For the most part this past week was pretty quiet. Compared the week before it was very welcome!
The exciting part of the week was going to yet another So Cal Blogger/Author get together on Saturday, June 19. It was so much fun to see everyone again and meet even more So Cal readers, bloggers and authors.
And one of the main reasons we all got together was that Pearl, from
Pearl’s World of Books, was visiting LA from the Netherlands! Pearl is incredibly sweet and it was great to meet her! We All met at the Borders in the Century City Mall and then went on to the
Ummba Grill, where the food was wonderful. They sat us in their “lounge” area which we came to find out was outside but I thought it was great to be able to get up and move around. Who cares that I ate with my food on my lap, I was in great company!

Here are pictures of the group:

I thought, what a great picture this turned out to be! And then I realized that the man who was taking the picture cut off Nikki and Lori! Oops! I’m going to tell you who everyone is because some of the faces were cut off in the total group picture. I’m hoping Pearl comes through with some better pics from her camera.
Starting from the left: Rosie, Judith, Rowena, Pearl, Holly, Rachel Jameson, me, Sabrina Darby, Wendy (down in front), Christa Paige, Zoe Archer, Danielle Yockman, Renee, Netta Ferguson
Definitely not as great of a picture but at least we’re all in it – although you can’t see Christa’s face at all! Lori and Nikki are on the left next to Rosie,
Then we moved on to our book swap in the garage. It was a fun time and we all pounced like scavengers! lol
And after it was all done these are the leftovers! I know – a ton left (and this picture below doesn’t include the very large box of books that were in my backseat! All the remaining books will go to my friend who is stocking a downtrodden local library.
I had a great time and can’t wait to do it all again soon!
So on to what I read this past week:
First up was No Souvenirs by
KA Mitchell. Book 3 in the Diving in Deep series and it was just as good as the first 2 books. This was Jae Sun Kim’s story – he meets Shane McCormack while on a diving trip. Jae Sun doesn’t believe in love and seeing him have a meeting of the minds with Shane who ends up having 2 doctorates is something to behold. Good stuff.
4.5 out of 5
Kidnapping Kara by
Alyssa Brooks was a novella I read for
The Book Binge and I gotta say I really didn’t care for this one all that well. It was the story of a man who goes to look for the woman that he loved 8 years prior to save her from her job of stripping and the drugs that he’s been told (by her manipulative mother) that she’s doing. There were a few things that bothered me in the story – I’ll let you know when my review posts and then you can see what those are.
2 out of 5
Next up was Fortunate Harbor by
Emilie Richards. You can read my review
here and if you’re interested you can enter to win a bound galley. You’ve got until the 24th at 11:59pm (pacific) to enter.
3 out of 5
Angel of Thirteenth Street by
Eden Winters was my next read. This was the story of a foster kid who had been kicked out of his home because he had turned 18 and the foster parents were no longer receiving checks. He was living in a basement of an abandoned warehouse and managing to still finish high school. He meets Noah when he goes to do his laundry at a local coin op. Turns out that Noah is known as the Angel because he helps get young male prostitutes off the streets. Noah takes Jeremy off the streets, gives him a place to live while Jeremy is hiding from the local pimp. Trust, faith and love bloom while saving Jeremy. This was my first read by Winters and I very much enjoyed her writing style. I’ll be reading more of her books in the future.
3.75 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for the week was The Other Half of Your Heart by
Janis Susan May. I think I got this one free from
ARe in 2009 during their 12 days of Christmas giveaway. I just have to say that I’m very glad that I didn’t pay for it because it was a huge exercise in frustration. I get when the author wants to draw the reader in by not giving them all the information right away, but I like to be given at least
some info during the course of the book. In this book a woman goes on a weekend with her boyfriend. When she gets to the airport she finds that he’s changed the tickets from New Orleans to Puerto Vallarta. On the first day that she’s there she is kidnapped and taken by a man who works with her in Dallas. She has no idea why he’s taking her and what’s happening. They run for their lives, but from whom? They are constantly on the run and you have no idea if the kidnapper is the good guy or the bad guy…or if the boyfriend is a good guy or a bad guy. While on the run the kidnapper, Dave, and Cara find common ground but not enough, imho, to warrant love – much less the other half of their hearts. I had absolutely no clue what was going on (and neither did the heroine) until page 99 and it was a 112 page book!!!! Anyway – not one I can recommend.
2 out of 5

Last but not least for the week was another read for
The Book Binge. This was Barely a Lady by
Eileen Dreyer. I’ve not read her before and apparently this is her first historical novel. I really liked it. The story of a man and a woman who divorce (gasp!) and she’s not so graciously shown the door. She finds him 5 years later after the battle of Waterloo in a French uniform. When he awakes he doesn’t remember much of anything and he believes their still married. There were a few issues I had with it but overall a good read. Anyway, I’ll let you know when my review posts so you can read more.
4 out of 5
Happy Reading!
It looks like you all had such a great time! I'm so sorry I missed being there! I won't miss the next one!
Looks like fun although you guys look like some kind of gang doing something less than legal down there in the basement. Suuuure it's a book swap.
Enjoyed both those m/m books a lot. Have a super week.
What a fun time!!! Thanks so much for the pics!!!
We DID have a great time, didn't we? Love the pictures — they all came out so well. Hubby nearly DIED when he saw all the books I brought home. He managed, in the end. So nice to put faces with some of my favorite blogs. Can't wait until next time!
I had such a great time! Wish we could do this a little more often! Thanks for the pics; I can't wait to see the ones from the other cameras!
Blanche – We missed you, but understand how tired you must have been. Definitely next time!
Tam – We did have a great time. You think we would do something besides swap books? Perish the thought! lol
Mandi – It was – next time you're in LA we'll have one for you.
Dr J – We sure did. The pictures weren't bad but as I said hope that Pearls are better.
That hubby of yours should be used to all the books by now! lol
Rachel – It was great seeing you again! Glad you had a good time as well.
I had such a good time! Hopefully, at the next gathering, I can stay for the book swap. It looked great!
Looks like you all had a fun time!
There are quite a lot bloggers from So Cal, wow! Loved the pics. 
I get to do this when I come visit in November! Woot!
I'm always so terrible about taking pictures. Seriously, I suck.
I can't believe how mammoth our group is now. To think it all began with just me and Rosie!
Zoe – It was great meeting you! Glad you could make it – and definitely stay for the swap next time – it's fun!
Janna – Thanks – it was fun!
Kris – Yes you do! And I've already sent out an email reminding everyone to mark their calendars for the glad and happy day.
Wendy – I forget my camera constantly for important occasions! It was a miracle I had it this time! lol
There are a lot of us now – but it's great that so many of us live close to each other!
What a blast y'all had!
Like Tam, I really enjoyed both the m/m books you read.
What an amazing catch-up! It looks like you had so much fun…and that book swap! *drools*
Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed Angel of Thirteenth Street! I have that on my TBR list and, well, it sounds like a me book *grin*
I hope you have a great week, and less hectic one than last week
Wow – what a great turn out!! And Rosie's letting her hair grow. And you are getting authors coming now too!! I'm glad you all had such a great time. Nothing like the love of a good romance to get a gang together is there?
Oh gosh what a great time you guys look like you had!!! *Slightly bit jealous* But I am glad that you had a great time!!! Hey, sometimes eating off the lap is not a bad thing!!!
Hugs to honey!
Fun! You all look gorgeous, and I am so jealous of your group LOL. Sounds like you had a grand time
Emilie Richards is in the Chicago area for a signing this weekend. I might have to try her books.
Chris – I really liked No Souvenirs a lot. I was worried after reading the first two in the DiD series that the 3rd wouldn't live up but it certainly did!
Orannia – I know, that book swap is wonderful. You get to see what everyone's been reading. It's like going to a bookstore and just leaving without paying! lol
Angel is a little dark but not too dark – I think you'll like it.
Kristie – Ain't that the truth. I love getting together and just gabbing about books – makes me happy.
Cecile – Well, the next time you're in LA…
Stacy – It was fun, no getting around it.
I've not read Richards before this book. It's definitely less romance – although there is some romance in the book – and more about friendship and family.
It was a blast, as always! Can't wait for the next time, Tracy.
I just finished No Souvenirs today, and loved the whole series. Can't wait to read more KA Mitchell.
OK, off to read your Jodi Thomas review!
Oh, Tracy!! Looks like you all had an awesome time!!
I wish I've been there 
And the book swapping looks like heaven! LOL.
Late again, still having problems with the internet.
But I just have to say that your meeting looks like such fun! And that book swap picture is just too funny. Love it. 
Blanche, we really missed you! Next time!
Kris, I can't wait to meet you.
I had a great time on Saturday. It was great to see everyone again. I'm late to the party (as always) but my post should be going up tomorrow. With more (different) pictures.
OMG! I wish I could come to one! I live in Southern Cali but can't travel any further than Bakersfield! PLEASE make one here! LOL
I see so many books in that left over pile that could have made a home on my shelves to read!
Off to go cry now for not being able to come!
Renee – I really enjoyed the KA Mitchell books – glad you liked them as well! I had a great time last Sat. It was wonderful to see you again!
Nath – The book swapping is one of my fav parts! lol
Hilcia – I think stare ridiculously at us when we swap in parking lots – like we're book crazy or something! lol
Holly – Loved seeing you too. And you have great pictures – thanks for posting them!
Amy J – Where are you located in So Cal? We'd love to have you!