What I Read Last Week

Posted May 17, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 14 Comments

It’s Monday again! I can’t believe the weekend went by so quickly but I guess that’s how it always is when you have days off.
This weekend was a bit crazy with kids. I took my oldest to get her 6th grade graduation/promotion pictures. These were actually retakes because when she had them done at school she had worn a t-shirt that said center of attention. lol They were pretty funny lookin. Anyway, we dressed her in the dress she’d planned on wearing for graduation – we bought it a month ago – and yeah, it was TOO SMALL! Well, we got it zipped enough to take the picture but there’s no way she’ll fit in it in another month. That girl really needs to stop growing. We then shopped for yet another dress – oy.
Then my youngest had to go to the doctor as well so we heaped that on the pile of weekend activities. She’s much better now though so it’s all good.
Other than the weekend the rest of the week was relatively quiet so that was nice.
All right – on to what I read…
First up was Big Bad Wolf by Christine Warren.  A rewritten and expanded version of Warren’s Fur Factor.  The book was just as good as the first time but it had a lot of editing issues which were annoying. You can read my review for The Book Binge here4 out of 5

Next up was Love Means…No Shame by Andrew Grey.  This was the story of Geoff who takes over his family farm after his father dies.  While there he meets Eli who is an Amish man who is taking a year away from the community.  Eli and Geoff start a relationship but Eli is concerned about his family and them being shunned if the community finds out he’s gay.  This was an incredibly good story.  I really liked Grey’s writing and his characters – they felt like old friends. I’ve already bought the other two in this series and plan on reading them soon. 4.5 out of 5

In and Out by LB Gregg was my next read and boy did I love this one.  You can read my thoughts here. 5 out of 5

I read the three books that are in the Lucani Lovers seris by Stephanie Julian for The Book Binge (I did a lot of TBB reading this week and plan to do more next week to catch my ass up!).  The first book was Kiss of Moonlight, the second was Moonlight Menage and the third was Edge of Moonlight.  All four books I found to be very good.  4 out of 5 for all the books.  I’ll let you know when my reviews post.
My Tracy’s TBR Challenge Read for the week was The Love Affair of an English Lord by Jillian Hunter.  I had a very hard time getting into the book and actually debated not finishing it – but I’m glad I stuck with it.  The story was about Dominic who was stabbed and thought dead.  He’s actually quite alive and after being chased ends up climbing in a window at his neighbors house and ends up in the closet in the trunk of her unmentionables.  Chloe Boscastle finds Dominic in the closet and is persuaded by him to not tell anyone he’s there. This begins a clandestine relationship that is very sweet and romantic.  I very much enjoyed the story and will look into seeing about reading about the rest of the Boscastle family. 4 out of 5
Next was Delicious by Shayla Black.  I really like Black as well as her alter ego, Shelley Bradley, but this book was not a favorite.  I met Luc in the previous story and expected him to be at least similar in personality.  This book showed him in a whole new light and frankly I didn’t like him very much at all.  I read this one for The Book Binge so will let you know when my review posts. 2.5 out of 5

Last book for the week was Highland Surrender by Dawn Halliday.  This was Cam’s story.  We met Cam in Highland Obsession and he was a little crazed.  This story showed him bringing his new English betrothed home to Scotland. They are set upon by Highwaymen and Cam is shot.  He is found by Ceana who is a healer and she takes care of him.  This is Cam and Ceana’s story as well as Rob (Cam’s half brother) and Elizabeth’s (the English lady) story.  I liked it.  Read this one for The Book Binge so I’ll let you know when my review posts. 4 out of 5
My Book Binge review that have posted this week (besides the one above)
Happy Reading!

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14 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Tam

    If it's not one thing it's another. I sometimes wish my daughter's feet would grow. She is about a size 5.5 or 6 which makes it very hard to find shoes in her size. She's been that size for 3 years. I think she may be stuck there. 🙂

    I liked Love means … no Shame as well. The others in the series are enjoyable as well.

  2. Awww, too bad about the dress 🙁 LOL, fun for your daughter though, new clothes! Now you know not to buy the clothes too early ^_^;

    Nice selection of reads 😀

  3. Janna – The really sad thing about the dress is that we couldn't find the same dress in the next size up. Yes, she's 12 and the adult size 4 was too small.
    Hopefully you'll like In and Out as much as I did!

    Tam – My daughters the opposite with her shoes in that they won't stop growing – kind of like her body. 😉
    Hopefully I'll like the other 2 Love Means… books.

    Nath – Word! When I bought that dress I never in a million years thought it wouldn't fit in a month much less two. *sigh* live and learn. The dress that we ended up with this weekend is stretchy with no zipper so even if she grows it will fit! 🙂

  4. Hmm. Maybe you should shop the night before graduation. 😉

    Wait, the expanded and redone Warren book was chock full of errors?? You'd think it'd have fewer…

  5. Chris – I thought about the shopping the night before but since we found a cute dress and it was stretchy then I gave in. 🙂
    I know! You'd think the Warren book would have fewer but it didn't! Some were pretty bad too.

  6. Lea

    Another great reading week for you Tracy!

    Kids grow so fast don't they? Wow.. Expensive are these young ones.

    Thanks to Chris I downloaded "Love means no Shame" but haven't got to it yet.

    I've heard a lot about Stephanie Julian's books too.

    Thanks for sharing Tracy!

  7. I so understand about the growing thing. It seemed every time I turned around my kids were growing. Lol, my son is 22 and a few months ago he grew another inch again. He's 6'3" and I've told him enough is enough already. 😀

    Good reading week for you. I read Fur Factor years ago, along with the others in the series. Pretty good stories although I'm surprised an expanded print version would have more errors.

    I really liked Love Means… and I'm looking forward to getting In and Out.

    Have a great week!

  8. You have had a messy weekend. Glad the dress fitted for the photo!

    In and Out sounds so good! And I too have downloaded Love Means No Shame!

  9. I loved In and Out – I need to reread it again because I was too excited.

    I love Andrew Grey's Love series, the prequel Love Means No Boundaries, is probably my favorite out of all of them.

  10. LoR – It was a good week – thanks.

    Lea – That Chris does it to me all the time too! lol
    The Julian books were good with the same villain running through them all so they're all attached besides characters.

    Lily – I had a friend whose husband grew when he was 33! By a whole inch. It was freaky since he was already so tall.
    I know the Fur Factor/Big Bad Wolf editing thing kind blew my mind. You'd think, as Chris said, there would be fewer because they were being extra careful, but no.

    Katie – I used to have a pot-bellied pig and it would grow while I was at work and it freaked me out. I should be used to it with the kids! lolol

    SHB – I've read In and Out like 3 times already and it gets better for me every time.
    I'll have to let you know what I think about Grey's Boundaries.

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