    So glad its over!

  8. I think I loved some of it and hated some of it as well. I met a lot great friends there but could have done without all the drama too. The teachers our freshman and sophomore year were sometimes difficult but the ones during our senior and junior year were pretty flexible and understanding. Maybe it was just me growing up!

  9. I actually liked high school. I went to a small school (less than 400 students)so when I went to college (which had more than 15,000) it was a complete shock.

  10. I didn’t hate high school but I didn’t love it either. I saw high school as 4 years of my life that I had to get through in order to go to college. Would I ever want to re-live high school experience? Hell no!


  11. I didn’t really hate school, but I do not know that I would want to relive it. Although, there are days that being an adult is a lot less fun and on those in particular I could revisit school days. Hands Down!


  12. It was fun while it lasted but I’m glad I never have to go through it again – all that hard work and anxiety about getting into a good college.

  13. Anonymous

    I loved some of it. Good things: first time in my life my weirdness was not a major issue. I was able to find my people, hang out with them, and pretty much be ignored by everyone else. It also had a variety of PE options, which means I got to do physical things I actually enjoyed instead of being miserable and teased. I enjoyed many of actual learning aspects, too. On the whole, it was a good experience and most of my time in school was very much not. — willaful

  14. My first two years of high school was great, third year was so-so, and my senior year was horrible. I enjoyed going to class more than hanging out during break time.


  15. Mostly I loved it. Missed the first couple of months to a spinal injury. Spent the next few years being the foreigner in the German school, learning the language so I could be understood

  16. I hated 9th and 10th grade,I avoided it as much as possible.But that all turned around and I really like 11th and 12th

  17. I hated highschool so much! I could not wait for graduation. I barely manageded to stick with it. In fact I hated school since kindergarden. My teacher wrote my named on the board and yelled at me because I forgot her name on the first day and I called her teacher instead of Mrs. Bradbury. “My name is not teacher it’s Mrs. BRADBURY.” She actually yelled this to the whole class. Embarassing me and making me a firm hater of shcool from day one! What a freaking B***H! Who would say that to a five year old? Woo have not thought of that in years! Thanks! LOL!

  18. High school was a bittersweet mix of the good, the bad, and the ugly! My most treasured memory of high school is meeting my best friend. Over thirty years later, we’re still best friends : )

  19. i loved it until my senior year then it was a love/hate relationship. My mother died 3 months before I graduated so it was extremely hard for me. but before that I was having the time of my life.

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