What I Read Last Week

Posted March 29, 2010 by Tracy in Features | 8 Comments

Good morning!
How are you all doing today?  Well I hope.  I know that some of you with children have them home this week for Spring Break – hang in there if you’re home with them. 🙂  My two are off next week and are so looking forward to it.  They love hanging out with their Papa (my dad) because he loves taking them places.  He’s 75 but has more energy than I do!
This past week we got to attend my youngest daughter’s 2nd grade play/musical – Life Cycles.  It was seriously adorable.  Everything went off without a hitch and I was so happy for them.  My girl got a little speaking part as “plant 2” and she was so proud (and so were we). 🙂  I’d love to share a picture with you but at this little shindig we realized that our camera sucks at distance and low light…even on the low light setting.  Ah well.  It’s only a 3x zoom and normally takes great photos and video so I shouldn’t complain but dammit – now I don’t have good pictures! lol
It was also my hubby’s b-day this past Saturday. The girls and I spent the morning and afternoon running errands and having lunch with my in-laws and then yesterday my parents, brother and niece came over for dinner.  It was a great time.
Because I was running around all weekend I didn’t get very much reading done.  I think I read a total of 150 the whole weekend.  I know, shocking.  I started 2 books on Friday and have finished neither of them.  lol
So what did I read last week?

First was Hunter’s Need by Shiloh Walker – book 11 in the Hunters series.  This was a book that I read for The Book Binge for review but it was also a book for my Finish the Series Project.  I think I still have 4 stories to go with the Hunters.  This was Analise and Duke’s story.  She’s a psychic with minimal psychic ability and he’s a hunter/shapeshifter.  They have a nasty past with each other but they have a connection that neither can deny.  This was good, but not great for me.  I like Walker’s writing but I didn’t care for the heroine in this one and it really put a damper on things for me.  I’ll let you know when my review posts on TBB.

Next up was Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale.  I loved this book.  Say, loved it so much I want to have babies with it.  Ok, maybe not that but still – it was fantastic.  It’s now available in ebook as well so if you haven’t read it – do it!  You can read my review here  5 out of 5 (this was also part of my m/m challenge)

Next up I read HardMan by Amarinda Jones for The Book Binge. This was the story of a girl at a fuck-me shoe convention and the convention manager.  They meet, grumble at each other and then have wild sex in a storage closet. They start a sexual relationship but soon see it’s more.  Again this was a cute book but I did have some difficulty with the heroine.  I like Jones’s sense of humor but the heroine and her snarkiness got to be just a bit much after a while.  3.25 out of 5

My next read was my Tracy’s TBR challenge read for the week and one of my FTSP – One the Way to the Wedding by Julia Quinn.  I’ve finished the Bridgerton’s!!!  Took me long enough, geez! lol  This one was good but probably my least favorite of the 8 books.  Gregory falls in love with Lucy and wants to marry her but she’s promised in marriage to someone else…and her uncle is blackmailing her into holding her to the promise.  Don’t get me wrong it was still a pretty good book but it was a little fantastical and a little sappier than I like.  Wow, that sounds like I didn’t like it…but I did – just not as much as the others! 3.75 out of 5

Next was Totally Captivated volumes 5 and 6 by Hajinn Yoo (yaoi manga). I really love this series.  The story of Ewon who is more or less conned into working for a loan shark, Mookyul, but throughout the series Mookyul falls for Ewon and there’s much angst and much sweetness.  It’s beautifully drawn and it’s definitely a keeper. 4.5 out of 5 for both books.

Next was another yaoi manga called Yokai’s Hunger by Naona Bohra.  This was a paranormal manga that involved Norito and Koma – who had been pledged/promised to Norito in a past life.  They get together again but then have to deal with demons and Koma’s brothers – almost the same thing.  It was pretty good.  The graphics were ok but made me laugh.  Norito’s nose was always shaded so it looked kind of animalistic to me and he seemed to have, most of the time, one of his eyes shut.  It was just funny and I couldn’t quite understand why the author did that.  3.5 out of 5

That was it for me last week!  I did have one review post this week on The Book Binge:

Happy Reading!

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8 responses to “What I Read Last Week

  1. Hey! Your hottie is singer Jay Brannan! Have you heard his song Housewife? Very sweet. 🙂

    You persevered – I usually can't do that if I don't like the heroine…

  2. Tam

    Looking forward to Wicked Gentlemen. I've heard only good things. Those yaoi sound good but I understand I'll have to buy my own. 😉

  3. A belated Happy Birthday to your husband 🙂 And I'm glad 'Life Cycles' went well.

    Ahhh, Spring Break? Is that just the name you use for this particular school holiday, being that's it's spring in the Northern Hemisphere?

    Sounds like a good yaoi manga week (I had one of those last weekend 🙂

    Say, loved it so much I want to have babies with it.

    I did mention that there is a sequel to Wicked Gentlemen in the works, didn't I? *grin*

  4. Hey just dropping in to say hi and see what's going on in your world!!! Wow, what a world you are in!
    Hope all is well honey!

  5. I KNEW that was Jay Brannan! My *cough* current obsession and, no, I have no idea how many that makes this year alone. Why count?? 😉

  6. Chris – I saw his name when I nabbed his pic from Hunk du Jour but had no idea he was a singer. I'll have to check out his music. He's a total cutie.
    I usually can't finish a book if I don't like the heroine but with the first book (this past week) it was for review so I felt like I had to and the second was so short I managed. 🙂

    Tam – Wicked Gentlemen – Lemme say it again..SO GOOD.

    Orannia – Yes, they call it spring break here. They have a fall break and a winter break as well. The kids start in August and end in June around my parts so they get a total of 3 months off during the year – just not all at the same time.
    I can't wait for the sequel to WG! Do you know when it's due?

    Cecile – HI! Hope you're well.

    Kris – he's so damned handsome! Seriously – good for you for picking a great man to obsess about. lol

  7. I had to look twice at that Jones cover – There's a naked bum on it…

    I agree with you – Jones Snark is much fun… Definately a mood read for me..

    Totally Captivated – I need to read this set of books…

    I just finished reading Priest – not yaoi but a kick as s manga series…

    Happy day hon..


  8. Eh – There IS a naked bum! lol Not my favorite cover by any means but I like the bum. 🙂
    Jones is great but that one just didn't work that well for me. I read Pet Me and I liked that one a lot.
    Totally Captivated is great!
    Oh, thanks for the info, I'll have to check out Priest.

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