My Tattoo aka “Wow, it’s big”

Posted December 17, 2009 by Tracy in Reviews | 37 Comments

So here it is…not exactly healed but close enough. Every person that’s seen the tat, except for my 25 year old niece, has looked at it and said, “wow, it’s big.” I swear it’s like I’m a girl so therefore have to have something that’s small and dainty. Fuck that. lol Yes, it’s big and I love it! I have to say that they mention they love it too, after they exclaim over it’s giganticness. Gotta love my friends. 🙂

The tat is on my lower back and the bottom part of the bottom leaf is pretty much on my butt cheek and that’s why the tip of it is cut off in the picture. I love you all, but personally I just don’t feel the need to show you my butt crack. I’m thinking you’re appreciating my kindness at the moment. 🙂

The right middle leaf is actually covering up another tattoo that I got 19 years ago and have been wanting to cover up for a while. It was an eye. Why an eye you ask? Not a clue in the world. I was extremely odd at the ripe old age of 25 and thought it was cool and different. Yeah, not so much. Just weird. I thought I had a picture of the eye somewhere but I can’t seem to locate the damn thing so you’ll just have to take my word for it. I also added my kids’ initials in there which they thought was just totally awesome…and I do too.

So do you have any tattoo’s? Where? What of? I want all the info! 🙂


37 responses to “My Tattoo aka “Wow, it’s big”

  1. It's beautiful!! I'm ready for my next tattoo but just haven't had the time or $$ to get it yet. I've got a medium-sized tat on my leg a sun/moon (represents me and my husband) with a star around it representing each child – blue for boys and pink for girls.

  2. Big or not, Tracy, it's absolutley beautiful! I would love to get another tattoo, but Imma chicken shit!

    I have one that wraps around my ankle. It's an orange tiger lily that has a vine that wraps around the back of my ankle to the front of the top of my foot. I love it!

  3. Nice! Actually, it's hard to tell how big it is without something in the picture for comparison. 😉

    My tattoo's on my left upper arm. It's about 2.5"-3" tall and is the kanji for happiness.

    I've been thinking about getting another one, probably in the same spot on my right arm. Probably something with a black cat and a stack of books. You're so surprised. 😉

  4. It is pretty – and congrats on covering up the eyeball. An eyeball? Really? That sounds….odd.

    No tats for me. Mostly because of my low tolerance for pain and also because I can't think of anything that I'd want to live with for the rest of my life.

    My Lil' Sis has two tats. I live vicariously through her.

  5. MsM – My sister, who is ultra conservative, got a small rose on the inside of her ankle a couple of years ago and it looks wonderful. I love them flowers (obviously). 🙂

    Hilcia – thanks! And just know…it's the kind of pain you forget once it's stopped. lol

    Patti – Very cool tat you described. I have a sun/moon on the inside of my right ankle. It means nothing though – just a cool tat. 🙂

    Amy – I'd love to see a picture of your tattoo! That sounds very cool.
    And I understand about the chicken shit – it took me 14 years from my last tattoo to work up the nerve for this one! lol

    LB – You are the lucky ones, aren't you? Seeing my backside and all. 🙂

    Barbara – a rose piercing a heart. Very nice. I've seen an arrow piercing a heart but not a rose – cool.

    Chris – Yeah, I realized after I posted it that you can't really see how big it is. If I posted the whole picture though you'd see how my waist has thickened over the years. My oldest daughter and I have decided that I resemble a candy corn. Niiiiice! lol It takes up most of my lower back.
    Oh I like your tattoo! And a black cat and books…wherever would you think of something like that? 🙂

    Kati – I'll measure it for you since I have no idea how big it is.
    What is your tattoo of? And where is it on your body?

    Cj – Just one more reason I love you! 🙂 Yes, it is probably a good thing the eye is gone. One day I'll find that picture and send it to you. lol

  6. Wendy – yes, I know, the eye was odd. It did have a brow and all – not that it makes much difference to its oddness. lol
    Living vicariously is good. Like I said my sister got one – a very small rose and she was 44 when she got it so it took her a while to work up to it. 🙂

    I measured the tattoo and it's about 7" high and about 9" across.

  7. Tracy, it is amazingly beautiful! And I absolutely love the initial of your children.
    I have none… Boring, yea I know.
    But having to admit… your back… humm… your sexy back… =) LOL! It is gorgeous!
    Have a great day honey!

  8. It's gorgeous! I'm amazed that they could cover up your eyeball tattoo so well. I don't see any evidence at all of an eyeball.

    I have only one tattoo. I got it when I was 22 and thinking about living in Mexico for a year. It's a small Texas flag in the shape of a heart. It's on my lower back, just above my left butt cheek.

  9. Cecile – I know…aren't you the lucky ones taking a gander at my back. Better than my backside, believe me. 🙂

    And I was wrong on the size. It's 8" high and 10" wide – sorry for the mistake.

  10. Jen – I love that the Texas flag is in the shape of a heart! How big is it?
    Mark, the artist, did a great job on the cover up. I was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do it but he's amazing.

  11. Love it! Very very nice 😉 I've got one too, on my lower back of a dove carrying an olive branch (peace dove) Got it when I was 21 and still freaking love it. My best friend did the art work too so it's pretty unique (just not the actual tattoo) 🙂

  12. Tam

    It's beautiful, really well done. Well, I have the one in my avatar on my upper right shoulder blade. I have plans for an abstract swirly design that incorporates it for my whole back. Not sure when that will happen. 🙂

    I also have this on my ankle. The K is for my daughter and someday if I feel so inspired I can add other little "charms" to it.

  13. Katie – that sounds so nice. And to have your friend do the artwork is great and something you'll never forget.

    Tam – You will get the design to cover your whole back? Wow – you're a brave woman. lol I don't know that I could do that (pain). 🙂
    I love your ankle tat and of course the fact that it's like your very own charm bracelet. 🙂

  14. I think the heart is only about 2 inches tall and 2 inches wide. In fact, it may not even be that big. It's puny, really. But it is cute. I stole the idea from a friend when I was 17. 🙂

  15. It's beautiful! Big, but beautiful. I'm not tattooed or pierced at all, but I've always wanted to get a blue dragon holding a green Celtic cross. And not a girlified dragon either. A total kick-butt dragon.

    However, I have a very low tolerance for pain. So…not yet. Maybe one day. 40th birthday? That'd give me 7 years to psych myself up. 😀

  16. What is your tattoo of? And where is it on your body?

    Tracy – Mine is the infinity symbol and it's surrounded by shamrocks. I'm a St. Patty's Day baby, so they're symbolic. I have the "tramp stamp" although, like you, I had the artist do it really low, because I didn't want it hanging out of work pants. It does show when I wear low rise jeans though.

    The artist I picked has done several of the Washington Redskins and some of the Wizards too. Shocking. I know! ;o)

  17. Jen – it sounds adorable.

    Bridget – The tattoo you described sounds awesome! I love the fierce looking dragons much better than the cartoon-ish ones. You can do it! 🙂

    Kati – Cool that you get to relate your b-day with a holiday. And your tattoo sounds great. I had forgotten that they were called tramp stamps! lol Yes, the bottom part of mine goes pretty low but it definitely goes above the line of my pants.

  18. Lea

    Awesome tattoo Tracy!!

    I am envious and in awe of you. I've wanted a tat forever but am a chicken shit… lol

    So no I don't have a tattoo an now I'm old and wrinkly so will probably never get one!!

    To quote someone I know and am very fond of "you're the bomb"… 😉


  19. Beautiful tattoo!! I really like it. I've got a tattoo on each ankle. On the right are 3 hearts entwined for my kids and on my left 2 hearts on a vine with roses for hubby and me. I'd love another but haven't figured out what to get yet.

  20. I love it. Anyone who thinks it's too big isn't appreciating its beauty. I think it's funny that you had an eye though. One of my friends got drunk and got the evil eye tattooed on her back- now she's trying to raise money to get it off.

    I have three tats, all stars and gotten in places that were significant in my life. I have a two inch solid black star on my lower right back that I got in Costa Rica, and I have two thumb size star outlines (one on my right ankle and one on my front left hip) that I got in St. Marks Place. If you connect the stars you get a seven! In a year or two I'm adding the words "not all who wander are lost" across my lower back.

  21. If I were to get what I described, it'd be pretty symbolic of me. 🙂

    The Dragon because I was born in the year of the dragon. The cross for my faith. And the Celtic design because of my heritage (some of it anyway). 🙂

    I'm a big believer in tattoos meaning something. If they're there just because…it just doesn't work for me.

    In my WIP (dun-dun-dun) my hero has a pretty significant back tattoo. Oh, I haven't let you read that part, right? lol (don't hate me). The reveal scene is pretty stinkin' sexy and when they finally have sex? Bwa-ha-ha! lol

  22. It's beauuutiful. 🙂 and you are brave! i am such a wuss for pain, I don't think a tattoo is in the cards for me. getting my nose pierced was the apex of what i could handle. heh.

  23. WOW! It's very pretty Tracy! And I'm very impressed that the eye has been covered so well – I can't see any trace of it! And I just love that you included your children's initials 🙂

    No tattoos or piercing here – not sure why. I have been dithering for about 6 years about getting my ears pierced…maybe 2010 is the year?

  24. In my WIP (dun-dun-dun) my hero has a pretty significant back tattoo. Oh, I haven't let you read that part, right?

    Bridget – that's evil, teasing us in that manner 🙂

  25. Lea! You're not old and wrinkly! Silly woman…I've seen pictures so you can't fool me. 🙂 Thanks baby!

    Lily – those tats sound great!

    D.L. – Those sound awesome. I love what you're planning to do! Thanks for sharing.

    Brdiget – That IS very symbolic – love it.
    I personally like when I hear symbolism or stories when it comes to tattoo's but think that for me beauty plays a big role in it as well. Back when I was 25? Not so much, but now, yes. lol For me it's the pleasure that the person with the tattoo gets from the tattoo itself that's the great part about it, whether its completely symbolic or not. But that's me. 🙂

    Sula – You are SO not a wuss! Puhlleeze – I don't think you could pay me enough to get my nose pierced so there ya go! lol

    sarah – thanks Sweetie!

    Orannia – you and my 7 year old will be getting your ears pierced about the same time. haha
    I KNOW! Bridget is the total tease with her WIP! But we love her anyway. 🙂

    Thanks to everyone – you're all so nice. 🙂

  26. Tracy, I'm so embarrassed that I missed this post back in December! I just happened to be scrolling and scrolling through your posts in mobile mode my iphone–which I don't usually do–but it shows a ton of posts all at once and so now I finally saw this!

    Anyway, your tattoo is just beautiful. I love the rose and the initials and the way the artist covered the eye. 🙂

  27. Christine – Thank you! It's lightened up slightly since the picture was taken – since that was 4 days past and now it's been a month – but I still love it better than chocolate! 🙂

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