Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 28 – Stereotype Me

Posted September 28, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways | 39 Comments

Welcome to Day 28 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Today, it’s all about driving.

Book Cover Book Cover Book CoverA Devil in the Details: A Jesse James Dawson Novel (Jesse Dawson)The Hollow Crown: A Novel of Crosspointe

Strong, Sleek, and Sinful by Lorie O’Clare
Forbidden by Christina Phillips
Wanting Sheila Dead by Jane Haddam
A Devil in the Details by KA Stewart

The Hollow Crown by Diana Pharaoh Francis

Were you stereotyped in school (I was the blond stereotype. I still am as a matter of fact)?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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39 responses to “Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 28 – Stereotype Me

  1. I can’t complain about being stereotyped. I was a good student who was involved in loads of extra-curricular activities. I was voted Most Likely to Succeed. As stereotypes go, that one isn’t bad.

  2. Total band nerd and I never minded. We were smart (for the most part) and talented. Also had a ready made group to make friends with.


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