Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 19 – Fantasyland

Posted September 19, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 42 Comments

 It’s Day 19 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Today it’s all about the fantasy…

Chosen (Anna Strong Chronicles, Book 6)Ghost of a ChanceQueen of Shadows (A Novel of the Shadow World)Death Blows: The Bloodhound Files

Chosen by Jeanne C Stein
Ghost of a Chance by Simon R Green
Queen of Shadows by Dianne Sylvan

Death Blows by D.D. Barant

I think at one point or another, we all dreamed about being someone different. Did you ever dream about having supernatural powers? Or becoming a shapeshifter?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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42 responses to “Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 19 – Fantasyland

  1. Oh course I’ve dreamed of having supernatural powers. And the same goes with being a shapeshifter. I would have loved to be able to shift a part of my body or change it completely. You know like ‘Tonk’ in Harry Potter. 😉 That was when I was a teenager of course.
    Saiman in the Kate Daniels series, can change his appearance completely. That’s impressive in my eyes. 😉

    Thank you for this great giveaway. I’ve been eying these books for a long time!
    Have a great Sunday


  2. At one point I really wanted to have the ability to fly then I could see the world and it would be a little faster to get from place to place instead of waiting for the train, bus or something else.

    Thank you for the oppotunity to win some really great books!


  3. Yeah i did actually. It’s one of the characters in the stories i write with a friend.
    She is a red hair girl, half sun elf-half human, dragon mage and of i course i have a dragon too.
    For something normalish, i would love to read other ppl’s minds.


  4. Dimitris G.

    Always wished to be invisible. I would set some really good pranks to my friends.


  5. Oh, that is a good list of books.
    Definitely. I have dreamed of having psychic powers since i was a kid. My fav books in elementary school were about kids who were witches or had psychic powers.

  6. Of course! I’ve had this power that I could think about anything I wanted to do and it was done, like a super-mental power. Then, I had the ability to fight and flight. Awesome powers indeed. 🙂

  7. Chris S.

    during school? no, not really… but later I discovered all the worlds authors created and I dreamed about seeing them for myself.

  8. I was a great comic book collector while I was growing up, particularly DC comics. I wanted to be a member of the Justice League of America, have cool super powers and save the world : )

  9. kathybaug

    Hmmm, I dreamed the usual, being able to fly. I also thought x-ray vision would be fun to have.

    Great book line-up!

  10. Mary Beth

    As a child I dreamed of being able to do magic, be invisible, fly, move things, etc. As an adult, I still long to be able to do magic, but more everyday stuff. I’d like to cast a spell and have the house be clean. Or . . . poof! there’s a delicious, healthy meal magically appearing on the table.

  11. ranearia

    I was dreamed that I could fly through the air, getting away from my troubles just for a little while, even though am afraid of heights! still have dreams of flying

  12. All the time! One of my favorite games as a kid involved pretending to turn into various animals – and I had dream upon dream of being able to fly.
    I think now I would like to have the ability to be invisible or to read minds – but only if I could control it and keep people’s thoughts out of my head when I didn’t want them there.

    Then again, I’d settle for the ability to consume as many calories as I wanted, never exercise unless I was in the mood and still be able to maintain the bod of a Bond girl.

  13. As a person in a wheelchair I definitely wanted psychic abilities. I wanted to be able to move things with my mind since I couldn’t use my hands.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  14. I’ve dreamed of being able to teleport. I think that was when I was getting sick of driving on a packed freeway every day, LOL.


  15. Of course! I think it would be great to be a healer. I was previously a nurse, so I guess my wish is not surprising. I’d also love to be able to shift into a cat of some kind. I think cats have the right idea – total world domination.

  16. of course I wanted superpowers. I wanted to be like samantha on bewitched. or to have super powers like the justice league. lol. In particular I always wanted to fly and to be able to wiggle my nose and be wherever I wanted would have rocked.

  17. Pam S (pams00)

    yep i would have loved to have had supernatural powers – invisiblity, time bending, shifting…those were what I wanted most ;).

    Pam S
    pams00 @

  18. I think it would be awesome to be a shapeshifter, or have supernatural powers, but I’ve never thought about it enough to know exactly what I’d want.

  19. I have dreamed of having supernatural powers – the ability to fly, teleport and read minds are a few. But I have never dreamed of being a shapeshifter. Seems too painful.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  20. Teleportation would be great. Living long enough to see a few future generations would be good, too. Is long life a super power?


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