Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 26 – Artwork of a master

Posted September 26, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways | 33 Comments

Welcome to Day 26 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Lets talk art…

Book Cover Book Cover Book CoverWhere Angels Fear to Tread: A Remy Chandler Novel

Cross Your Heart by Michele Bardlsey

Total Eclipse by Rachel Caine
Inhuman Resources by Jes Battis
Where Angels Fear to Tread by Thomas E. Sniegoski
My mom saved all my elementary school work for me to give to me when I got older. Did you get to see yours? Do you save your kids work?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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33 responses to “Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 26 – Artwork of a master

  1. My mom saved a lot of things over the years but lost it all when our family was going through a bad time. All of our stuff was in storage and she lost it. However, there are plenty of photos for childhood memories that I have.

    I don’t have kids myself, but I am a nanny and I have an 8 year old step brother; it’s their work that I save so if they happen to stop by I have their pictures and such.

    I am also a volunteer in an elementary school and I have lots of hand crafted gems from the children I work with there.

  2. I saved my own work and still have one or 2 now but I used to have a whole lot of them but over the years they became more junk than anything else so I cut them down…and down…to what I have now lol

  3. Over the years, with multiple moves and a mother who doesn’t like clutter, I don’t think there are any schoolwork from my elementary school years.


  4. Chris S.

    my mom saved a lot of my school work and I love to take a trip down memory lane 🙂 and I will do the same for my kids!

  5. My mom didn’t save things that we made when we were kids since we lived in a pretty small house and space was at a premium. I have saved some things from my kids. In fact, my daughter and I were reading this booklet that she made in grammar school and we were laughing at some of the things she wrote.

  6. Dimitris G.

    Yeah she saved them all. From paintings to notebooks. They are funny to going through them. I will do the same when the time comes.

  7. lol, yes my mom saved everything from certain baby clothes to books to some dolls to all my saturday school slips and detention slips to lots of paperwork. I had to go through all my paperwork and just save the important ones and stories and poems. It was fun to be able to put my daughter in a few of my baby clothes and I passed down my books and dolls to my kids. I in turn do the same and save books, certain clothes, dolls and some artwork so I can pass it on to my kids when they are older. I even have a few books that were my mom’s when she was young and am hoping to pass those onto my kids’s kid’s.

  8. Mary Beth

    My mom saved a few cute booklets and stories, mostly from early elementary school. Each one of my children has a plastic tub where we pop in awards, homemade cards, report cards, special artwork, and anything else that we deem important enough to save. Periodically, we’ll go through a tub and laugh at the early stuff.

  9. *chuckle*

    My mother didn’t save any of my (or my four older siblings’) school work. She didn’t even save any of the Mothers’ Day or Christmas presents we made in school.

    I have pretty much everything my kids brought home from school up to late middle school–then they started throwing it away *sigh*

  10. My mom kept some of my stuff. I kept the special items from my kiddos and if they were too big like projects and the like I just photographed them and would like to catch their scrapbooks up but that is hard to do.
    scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com

  11. My mom didn’t save any papers, but I actually have several clay projects that I made in elementary school. I have a box full of things that my son made, and I’ll never get rid of them, even though he’s been an adult for many years.


  12. Johanna Jochum

    My mom saved alot of my work but most of it has been lost through the years do to moves or basement floods stuff like that. I do save alot or most of my kids work. My oldest is only four and I have 3 big boxes full of stuff already!

  13. I wasn’t into art, and my mom didn’t save much. I have a couple of old reports that I did when I was in 4th or 5th grade, but that’s pretty much it.

  14. Jane

    I think my parents saved some stuff, but might have thrown them away when we moved during elementary school.

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