(Book 1 in the Erotic Escapes series)
Daisy Oliver has never taken a chance in her life. The drab gray of her world changes in a heartbeat, however, when the older women who own 501 Travel Agency ask her to take a trip.
Rami Gadi loves the ladies of 501, but babysitting their friend pushes the boundaries. Until he catches his first scent of her–and loses his head and heart. He understands there are things Daisy should know about him, but can he risk scaring her away?
Two people–one determined to fight destiny and the other eager to embrace it. Love is the only thing capable of bringing them together.
This is another delightful little literary “snack” from Ellora’s Cave that goes so well with the lunch sandwich or a midnight snack when it’s too hot to sleep. Author Allie Standifer has written a number of these and has the knack for crafting some very cute erotic encounters in a small number of pages.
Like Daisy, many people live “gray” lives — or you can refer to them as boring, vanilla, or whatever favorite term indicating that each day closely resembles the previous ones. That is not to say that all of our lives should be jumping daily with new challenges. That becomes exhausting as well. But this little story tells of a woman who is the owner/operator of a small floral shop right next to this travel agency that is, I think, probably somewhat different than most we would encounter in the real world. Nothing specific indicated, but I just got the feeling that these cagey ladies had ulterior motives and perhaps some extraordinary abilities to intervene in lives that needed to be channeled into a different direction. That’s exactly what happened to Daisy Oliver. No objection that she raised was accepted and so she found herself in a foreign country, poised on the brink of a new, life-changing adventure.
Not only is Rami an extraordinary tour guide, but he is also a shape-shifter. He catches a whiff of Daisy and regardless what she may think of herself or how lacking in feminine charms she may be, Rami is convinced that this is his mate and she is beautiful. He has to take a risk as well: confessing his “other” form and existence. He risks rejection in a very real way and by the one who he has finally been searching for all his life. I find it interesting that Daisy has gone from a very shy, rather retiring and reserved small business owner to the mate of a werewolf, from drab and uninteresting woman to one who feels loved, appreciated, and beautiful. Rami has had to change his perspective as well. This entire story is about risk and the need to walk a new path.
Perhaps this little tale is a way for all of us to realize that from time to time we have to take a risk, move out of the routine that can so easily suppress one’s true identity, and take a chance on a new direction in one’s life. That is certainly what Daisy did. And, if the truth be known, so did Rami. So perhaps they both stand as metaphors that remind the reader that life is short and must be lived fully, certainly within the context of our lives, our jobs, our family responsibilities. But there is always room for creativity.
I like these little “Quickie” stories — brief and to the point, nothing drawn out or complicated, just a delightful love story that warms the heart and energizes the libido. I think romance lovers will appreciate this little story a lot.
I give this short story a rating of 3.25 out of 5.
You can read more from Judith at Dr. J’s Book Place
This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.
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