What I Read Last Week

Posted July 13, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 14 Comments

Well better late than never, right?  lol  I’m having a great time here in Chicago but I’m friggin exhausted.  My father, who is 75 years old, is keeping us on  our toes.  How he does it, I don’t have a clue. I’ll give you a thorough explanation when I get back.  Anyway, I didn’t read much last week since I was getting ready for the trip for the girls and I and then didn’t have all that much time on the train either.  So many distractions and interruptions. 🙂  So here’s the list:

First up was Lady Isabella’s Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley.  I had mixed feelings about this book.  I liked it but there were some parts that I didn’t.  I read this for The Book Binge so I’ll let you know when my review posts. 3.5 out of 5

Next up was The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter.  This was yet another story in the Lords of the Underworld series and it was Aeron’s story.  Aeron helps a fallen angel, Olivia.  Olivia has been watching him and has fallen in love with him, but Aeron’s not so hot on the idea of an angel, especially since the demon he considers his daughter practically can’t be in the same room with her.  A good story – I already have the next book and can’t wait to read it.  4 out of 5

Next was Nine-Tenths of the Law by LA Witt.  The story of 2 men who meet in a strange situation – when they find out that they have a mutual boyfriend.  They get together but one of the men has serious trust issues.  I mean I don’t blame him to a point but he went a little nutty with it.  I liked the book though and it was pretty darned hot.  Great sex scenes. 3.75 out of 5

And last on the list was Raising Kane by Lorelei James, the latest in the Rough Riders series. This was Kane’s story, if you couldn’t tell by the name of the book.  He gets involved with lawyer Ginger Paulson and sparks fly.  I really liked the story and I loved that Lorelei was able to let everyone see another side of Kane.  Good story.  4 out of 5 

My Book Binge review that posted this past week:
Tropical Exposure by Wynter Daniels

Happy Reading!

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14 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Tam

    Wow, you've got Chinese fans Tracy. LOL

    I did enjoy the LA Witt book and I understood the trust issues, those things run deep, but I found their constant insistance that they were doing something wrong because they both dated the same guy annoying after awhile. Okay, yeah it would feel a bit weird, but get over it. It's not like they were cousins or something, it's not morally unacceptable to date the same person (although usually not at the same time LOL).

  2. Anna – Now see, I thought this book was far below Ian's book which I adored. Isabella's constant teasing of Mac, as well as the, what i thought, was a ridiculous subplot with the doppleganger just really didn't work for me.

    Tam – Apparently I do! lol
    Yeah, the trust issues were understandable but went a bit far for me. You're right, the whole "we should be dating each other thing" I never quite got. Why the hell not? Just because your previous boyfriend was an asshole? lol

  3. I also read the newest James book, and aside from Kane sounding far too hillbillyish for my comfort, I adored it.

  4. I enjoyed the LA Witt book, too, but yeah, they needed to get over the having dated the same guy thing a lot faster than they did…

  5. Hmmm. I'm sort of tempted by Isabella & Mac's book and sort of not… I loved how different Ian's books was and this one feels like it's not going to be different (if that makes sense).

    Glad you're enjoying your holiday Tracy!

  6. LOL, just teasing, but it seems you had a slow week 😀 Being on vacation though might explain it 😀

    I'm glad that your father still has so much energy 🙂

  7. Lori – He did sound hillbillie-ish at times, that's for sure. Do you think it was to make Ginger and Kane seem even more far apart culturally? I wonder.

    Chris – Yes, it was a strange way to meet but after the second time they met in the theatre they should have been OVER it. So you met in a strange way – so what?

    KB – She really does do a great job with the Lords and I'm always anxious to read the next book. 🙂

    Lily – Pretty good. I wonder if you'll feel the same and Chris, Tam and I.

    Orannia – I thought that Isabella and Mac's book was definitely more along the lines of a typical historical romance. While a good story it definitely didn't knock me off my feet.

    Nath – lol I KNOW! I was looking back on my phone, where I kept a running list of my books and how I rated them and I was even shocked at how few there were. Oh well. 🙂

  8. Tracy, I hope you're having a wonderful trip!

    I'm hoping to get to Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage soon, although I see you weren't too happy with it. 🙁 And ohhh, you read Kane's book and liked it! I have to get back to that series. 😀

  9. Hilcia – Thanks the trip was great. I'm summarizing as we speak so I can get it on the blog.
    I DID like LISM – A 3.5 is still a better than good rating. Yes there were parts I could have done without but I could say that about a lot of books! lol

  10. I've read The Best Man by LA Witt and really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure about the Best Man, but I think I'll check it out.

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