Back -to-School Giveaway: Day 17 – Teacher, Teacher!

Posted September 17, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways | 36 Comments

It’s Day 17 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month! Today we’re talking about teachers…

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover

The Demon in Me by Michelle Rowen
Unchained by Sharon Ashwood
The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives by Lola Shoneyin
Death Blows by D.D. Barrant

Do you remember the name of your favorite teacher?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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36 responses to “Back -to-School Giveaway: Day 17 – Teacher, Teacher!

  1. Miss Wardman. I have fond memories of her reading Charlotte’s Web to an engrossed Grade 3 class.

    (Later that year she married the Maths teacher from the High School and became Mrs. Toeroek).

  2. Hmmmm…I had more than one…
    I really liked my first grade teacher, Ms. Schrift (spelling is prob.totally off) esp. in comparison to how much I DISliked my 2nd grade teacher.

    I was not really fond of any of my middle school teachers, but hey. it’s middle school.

    In high school my Sop. Honors English teacher Mr. Hansen was wonderful – one of those rare dedicated teachers who loves their work.

    College I had two favorites:
    Eibhlin Glennon and Jack Trahey: both theatre teachers of mine who became friends as well.

  3. Mrs. Conner was one of my teachers in grade school and also in middle school. She was an old-fashioned educator, but she was very kind. She wore “Jean Nate” perfume, which always comes to mind when I think of her : )

  4. Jolene Allcock

    I remember the names of most of my teachers, but there are a few that are fuzzy. Mostly the ones that I feel had an impact in my life. Teachers help to shape us and if you remember them well after you’ve left school, you know they did an amazing job 🙂

  5. Yes, I remember my favorite teacher. She was my fourth grade teacher and her name was Mrs. Ramsay. I loved her she was sweet and very caring. I actually ran into her a few years ago at a grocery store. I did not reconize her right off but she remembered me and my name right off. That was a long time ago since I’m now 35. It was wonderful that she remembered me and took the time to say hi and asked me about my life.

  6. My form tutor in German High School was called Herr Optenhoeffel and he was dishy and clever. I had quite a crush on him (mind you I was only 14 at the time :D).

    I also remember well Frau Ueckel who was a lovely lady very kind and caring towards the new English girl in her school who couldn’t speak much German.

    Between the two of them they made my last years in school a joy they might other wise not have been.

  7. I had lots of good, dedicated teachers. I’ll mention my Algebra teacher, Mrs. Sinclair, because she helped me understand a subject that made very little sense to me.

  8. My favorite teacher was Mrs. McCabe from sixth grade. She was a hoot, made me look forward to school, and actually helped me figure out algebra.

    caity_mack at yahoo dot com

  9. Oh yes, Mrs. Stanton. She was the best teacher. It wasn’t just a job. She WANTED everyone to succeed, to love learning. She was awesome! annhonATaolDOTcom

  10. My favorite teacher in high school was Mrs. Deterred. She taught psychology and I liked it so much that I was thinking about majoring in it, but I ended up as an accountant instead

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