Judith’s review of Bridleton by Becky Barker.
Andrea Bartell is an international model whose jet-set lifestyle has kept her from her Texas home for five years. Noah Courtland is the man she left behind after a bitter breakup. He’s the manager in charge of her beloved Bridleton, an extensive Bartell property that’s at the heart of their emotional warfare.
A family emergency brings Andrea home and forces her to work with Noah. Neither of them wants to rekindle the flames of their relationship, yet they find their desire hasn’t diminished. It still burns hotly, forcing them to re-explore the pain and heartache. The unveiling of old secrets and promises could save their relationship or it could destroy any chance of a future.
I am surprised at my changing tastes in romance fiction – I never really thought I would like the Texas cowboy scenario or a ranch-based context. I never have really been very enthusiastic about Texas itself, so just sort of avoided the stories that were couched in that setting. I find that I have encountered some really good stories that are more about the people than the setting, although we all know that our country is so large that moving from one coast to the other or into one of our Western states is really culture shock. So I was once again somewhat surprised and pleased that I like this tale of a modern Texas ranching enterprise, large and prosperous in former times, but having serious financial difficulties like most of the United States since the economy “tanked” 18 months ago. The matriarch of the family has called all the siblings home, gave them the “glad and happy news” that the ranch that lives in all their hearts is on the verge of bankruptcy and she is about to sell the controlling interest to Noah. Five years earlier Andrea had accused Noah of loving Bridleton more than he loved her and wooing her in order to get his hands on the property. So it is easy to see that this most recent development has made a new knot form in Andrea’s stomach. Coupled with the renewed tension between these two former lovers, the conflict in the story is defined.
This is a story about two people whose early family experiences have shaped their view of themselves and their hopes for the future. While both appear to be successful, each is battling their sense of betrayal from the other, each is still nursing old wounds, each is worried and distressed about the future based on their insecurities. Yet Andrea was only home from her high-flying life for two weeks before she knew that she had found her heart again in the land she loved, and somehow she had to find a way to get back the foundation of trust that once characterized her relationship with Noah—if he hasn’t already moved on.
Becky Barker has written a number of very good tales about the Texas ranching scene and seems to have a very good “handle” on that culture and context. Her characters are witty and real, full of the same ups and downs that characterize most people, along with the snarls and difficulties our inner securities seem to inspire. There is fun and family here, deep affection and loyalty to the family and to the heritage they have all imbibed—sort of like breathing—and their connection to Bridleton and to each other has changed each one in the family. There are some true surprises in Andrea’s & Noah’s relationship—new information that makes their reunion quite different than they expected. I liked this family a great deal—they certainly weren’t perfect, but few of us are. In spite of their early years—their dad really didn’t seem terribly interested in his kids and they were really raised by their grandfather—the siblings are very devoted to one another, and they seem to have come to some peace with the flaws that each brings to their family dynamic.
Now, this is an Cerridwen Press book so it is to be expected that there is definitely sizzle here. But the sexy encounters between Andrea and Noah don’t dominate the story. They are certainly the foundation of the conflict, but how it all works out and what may be the resolution to their past have some unexpected bits and pieces. It has all the ingredients of a very nice love story – one that I enjoyed reading and think fans of contemporary romance will find to be a good read.
I give this novella a 4 out of 5.
You can read more from Judith at Dr J’s Book Place.
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