Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 12 – Shhhhhh!

Posted September 12, 2010 by Casee in Giveaways | 26 Comments

Welcome to Day 12 of our Back-to-School Giveaway. We’re giving away a prize a day this month. Today we want to know your secrets…

Book Cover Book Cover Book Cover

Live To Tell by Wendy Corsi Staub
Lois Lane Tells All by Karen Hawkins
Cross Your Heart by Michele Bardsley

Were you the person that your best friend could always trust with a secret or were you the one that just had to tell someone?

This is a 1 day contest that runs until 11:59 p.m. tonight. Winners will be announced Sunday.

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26 responses to “Back-to-School Giveaway: Day 12 – Shhhhhh!

  1. It depends on the secret. If it’s really personal, I would. Otherwise, it may pop out of my mouth at inopportune moments (like when I forgot who the surprise party was for – oops).


  2. I could always be trusted – even today I’m the same way, I have a confidential job. If you tell me not to say anything I don’t.
    msboatgal at

  3. I have to admit, I was never very good at keeping secrets, so I didn’t hear very many of them, LOL. Since I’ve grown up, I’ve gotten a lot better at it, honest.


  4. Jolene Allcock

    That’s a tough one. I guess I kept really good secrets from all my other friends or people at school. If someone told me something it stayed with me and my….Sister 🙂 I’m very close with my sis, we are a year and a half apart. We fought a lot when we were younger but as we got older she became my best friend and still is. I had my own group of friends, but I was also friends with all her friends. I never kept anything from her and I still don’t. If someone comes to me with something now she is always the first to know, even if she doesn’t know the person. So, I guess I was good at keeping secrets from anyone but my sister 🙂

  5. I have been and always will be pretty darn awesome at keeping a secret – just not mine to tell! I have to say though, my husband is even better at – he had to know the sex of our first child and I really didn’t want to know – so he went out with the hall and had the ultra-sound tech tell him…and proceeded to keep it a very good secret indeed from everyone! (she was a girl, btw) 🙂

  6. Pam S (pams00)

    I always was good with keeping secrets. I was the friend the others came to for advice.

    Pam S
    pams00 @

  7. If I absolutely have to I can keep a secret but I don’t enjoy it. I’d rather not know in the first place. It’s just so tempting to tell.

  8. I’m not sure of the time difference so I thought I’d comment just in case I’m in time..

    If the secret wasn’t something that was illegal or dangerous, I would keep it. Otherwise, I would have told a grown up – my responsibility gene was pretty dominant!

  9. My friends could always trust me with a secret and was very trustworthy but this one time I told a very private secret that was my best friends’ to my boyfriend who I thought I could trust. Well, he told his friends and they told their friends, you know how it goes. My friend was so mad at me and I could not blame her. I was so upset with my boyfriend. My friend forgave me but I’m not sure if she fully trusted me again. I Hate boys sometimes!!!! LOL! I have learned my lesson since. Now my lips are sealed for good not even my husband will know my friends secrets.

  10. I was the one who everyone came to with their deep dark secrets. It was kind of fun always knowing all the gossip when no one else did:)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

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