Guest Review: Lord of the Highlands by Veronica Wolff

Posted December 14, 2009 by Book Binge Guest Blogger in Reviews | 2 Comments

Publisher: Berkley, Penguin
Tracy‘s review of Lord of the Highlands by Veronica Wolff (BEWARE!! She has one of those sites that auto-plays music.)

An online dating service may have pronounced Felicity “unmatchable” but she’s determined-and destined-to find her perfect mate. All it takes is a mystical deck of Tarot cards and suddenly she’s in 17th-century Scotland, smitten by a warrior who must make a daring choice: send Felicity back to her own time, or endanger both their lives.

When Felicity finds a letter in her mail pronouncing her online luuuuuv profile “unmatchable” she’s determined to prove them wrong. She knows there’s someone in the universe out there that was made just for her. She follows her aunts advice, lights a candle and does a tarot reading. When she awakens she is in the year 1658 and riding along on a horse with a beautifl Scottish man.

The man in William Rollo. He is known as a war hero but he is lame from a horse accident that he had when he was 7…caused by his evil brother. Will finds that he can’t stop thinking about Felicity but he is determined to get her back to her own time. He just didn’t expect to fall in love with her.

Felicity is shocked that Will isn’t shocked about the whole time travel issue. Turns out that he’s known several men who have found their true loves with women from the future. Felicity knows she’s needs to stay with Will forever but he keeps saying that he’ll send her back. In the meantime, Will’s evil brother gets Felicity taken away for witchcraft and Will has to save her. Will’s only option is to send her back to her own time to keep her safe.

This is another new-to-me author and one I very much enjoyed. The time travel trope is one I normally enjoy and this one was no different. With Will’s horrible, basically unloved life and his constant proving of his usefullness – due to his legs – I found myself hooked.

Will and Felicity’s relationship didn’t happen right away – there were many weeks in between the meeting and the loving and I found that refreshing. Felicity was bright and cheery most of the time and Will became the man he always could be. It was just a good historical romance. There was some heartwrenching moments near the end but they all ended in the HEA so it was all good. I’ll definitely be reading more from this author.

Rating: 4 out of 5

This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

You can read more from Tracy at Tracy’s Place

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2 responses to “Guest Review: Lord of the Highlands by Veronica Wolff

  1. Lorraine

    I love time travel romances. They’re such a great fantasy for those of us who have trouble meeting Mr. Right.

    Thanks for the great review. Is this a series and if so, should they be read in order?

  2. Hi Lorraine – lol, yes they are a great fantasy. I think time travel would be very cool…too bad I can only read about it. 🙂

    There are 2 time travel books that were written before this one. I didn’t feel like I was missing anything by not reading those first but there was mention of the 2 previous couples in this book. I’d say if you’d like to go for it, but this is a good stand alone. 🙂

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