So, I’ve gone and done it.
I started up a YA book blog. The reason for this is simple, I’m an adult who has an unhealthy addiction to reading and I read a lot. I read mostly genre fiction of the romance and YA variety but my book blog, Book Binge is more of an adult fiction blog. Most of the readers over there are adults who don’t really give two craps about Young Adult fiction. They don’t love reading YA books the way that I do and well, I needed some place where I could squeal with joy over new YA books that are coming out and I needed a place where I could do my happy dance over YA books that I read and loved.
I also needed a blog that would be okay for my 12 year old niece Chaylene to read without getting in trouble. You see, Chaylene would ask me about my reviews on certain books that I reviewed over at Book Binge and I’d send her a link on Facebook to this review and she would click, click, click and end up on this review.
Needless to say, her Mom wasn’t too happy with her or with me so I started kicking around the idea of starting up my own YA blog so that I can read, review and discuss all things YA. I plan on having contests and giveaways to share my love of books with the people that stop by and I’ll have my friends stop by and blog with me as well so there should always be things going on over here (cross my fingers!)
Wish me luck!
CONTEST ALERT: To get this party started, I’m going to host a GET MY BLOG NAME OUT THERE contest where you help me get people to notice my blog and I’ll reward you with BOOKS! Pretty shameless, huh? Yeah, well sorry ’bout it. If you wish to enter the contest, all you have to do is any of the following:
Post the above picture on your blog, link to my blog and steer some readers my way by telling them about this contest and blog.
- Post about this contest on your Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, etc…I don’t really care how you do it as long as you pimp me out.
For your troubles, I’ll reward you with:
So what do you say? Help a sister out?
I’ll leave this contest open for two weeks and then I’ll close the contest and announce winners on June 4, 2010. ETA: Please leave a comment here or shoot me a tweet (http://twitter.com/thebookscoop) to let me know that you’ve pimped me out and I’ll add your name to my list of entries!
Thanks so much!
Happy Reading,
WTG wena!! can’t wait to see more 🙂
Good stuff Wena!
I just posted about this on my blog!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! Stay tuned for more YA goodness in the days to come!
congrats on the new blog.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/elaing8/status/14200564532
Thanks elaing8! Your name has been entered.
Good luck!
Woo-hooo! I’ll be reading along!
Great job Wena! Just posted on my blog and going straight to my Twitter! =)
Thanks Marg and Monroe! You guys rock!
I absolutely love Elkeles, Echols, Dessen. There is a post on my twitter: http://twitter.com/LittlePinkNotes
and later I’ll go straight to my blog
(I am desperately looking for “Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour” by Morgan Matson (epub) but I can’t buy it in Europe)
I did it. 🙂
Your blog looks fantastic!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/14323849218
Blogged about it and tweeted about the contest.
So excited for this fun new blog! I tweeted about it here. 🙂
Hey Emily,
I saw it on your Twitter so thanks so much, I’ve entered your name into the drawing.
That’s why I love you! You’re the best supporter of all things me! Love you sweets!
Thanks so much for stopping by, I appreciate the shout out!
You’re my favorite right now! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much, I really appreciate the pimp! =)
I tweeted about the contest. I’m hollybally over there.
I’m have a new blog, too. It’s http://www.bookharbinger.com. Sadly it’s lacking a cool contest to get the word out. Must remedy that. 🙂
Welcome, welcome! Always fun to find new YA blogs to have fun with. I tweeted about your blog – http://twitter.com/SeeMichelleRead/status/14383698730 Thanks!
Thanks so much Michelle, I really appreciate it! I’ve added your name to my list of entries! Good luck!
Congrats on the awesome blog!
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Lydiavo/status/14389619180
and blogged here: http://lydiavo.blogspot.com/2010/05/new-blog.html
And also, my email is…
azngal_123 at hotmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by Lydia and for entering my contest, good luck to you!
Blogged here:
Tweeted about your contest here. 🙂 Good luck with the new blog!
I love YA book blogs 🙂
Put the picture on my sidebar.
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
Twittered it for you: http://twitter.com/Jovial_1/status/14498790481
I too am an adult that enjoys to throw a little YA in with the mix. Glad you started this blog.
Congrats! I tweeted http://twitter.com/bangersis/status/14499464868
Hi! I enjoy your new blog 🙂
Thanks for this opportunity!
Thanks to all of the new entries, good luck everyone!