Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 18 – Freedom

Posted September 18, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 46 Comments

Welcome to Day 18 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Today we want to know what your restrictions were…

To Surrender To A Rogue (Circle of Sin Trilogy)Wed Him Before You Bed Him (The School for Heiresses)The Marriage Ring

To Surrender a Rogue by Cara Elliott
Wed Him Before You Bed Him by Sabrina Jeffries
The Marriage Ring by Cathy Maxwell

There were a lot of restrictions placed on people back in historical times. How strict were your parents with you? Did you rebel against them?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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46 responses to “Back-To-School Giveaway: Day 18 – Freedom

  1. I was the oldest so my parents were strictist (probably not a word) with me. I would voice my displeasure at times but I did not actively rebel.

  2. LOL, oh goodness 🙂 My step dad was really strict with me and I would get in trouble for burping and once I kicked my brother under the table and he complained to my step dad and I said “It wasn’t me it was the one armed man” I got grounded. I was always grounded, my friends new never to call ’cause I was always grounded. I rebelled like crazy when I hit highschool sneaking out and lying. It was the only way I could have a life. Never knew why my step dad was always on my case. Not my sister’s or brother’s, just mine. Miracuosly, the day I moved out the day after graduation my step dad and I started getting along

  3. Oh my goodness, this giveaway day is exceptional!!! (I haven’t read any of those books, and I’ve been wanting to for the longest!)

    as for restrictions, believe it or not, I didn’t really have too many. I isolated myself from the family and as long as I didn’t come home pregnant or did any drugs, I was left alone. Ignored, I guess- threw enough pity parties to be over it by now…(If I wasn’t such a dullster, I would have gotten into MAJOR trouble. I know now what NOT to do with my kids) ..
    Perhaps my lack of restrictions made me crave it in a way, so I turned to reading historicals! (Reading ‘Let Sleeping Rogues Lie’, oddly enough, so getting the next in the series would be a dream)

    Thank Book Binge for the awesome giveaway ! (Many blessings everyone)

  4. My parents would go through bouts of being “super intense” church go-ers…one such episode was while I was in high school – and I got a lot of guilt trips because I balked at going to church Sun morning, Sun night, and Wed night – as well as to other various church events…I guess it urged me to play a bit of a bad girl behind their back…I would sneak out at night by putting the car in neutral and pushing it down the driveway before starting it up and heading to my boyfriend’s house – his room was on the main floor and had a sliding glass door entry into it (he lived on a lake)…it was rather convenient…;)

  5. I’m the oldest so my parents were super strict. It didn’t help that my mom also had a baby while I was in high school. So not only were the strict, but they were ALWAYS home.

  6. My mother was… well, let’s say she had rather old-fashioned ideas about teenagers, particularly her daughters, so yeah, quite strict.

    I didn’t rebel as much as ignore those rules that didn’t make sense to me *adjusts innocent expression a bit*

  7. ranearia

    My parents truly trusted me, and not to break their trust in me, I never really got into trouble or tried to rebel, as I had alot of freedom but also learned with freedom you have a great deal of responsibility

  8. My parents were really old fashioned and very strict. Being “old school”, they didn’t restrict you, you got your backside warmed and it didn’t matter how old you were. Which means most of the time, my brother and I pretty much did what we were told and the other times, we just didn’t get caught 🙂 annhonATaolDOTcom

  9. My parents weren’t too strict, I had a few chores to do and was expected to be in at a certain time. I mostly got in trouble for fighting with my sister, that sort of thing. I wasn’t allowed to date until I was 16, but that was pretty common at the time.

  10. Mine were pretty strict, but I don’t think it was so much that as my dad was very anti-social, so I really never brought friends over to the house, or had sleepovers, so I got into trouble instead. LOL I rebelled, but also hid it, so I’m not sure sneaking around is much of a rebellion:)

  11. My parents were strict when we were very little but when we got holder they did not care what we did. Luky for me I never got into major trouble. Except for skipping class and going on trips without permission. Which was minor to what some kids were doing. I never rebeled had no reason to. Its hard to get into trouble with a romance book stuck in your face! LOL!

  12. My mom was all about letting us kids spread our wings and all that jazz. But my father was — still is — extremely strict. I never got into a lot of trouble — model student, etc. — but my father ruled over us with an iron fist.

    My classes in high school usually ended around 430 PM. And there was this birthday party, really sudden, and I thought I’d drop by, maybe just to eat something. I was there for thirty minutes, tops. Plus commute, I got home 530 PM.

    My father didn’t let me inside the house, and I spent the night outside. I was twelve.

    I wasn’t a troublemaker, I know that. But my father … Well.

  13. Luci

    My parents were the strict type, mostly my dad. Though being the fourth I found the way all paved for me by my two elder rebellious siblings 🙂

  14. My parents weren’t very strict at all. Maybe because I was quite easy to handle and didn’t rebel much. The few rules they gave had more to do with common sense..

  15. My parents still are restricted with me even if i’m 20. Especially my dad. Even i have to be home at midnight.
    I don’t really rebel against it. We almost lost him some years back and i don’t like to piss him of cause i’m afraid about his heart.
    But i managed to stay out til 2AM.

  16. Heeh it’s ok if this contest is not international!
    I would like to reply anyways! 😛

    My parents were quite strict. My mother in particular. And I never even gave her a reason to be that way.
    That caused me to be more creative in order to do things undetected though…especially when she wouldnt let me go out with my friends or something! lol

  17. My parents weren’t very restrictive at all. But for almost all of my years in school, I lived way out in the country – not much chance to get into trouble! I read a ton (they didn’t censor what I read) and played outside, and eventually got a computer and internet.. I think I helped teach them they should be more restrictive, at least with the internet. 😉

  18. Dimitris G.

    My parents aren’t really stricted.
    Maybe cause i’m a boy or that i have older sister.
    I guess i’m ok:)

  19. My parents weren’t strict with me, when they had some questions about were I was going and with who I always answered them and I was truthful. They trusted me.

  20. There weren’t many restrictions per se. However, I hid any ‘romantic’ style novels I was reading (borrowed from the library) when I was in my young teens, as knew my parents wouldn’t approve!

  21. My family was not strict, but they were very protective. They set good examples of proper behavior, and I tried my best to live up to their expectations. I succeeded for the most part, and I was probably more disappointed than they were when I failed.

  22. gamistress66

    I don’t really recall any restrictions other than don’t get in trouble & no sex allowed. My mom was widowed and had started to go out to dances w/ other widows and dating when I was in my teens. She’d go out till late & I’d hang out (often close to home) w/ friends. Mom had a wilder “second teenage” than I did 😉 It was nice to be trusted by her (something friends didn’t always experience) and never wanted her to regret that trust so I stayed out of trouble and behaved. 🙂

  23. My parents were very strict. They basically needed to know where and I was with at all times. The one time that I tried to get away without informing them I had the cops called on me.

  24. Pam S (pams00)

    My parents were somewhat strict. I didn’t get to wear make up until I was almost 14, on the other had I got to start going out with some of my friends for a few hrs at 15… it consisted of going to each others homes with parents in place ;).

    It could have been a lot worse and now that I am grown I don’t think the rules in place were all that bad – all though they were totally unfair at the time ;).

    Pam S
    pams00 @

  25. My parents are old fashioned and were very strict. I did rebel a little, but not as much as other kids in my day. I never got into any serious trouble.


  26. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. My parents were fairly strict, but since I was the youngest of 5, by the time I was growing up, they had relaxed a bit.

  27. I was the oldest of three girls and my parents were very lenient with me until I hit about 14 lol then they got a little strict times in my mind but what teen doesnt think that and I was a wild one and very boy crazy so I needed it lol.I never got into any real trouble and I have them and their rules to thank for that

    wanda f

  28. My parents were very strict. I didn’t get to go out with friends on weekend til I was 16 and I got to go out only one night til 10. Not only that if I had a date, I he had to come to the house. If my dad didn’t like them he’d make them leave and I had to stay home. How embarrasing.

  29. I was lucky, my parents, especially my mother, weren’t overly strict as far as going out, and extending curfew time usually. Probably because they were married young, and still remembered their early days, lol.

  30. Jane

    Our parents weren’t super strict, but we couldn’t date until after we finished high school. I didn’t rebel against them.

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