The First Day of School 2010

Posted August 12, 2010 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 16 Comments

So my oldest daughter was so excited to get to 7th grade she set her alarm and woke up at 5am!  She said she needed to wash her face and brush her teeth, get dressed and have a good breakfast. Of course then she wandered around the house for another hour and a half until it was time to go.  So ridiculous but so cute.  I’m just happy she’s excited for school to start.  I remember being her age and having moved to a new town and the last thing I wanted to do was go to school! lol
My youngest started 3rd grade today!  I really can’t believe she’s old enough.  She was anxious about meeting her new teacher but excited to see all of her friends again.
Here are the pictures that I took this morning.  My oldest, who usually loves pictures, would only stand still for about a second and a half for me to shoot the picture. 🙂
I gotta tell ya I looked at that picture of my oldest and about freaked.  Let me show you why in a comparison of the first day of 6th and the first day of 7th:
Now can someone please tell me where my little girl went?  I’m thinking of locking her up until she’s 18! lol

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16 responses to “The First Day of School 2010

  1. Love 1st day of school pics! Oldest has definitely grown up this past year. Wait til your first day pic of of your child chugging their coffee in order to get there on time. Scary.

    We still have 2 more weeks to go (I am *way* jealous of you!)

  2. Tam

    Oh my, she's gorgeous. Takes after her Mom. 🙂 They do grow up fast, but they are fun at this age too.

    Hope they both have an amazing first day back.

  3. O.M.G…… And believe me… been there and still doing that!!!
    My baby is going into the 11th… the freaking 11th grade this year… where we have proms, senior rings… and planning senior trips and all that jazz… When, I demand *hands on hips* to know.. did they grow up so damn fast!!!! I did not allow this! LOL!!

    But Lori is right… Now mine is talks of going to Starbucks to study… aacckkk!!!!

    Hugs honey… We will get through this!

  4. Wendy – I know, it seems so early, but they just get more time off during the year I guess.
    LOTS of changes. lol

    Lori – I'm totally scared of when either girl starts drinking coffee. I mean really, can you imagine my oldest on coffee? It's like thinking of the energizer bunny on uppers. lol
    2 more weeks to sleep in for you. I want that extra hour back! 🙂

    Veg Can – lol I can understand your kicking and screaming. When you get to the point your at you just want to be DONE already. Good luck!

    Tam – Awww – you're so sweet. *coughsuckupcough* lol They DO grow up too fast. Hard to believe it's been 12 years since my oldest was born!

    Cecile – OMG I can't imagine either of my daughters in 11th grade!! I didn't give my approval for growing up either – of course WE didn't age at all, just them. 🙂

  5. Your oldest is beautiful and her sister is a cutie pie! Hope they both had a great day in school.

    I know how fast time flies. My grandson is turning 7 and heading off to 1st grade on Monday. 🙂

  6. Wow, and I thought my kid started early, on the 23rd!

    I love how, at your oldest's age, they grow so fast. You can almost see it happening before your eyes.

    Have a great weekend, Tracy! 🙂

  7. Tracy, my first thought was "WOW Tracy's oldest daughter really grew up!." And then I saw that picture showing the comparison picture from last year. She's beautiful, Tracy… just beautiful. They both are. 🙂

    Back to school…ahhh elation and misery. LOL!

  8. Chris – I KNOW! lol She's 5'2" and growing like a weed. I told her I was going to start smooshing her in the closet to shrink her and I just got "the look". lol

    Lily – Omg I loved when the kids went to first grade. They felt like they were so with it because they weren't in Kindergarten anymore. So cool for your grandson!
    And thanks for the compliments on the girls. I think I'll keep em.

    Mariana – It can be depressing but I'm choosing to live in denial. They age, I do not. 🙂

    Renee – I could only wish they started on the 23rd! I think the 12th is too early but it's about the same time every year.
    They do grow fast when they hit 12 or so, don't they? It's crazy. My oldest is eating us out of house and home too because she's growing so fast. lol

    Hilcia – Aw thanks. Yes, elation and misery pretty much describes it perfectly! lol

    KZ – Oh I used to love college first day as well. That was a very nice time in my life. Like I said when I was starting 7th we had just moved to a new town so it was a new school for me. I should have been used to it since we moved every 2 or 3 years but STILL, it was hard!

  9. Tracy – your girls are both so gorgeous! And WOW…the comparison photos of your eldest…..I don't ever remember looking that different 🙂

    I hope they both had a lovely first day/week!

  10. Oh, Tracy!!! Your girls are as beautiful as ever and best wishes to them both —as well as mom and dad– as the new school year gets underway!!!

    I think these girls do a HUGE amount of growing up between fourth and eighth grade. It's almost scary. I swear if they sit still long enough you can SEE them growing. And not just up, but curvy all around. Breaks my heart how few years they're actually little girls. 🙁 Yet… it's a beautiful, natural and good thing that they are growing up to be such wonderful young women. It's a good thing. I keep repeating that… 😉
    I just wish it wasn't so fast.

    My girls start on Sept. 7 and let me tell you, we are in so much trouble. LOL. They have been sleeping until noon many days…. I don't know how the heck we're gonna fix this and get them up at 6:45 am.

    My teen drank coffee now and then in her freshman year in high school, too. She just had so much homework keeping her up late… she needed a little "umpf" to wake her up for those first few classes of the day.

  11. Orannia – I never grew that fast so I never looked very different from year to year. It was definitely more gradual for me.

    Christine – Yes, it's hard to see them grow up but it has to happen sooner or later. It's only been a few days but my oldest is really settling in and loving school. *crosses fingers* Hopefully that will continue! 🙂
    OMG your oldest is in high school? It's amazing how fast time flies! 🙂

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