Today Western author Caroline Fyffe is here being tortured interviewed by us. We’re delighted to have her here to talk about her most recent release, Montana Dawn. Please join us in welcoming Caroline Fyffe to Book Binge.
Book Binge: Can you tell us how you came about writing romance novels?
Caroline Fyffe: Absolutely. But, first let me say that I’m thrilled to be here today at Book Binge. Thank you for having me…
In regards to how I set out to write a romance, well….I was a huge reader when my two sons were born. I’d read at every given chance. It was my escape. One day the desire to write a story of my own just descended upon me and I never looked back. I was lucky enough to find a really great critique group with patient members—LOL! They taught me the tools and rules of the trade.
Book Binge: What was it like getting the notification that you won the Golden Heart award?
Caroline Fyffe: That was a magical night for sure. It was in Chicago and one of my critique partners was also up for a Golden Heart at the same time, so we kept each other’s feet on the ground, so to speak. One of the things I remember vividly is that I could not see a thing once I was up on stage to give my little acceptance speech. The lights were so bright I couldn’t see past the first few rows of people—very exciting.
Book Binge: What is one piece of advice, you’d share with aspiring authors?
Caroline Fyffe: I’d advise aspiring authors to trust their instincts and write with courage. When I first began my journey as a writer, I wasted a lot of time second-guessing myself. I don’t do that anymore. I forge ahead and pound out a scene and then look at it more closely when revising and polishing.
Book Binge: What are you reading right now?
Caroline Fyffe: Actually nothing. I’ve been in California for a month for the launch of MONTANA DAWN and haven’t had a chance to start something new. I’m looking forward to getting home and back into a routine. I try to read at least a little every night before turning out the light.
Book Binge: Who are your favorite authors?
Caroline Fyffe: I have a lot of favorites. Debbie Macomber, LaVyrle Spencer, Pamela Morsi, Lucia St. Clair Robson, and the list goes on….
Book Binge: What is your all time favorite book?
Caroline Fyffe: That is such a hard question because it kind of depends on the mood I’m in at the time of the question. But, what I most always fall back on is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
Book Binge: On your website, it says that you’re an equine photographer? What’s a typical day on a photo shoot?
Caroline Fyffe: Rising early—very early—and driving to my destination, which is usually a ranch. (Often I’m setting out several hours before the sun is up because morning light is the very best.) Working into the very late evening, just before the sun sets—again, because the light is pretty then. Photographing several horses, which takes about an hour and a half each…shooting profile pictures, three-quarter fronts, headshots and sometimes the subject at liberty, which is running free in a pasture. Also shooting working shots, which is the horse and rider doing whatever it is they do together–cutting, jumping, reining, etc.
Book Binge: Are any of the horses in your books modeled after a specific horse that you’ve come across while working?
Caroline Fyffe: The filly Luke was so fond of in the beginning of MONTANA DAWN was modeled after the last horse I owned. She was a American Quarter Horse, and a cutter.
Book Binge: Can you tell us about them?
Caroline Fyffe: Her name was Chiquita too, just as in the book. My Chiquita was older, though, but other than that, I modeled Luke’s fictional mount after my beloved little mare. She was as sweet as a little lamb until you put a steer in front of her—LOL. The only thing she didn’t like was having her face washed (splashed with water) after a hot, sweaty ride.
Book Binge: What’s your all time favorite dessert?
Caroline Fyffe: Gelato ice cream—any flavor!
Book Binge: Can you tell our readers about Montana Dawn
Caroline Fyffe: I’d love to….. MONTANA DAWN takes place in the little town of Y Knot, Montana in the late 1800s. The McCutcheons, a cattle ranching family, have carved a dynasty from the wilderness by the sweat of their brow and honorable values. Luke McCutcheon, the third brother and the hero of this story, is the only one who was sired by an American Indian, when his mother was taken captive. He’s the trail boss for the once-a-year cattle drive the McCutcheons make. When he comes upon Faith Brown giving birth in her wagon, he’s shocked to learn her little son is Faith’s only help. He agrees to stay and deliver her child.
Faith Brown, shrouded in suspicion about her husband’s death, is on the run from her husband’s family. If she’s caught she’ll be blackmailed into marriage to her brother-in-law to get possession of her farm. Instead, she’s hoping for a new life, one free of malice and abuse.
I love stories about big families. I wanted to give Luke as much unconditional love as he needed to battle his own ghosts about his heritage. John McCutcheon, the youngest brother, is introduced in MONTANA DAWN, but you don’t actually meet him until my next book, ONCE UPON A TEXAS TWILIGHT, planned for next year.
And, today, in celebration of the release of MONTANA DAWN, I’m offering a signed copy to a commenter. Also, if you go to my website ( and sign up for my News Letter on the contact page, you will be entered in the drawing for a basket filled with candies, chocolates, muffin mix, a handsome coffee mug (filled with even more chocolate!) and a jar of scrumptious jam, all made from the Big Sky State’s coveted huckleberry. Also included is an autographed copy of both MONTANA DAWN and WHERE THE WIND BLOWS. It’s as easy as pie. The winner will be drawn on December 10th, 2010–just in time for Christmas.
So there you have it dear readers, the lovely Caroline Fyffe is offering a signed copy of MONTANA DAWN to one lucky commenter. For more goodness, be sure to check out her website (I know, we will). We’ll run this giveaway for a week and at the end of that week, we’ll announce the lucky winner so be sure to get those entries in!
Thanks so much to Caroline Fyffe for letting us torture interview her today, she was a good sport about it all and be sure to enter the contest for a chance to win this awesome book!
-Rowena, Casee & Holly
Love the sound of Montana Dawn. I’ve been a fan of the era of pioneer ranchers etc. ever since I first watched John Wayne on the big screen in Angel and the Badman.
This books sounds very good. I have it on my list to get. I love romantic westerns. Linda Laell Miller does some good ones! Thanks for sharing today!
Hi, Ilona!
Thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean about John Wayne and westerns. I always stop and watch if there is one on TV. I especially love his really old ones.
Take care!
Thanks, Johanna. I appreciate your interest in MONTANA DAWN.
Good luck in the drawing…and don’t forget to sign up for your chance at all the chocolate. LOL
Have a great day!
I am an aspiring writer of westerns and I love taking pictures of horses we raise. You have inspired me to stop second guessing my talent and plug through with this WIP. I can’t wait to read your book. I try to read everybody in this genre for learning experience.
Sounds like a great series. Please count me in.
Natalie’s Mama
I enjoyed the interview. The book sounds great and I would love to read it, thanks for the giveaway!
I’m so happy I’ve inspired you! That is a fantastic feeling. Yes, go for it. You may be surprised at how well it will flow when you begin to trust yourself. GREAT!
BTW; What breed of horses do you raise?
I do enjoy westerns and this looks like a book I would enjoy.
Hi, Natalie’s Mama,
So glad you like the premise of my stories. ((:^>
You’re welcome, Myra!
I love giveaways of all kinds. I won a cruise once, and my sister won a horse. LOL
Good luck!
I enjoyed the interview! I love westerns and Montana Dawn sounds like a good one.
These books sound like enjoyable reads. Please count me in for the contest.
Congrats on your award.
Thank you,Maureen, Estella and Pat! It was a fun interview to do. I wish you luck in the drawing!!
I really enjoy western romances, and WHERE THE WIND BLOWS was one of my favorite reads last year. I am looking forward to reading MONTANA DAWN.
I love reading westerns – sounds like such a wonderful book. I’m off to sign up for her newsletter
msboatgal at
Hi, Cheryl!
I’m so thrilled you enjoyed WHERE THE WIND BLOWS! That is great to hear….
Thanks for letting me know!
Hi, Socttsgal!
Thanks for stopping by and reading the interview. It’s good to hear you are a western fan too.
Good luck in the drawing.
Great interview! Thank you for being here. I have Where the Wind Blow and I just love it. So I having been waiting for her second book and I can’t wait to read Montana Dawn. It sounds wonderful. Best of luck, Lisa
Hi, Lisa!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my interview. I like how The Book Binge leaves it up for a few days…coming to see if there are new post is kinda like having a little surprise. ((:^D
I’m thrilled to hear you loved WHERE THE WIND BLOWS. It’s coming out in large print/hard back in November. And, it has a new cover too. All very exciting!!
Good luck in the drawing!