So I’m currently reading Lover Mine by JR Ward. So far so good but I’m just not that far into it yet so I’m reserving my thoughts on the book until I’m done.
However, I appear to be having a serious brain lapse and it’s making me a bit crazy. I seem to have forgotten, entirely, exactly why Qhuinn is JM’s ahstrux nohtrum. Yes, it’s been 2 years since Lover Enshrined but I should not have this faulty of a memory! I remember Qhuinn being disowned from his family but other than that my brain is a blank. Why was JM in need of a bodyguard?
It’s embarrassing for me to ask but dammit – it’s making me nuts! (ok, nuttier)
Hmm, didn't it have something to do w/an attack on JM by Lash? Jeez, I can't really precisely remember either.
Wrath designated Qhuinn as a protector so he wouldn't get punished by the law for killing Lash.
Qhuinn killed Lash in a fight in the shower during training, and the Wrath made him AN to avoid having to kill him. I think it was in Phury's book, wasn't it?
Ok – it's coming back to me now. Yes, it was when Lash attacked JM and Qhuinn went after Lash.
I know that JM and Qhuinn are buds – but I don't think I ever understood why they put him on JM. And why JM NOW can't go anywhere without Qhuinn…like JM's royalty or something. JM's one bad mo-fo as far as I'm concerned! lol
Thanks for the info guys!
Now that I think about it JM is the king's brother-in-law so he's pseudo-royalty, isn't he? lol
Possibly diagrams and flowcharts are needed. Alas, I'm diagram-impaired. 🙂 (Really! My boss & coworkers will attest!)
Looking forward to hearing what you think of the book. Not here on shelves as yet, so waiting for a few reviews before I commit cash!!
IIRC (and I probably don't) it's part of the whole AN 'deal' (please stop me from talking this way) that Qhuinn goes everywhere with JM. All the rules and regulations.
I can't wait to read more about Qhuinn…and Blay *grin*