Eve and Roarke

Posted February 21, 2010 by Holly in Discussions | 22 Comments

I was, working on my review of Fantasy in Death, thinking about Eve and Roarke’s relationship. While Eve’s cases are generally interesting, they’ve always taken a backseat for me. The real appeal of this series is the character development. Eve’s relationships and friendships are what keep this series alive and fresh.

Lately I’ve become dissatisfied with that aspect of the series. While writing my review for Fantasy I was pondering the reason, and decided to separate the issue from the review.

Mostly I’ve been unsatisfied with Eve and Roarke’s relationship the last few books, I believe since Innocent in Death. In Innocent they dealt with probably the most straining personal thing to date. Since then it seems like they’ve kind of settled into each other. They talk things out and compromise. They still have arguments, but a lot of the heat is missing from them.

This has really disappointed me, but I think I’ve been unfair. As we grow and change in a relationship, that relationship also grows and changes. For the series to work, there has to be growth from the main characters. Who wants to read 30+ books about a character who stays the same; who never grows, changes, matures?

My husband and I got married 2 years ago. We were together for just over 2 years prior to that. During those first two years together we were still finding our way. We had silly arguments and found amusement in the smallest things (Heck, I dedicated almost an entire blog just to his silly antics). But during the last couple years we’ve kind of settled into each other. Sure we still have silly fights and find amusement in the smallest things, but those things are no longer “new”.

So I think I have to let some of my frustration over the lack of…steam…in their relationship go. There are things that continue to frustrate and annoy me about them – namely Eve’s selfishness about Roarke’s work – but I think it’s time to realize that, like my husband and me, they’ve settled into each other. And really, that isn’t a bad thing.

Maybe I shouldn’t, but I just miss the conflicts between them from the early books.

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22 responses to “Eve and Roarke

  1. I miss the conflict, too. My favorite of the series is Divided in Death and it’s my favorite because of the conflict between Dallas and Roarke. I loved seeing them on opposite sides and then working out the compromise. So much emotion there!

  2. I have to agree about the conflict. I think that conflict arises because of changes in the marriage. The conflicts that my husband and I have after 11 years of marriage are different from the ones that we had when we had been married for 2 years.

    I just finished listening to Promise in Death and I have to say that my favorite part of the book was on the day of Louises Bachlorette Party. My favorite part about these two characters is when they have the “family” gatherings. The family being the one that they have made for themselves.

  3. I too read this series for the relationships, especially Eve and Roarke’s.

    I’ve really enjoyed how the characters have grown over the series so far and I anticipate that will continue. I think that the changes are likely to be more subtle as the series goes on because that is the nature of relationships. But, every now and then there might be a big ruction which will cause some conflict to be dealt with.

    My marriage, in terms of the relationship between my husband and myself would probably not make good reading – we fit together like peas in a pod and always have. There isn’t much conflict at all. We’ve had our troubles but they’ve been from things happening to us (mostly) rather than personality issues. Not good fodder for a romance novel – great for me but not a good read!!

    I think that is Nora Roberts’/JD Robb’s challenge with the series – to bring something fresh each book – I guess when she feels she can’t do that anymore, then the series will end. Hopefully, that’s a long way away!

  4. The main reason I read this series is because of Eve and Roarke. I think it would be great if they went away for their 2 year wedding anniversary and had to break a case somewhere besides NYC.

    Or totally shock the read and introduce Eve’s mother, who I think is alive and Roarke knows it. Talk about one emotional book that would be! Eve dealing with her mother who left her with her evil father and the ramifications of Roarke hiding that from her.

    But not babies for Eve and Roarke yet. Maybe in book 100, which in Nora years would be 10 years from now. LOL

  5. Oh yeah Katiebabs! Eve’s mother turning up would definitely throw a spanner in the works. Plenty of angst in that one.

    I definitely agree about the babies. I could see (maybe) Eve and Roarke taking on a teen who’d been orphaned by a crime Eve had solved but babies (apart from totally freaking Eve out) would mean that Eve would have to stop working and kicking ass for a while and I can’t see either party wanting to be an absent parent given their childhoods so it would be very difficult for Eve to continue with her dedication to the job in the same way.

    Personally, I don’t see it for either of them at all but Ms. Nora may take the character arc in that direction as she winds up the series. It’s not a biggie for me though. I think they make a complete family as is.

  6. mph

    I’ve been skipping around when reading this series. I find that reading them in chronological order, the personal development is too slow for me – and like most said, this is the main draw. Currently, I’m reading Portrait in Death and it’s so good to dive into Roarke’s past. I’m already looking for the story when Eve goes back to Dallas. (Help, anyone?)

    The series started in 1995 and Eve and Roarke only reached their 2nd year of marriage and already they’re settling into each other?! Yee gah, I hope a flame and characters as strong as theirs don’t “settle” after two years of marriage. I say, “Pick up the pace! please?”

  7. @mph They retrace Eve’s past in the book before Portrait, in Purity in Death. I like reading them in order because we get to see how their “family” is formed.

  8. @MPH – I’m pretty sure Eve goes back to Dallas in Reunion in Death.

    @Kaetrin – I really wanted Eve and Roarke to keep Nixie (from Survivor), but I realize it wasn’t the right time for them. Still, I’d like to see that happen at some point.

    I’m not ready for them to have a baby and I don’t think they’re ready either. Maybe someday, but honestly I doubt it. I just can’t imagine Eve being ok with a creepy thing growing inside her. lol

    @Katiebabs, Eve’s mother showing up would be good. I’ve always thought she was alive, too. I figure she’ll show up after realizing Eve is married to Roarke and all his billions.

    Speaking of family: what happened to Roarke’s. They haven’t even been mentioned in several books. I expected him to have more contact with them.

  9. I totally agree Holly. I read this series for Eve and Roarke, often skipping over some of the dense police business to get to more of them. I too would like to return to the days of hot and heavy conflict between them (love the idea of her mother showing up and Roarke knowing she was alive), but I agree that this series, at its heart, is the story of a marriage, and like people, marriages change and grow.

    I’ve always thought it would be kind of cool if something really wild and unpredictable happened to Roarke–like his plane goes missing when he’s off planet or something and while trying not to lose her freaking mind, she has to find him. Imagine what a MESS she would be, not knowing where he is… Does Ms. Nora have a suggestion box? LOL

  10. It’s funny that you would post about this because I’ve been thinking about it too.

    My second favorite In Death book is Divided in Death. And Eve and Roarke spend almost the entire book at odds. It makes their coming back to to the fundamental thing that their relationship is built on, love, so much sweeter.

    But I agree, I prefer their relationship when there’s some tension.

  11. Would be nice to have another villain stick around for a few books to outwit out married duo. Or have another uber-rich guy like Roarke who tries to seduce Eve and Roarke kicks his ass. Roarke and Eve of course will end up having crazy hot monkey sex.

    Or what if one of the NYC Scooby Doo gang is being blackmailed?

  12. I’m loving these suggestions.

    It’s hard to believe that Roarke could be kidnapped given his superhuman security, but that would be interesting – watching Eve try and find him.

    And, I agree about another uber-rich hot guy trying to muscle in on Eve – that would be cool too!

    Is Nora listening in?

  13. Kaetrin,
    Maybe the other uber dude who comes after Eve could also kidnap Roarke. 🙂 I’d love to see someone show him to be vulnerable in some way.

    I hope Nora is paying attention. Haha!

  14. I think that it’s easy to forget that in the In Death world, only a few years have gone by. Sure, Eve and Roarke will find their niche, but considering their respective issues I would think that there should be more general conflict.

    I think any situation in which either of them is uncomfortable makes for great reading. That should probably make me feel bad, but it doesn’t.

  15. I favourited your tweet so I could enjoy reading it after reading the latest Robb. And it was very enjoyable except a) not conflicted enough (come on friendship coming after love, that’s a heat dial back if ever!) and b) not that into cyber games.

    HOPE Roberts is reading because yes, Eve’s mother, Roarke’s relatives, just something to make it a bit more angsty would suit me fine!

    Janet W

  16. mph

    Thanks Holly & Heather! I’ll be sure to pick those up next.

    Also, i meant to say what Casee (i got it now:) said. For a series that has been around for so long yet the personal developments to be so slow doesn’t quite match up for me. And to see that they settle into each other in the latest already, feels like something is amiss. This better be the “quiet before the storm” because I’m more than ready for the storm.

  17. Anonymous

    Is anyone else having trouble with Fantasy In Death? For some reason, it’s just not grabbing me at all. Maybe it’s all the gaming stuff. I dunno. Even the romance, what there is of it, is dull in this one.

  18. Jean

    Just like to comment how great the relationship is between Roark and Eve. However I wish she would be a touch kinder to Summerset and not quite so bossy at times with Roarke (then of course she wouldn’t be Eve). I thought the first 3 books were great and one of my favourite scenes was Eve’s car blowing up and Roarke’s reactions. Definitely no babies and no movies.

  19. @Jean,

    I think mostly Eve and Summerset are teasing each other now. The heat has gone out of their insults. I’d even go so far as to say they care about each other – though neither would admit it – when they only tolerated one another for Roake’s sake before.

    I agree about Eve being bossy. I almost feel like Roarke is becoming part of the background while the stories shift to being Eve’s cases. I’d like to see him step-up and become a main attraction again, rather than part of the woodwork.

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