Rowena’s review of Tempt Me at Twilight
by Lisa Kleypas.
Hero: Mr. Harry Rutledge
Heroine: Miss Poppy Hathaway
This is the third book in the Hathaway family series and I enjoyed it a great deal. I didn’t think that I was going to enjoy this book as much as I did the first two but I think I enjoyed this book more than Win and Merripen’s book. I mean, I adored Win’s book but I’ve always had a soft spot for Poppy and I was so excited to start this book. It’s funny because I bought this book close to the day that it came out and then I left it in my car and didn’t take it out of my car until this week.
Anyway, this book is Poppy’s story and this book had the same cuteness that the other Hathaway stories did. Poppy is in love with a man that might be out of her league but she’s hopeful that things will work out with him even though he doesn’t want their romance to come out in the open just yet until he’s talked to his father about his intentions. Poppy has every reason to believe that he will offer for her because they love each other. Everything was going okay until the day that she came across Harry Rutledge, the owner of the hotel that the Hathaways are staying at. Poppy makes quite the impression on Harry and before she knows what’s what, she’s caught up in a scandal that makes her Mrs. Harry Rutledge instead of the Lady she thought she was going to be.
Harry’s been neglected all of his life and he has no desire to fall in love or be ruled by feelings. He’s never known anything about love having not had love or been showed love in his life and he’s a selfish bastard. He goes after whatever he wants and does whatever it takes to make sure he gets it. He doesn’t care if he’s got to cheat a little because if you want something bad enough, nothing will stand in your way of getting it. This was the attitude Harry had toward having Poppy. He knew that she was as good as promised to that Michael guy but he wanted her and he was going to go to any lengths to get her.
Poppy is under the impression that because Harry and Poppy were caught in an embrace that Harry feels obligated to offer for her but when she finds out that Harry brought about everything, she’s furious with just cause. She doesn’t back out from her promise to marry Harry but the start of their marriage was as rocky as rocky can get.
Watching both Harry and Poppy learn more about each other was very emotional at times. My heart went out to both of them, Poppy for longing for a normal life and not getting it and then Harry trying hard to make Poppy happy but not knowing how. It was such an entertaining story to read because Kleypas did a fantastic job of making you fall in love with both Harry and Poppy and then the other characters as well.
There were times that I wanted to bean Harry in the head because he was such a dummy but I never hated him. I adored him and was quite happy with the outcome of the story. This book had a lot of things to recommend it but as much as I loved Harry and Poppy, it is Leo that charmed the socks right off of me. He’s come so far since Cam and Amelia’s story and the way that this book ended with that conversation between Marks and Leo, holy goodness, I cannot wait for the next book, which lucky for me isn’t too long of a wait, woot!
Reading this book has made me anxious for both Leo and Beatrix’s story. I adore both of those Hathaway siblings and I have ants in my pants because I want their books NOW! This was such a great book!
Grade: 4.5 out of 5
This book is available from St. Martin’s Press. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
I loved Poppy’s line in Mine til Midnight. “I’ve been waiting my entire life fo Amelia to stray from the straight and narrow. Now that it’s happened, i’m going to enjoy it.”
Can’t wait to read this one.
I’m so glad I am not the only one who loved this book! I can’t wait until I get my copy of Married by Morning in less than 2 weeks!
I, too, liked Harry and Poppy, thought they made a great couple. Also, liked it more than Win’s book, too, like you. I’m dying to read Cat and Leo’s story, hope it measures up to all the anticipation.
I enjoyed this read, too. Harry was a good character, darker than some of Kleypas’ past heroes.
Cat and Leo’s story is probably my most anticipated romance for the next few months. Cant wait!
I really enjoyed this one too, and loved that Poppy removed Harry from his normal environment to reach him. That whole section was so lovely!
I liked this book, too. When do we get Cat and Leo?