Master me, thinks Susan Anderson when she finally lays eyes on Colin Zanardi, former NFL MVP and now coach of the Savannah Rebels. He is only in town for a few days, but he’s the Dom she’s been dreaming of, yearning for. She just has to convince him to play with her, show him h ow submissive and obedient she is, and demonstrate just what she can do for that gorgeous body of his.
It’s been a long time since Colin has played with a true submissive. Susan is eager to be dominated. By him. He is the perfect Master to tame her, and settling down this firecracker is a challenge Colin can’t resist. He can think of so many things he wants to use on her–a sex swing, a spiderweb, a roomful of sex toys. He’ll play her scene, tie her, blindfold her, order her to pleasure him–for their mutual satisfaction. Colin is more than ready to turn this hometown party girl into his own private sex slave.
This is another novella in a series that features the game of football, and the author has kindly included information about the game, complete with a glossary. For those of us married to football fanatics — my son is even a high school football coach — those were pages I skipped, but for those who are fuzzy about the game and the terminology, I thought this was a good kind of information to include.
Also, I have to say up front that when I read the publisher’s blurb I was sure that the main characters were less than honorable — Susan sounded like a slutty sex fiend and Colin like someone who was just going to throw his NFL machismo around. I was very pleasantly surprised when I got into the story. Susan had been happily married for nearly two decades to a husband that had been her Dom and Master–a relationship she enjoyed and cherished. She was now widowed and missed her hubby terribly. But it had been two years. And she was still a woman in her forties who was very aware of her own sexual needs, had attempted to find someone who could be a sensitive and loving partner in the way she needed, and had so far found no one. Colin seemed like a far better candidate than anyone she had considered, and she was now desperate enough to try to build a relationship with him. She wasn’t an aging “groupie” hungry for sex with a former star. The townsfolk gossiped behind her back that she was a sexual predator. But she knew that this was because she was an “outsider” and always would be, especially now that her husband was gone. She thought Colin was sexy and she loved the fact that he was willing to return to his hometown to be a founding participant in her effort to do some charitable work for her community–by bringing back the four players from that high school that had gone on to college and NFL fame.
Colin was hurting too. He had married the daughter of his professional team but that relationship had gone by the board, and now his new team was his family. Yet he longed for something more in his life than just sexual groupies. And when he arrived at Susan’s home, he immediately was attracted to her, saw clues all over her home of the nature of the relationship she had shared with her deceased husband, and he found himself more attracted to her than he had been to any woman for quite some time. It had been a very long time since he had “played” with a true submissive.
This is a sexy story, and the sexual encounters between Colin and Susan are laced with BDSM. But there is genuine caring between them, a genuine regard that slowly grows curiously over a very short period of time. Colin’s ex had played his games but had set limits. Susan, on the other hand, offered herself with no limitations. And so they explored these possibilities and began their journey of discovery together.
There are some very good scenes that involve the other three NFL quarterbacks that are participating in this charity weekend, and the author has written about these encounters with a sure hand. Those of us who understand the game somewhat can find there a reliable knowledge that informs her writing. I think the story line is well crafted, the plot is believable, and the sexual encounters don’t get out of proportion with the rest of the story. Jacobs has written in such a way that while this is certainly erotic romance to the core, it is believable. It is not like some I have read recently where the story seems contrived in order to “hang” the sex scenes on it like a Christmas tree.
This is an entertaining read. I have read other Ann Jacobs writing and have found all of them to be well-written and well-researched, with a good balance between all the elements of the story. This is not really very long and won’t take a major time commitment. But it is a fun read and I think it will be an enjoyable one, especially for those who have some athletic knowledge or background.
I give this novella a 3.75 rating out of 5.
You can read more from Judith at Dr. J’s Book Place.
This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.
Thanks, Judith, for reading and commenting on Colin and Susan’s story! Look for them again as secondary characters in my new BDSM series, Necessary Roughness. The first novella, SACKMASTER, will be coming out soon.