A self-professed lab geek, Claire doesn’t date much. In fact, she has more contact with the rats at the lab than with human males, not counting her toad-like boss, Gordon. When her coworkers drag her out to a club, Claire ends up fending off her drunk and handsy boss-until she’s rescued by Ed, the most beautiful bouncer she’s ever seen.
Her tentative, exhilarating relationship with Ed is interrupted when she learns her boss intends to falsify research data to win a grant. When Claire threatens to reveal the truth, she endangers her life, as well as Ed’s. Framed and forced to run, it-s not long before Claire discovers Ed is hiding a shocking secret of his own. Through arson, police chases and attempted murder, the two grow closer, the intensity of their lovemaking rivaling that of their harrowing journey. Claire would be worried about the ever-present danger and a grim future as a fugitive-if she weren’t so engrossed in her erotic experiments with Ed.
When Claire first meets Ed she’s in a tight spot. She just wants a little fresh air after the noise and crowd of a club and her boss is pestering her to go back in. Ed, one of the bouncers at the club, comes to her rescue and walks her home. Ed is a man of few words but is gorgeous to look at. Claire’s not quite sure what to make of him but thanks him for his chivalry. The next morning there’s Ed, waiting outside of Claire’s building to walk her to work. It’s a little odd but Claire decides to go with the flow – Ed is great to look at after all and he’s very nice.
That morning at work Claire’s boss asks her to falsify information for him so that he can be awarded a grant. She refuses and is fired. Her boss however isn’t one to leave loose ends and ends up trying to have her killed by setting her apartment building on fire. Ed saves Claire and is now helping her run from the law as her old boss is now saying that she started the fire as well as other atrocities. But Ed has secrets of his own and while they initially ran to save Claire – they’re now running to save Ed as well.
This was such a great book. Ed was the epitome of the strong silent type but you could see his personality coming through with just the few words he said. He starts to come out of his shell even more as the story moves on and it was like a baby bird breaking out of the shell. Ed and Claire share a bond from almost the first minute they meet but it seems so natural that I wasn’t put off by the suddenness of it.
I don’t want to give you any spoilers but there is definitely something going on with Ed. He has uber strength, majorly long distant hearing and walks without a sound. You’ll be wondering what’s up as you read the book but when the reveal comes it’s so very possible that you aren’t thrown from the story at all.
This is the 5th book that I’ve read by Katie Allen and I have to tell ya I think she’s now an auto-buy for me. Whether it’s an m/f or m/m book, I’ve not read a story of hers that I didn’t like. If you like a fun contemporary read that has beautifully hot smexin and light-hearted witty banter than this is definitely a book for you.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place
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